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Sonepar Enters into an Agreement to Acquire Echo Electric Supply Company


Sonepar has announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire Echo Electric Supply Company.   

Family-owned and operated since 1950, Echo Electric supplies electrical parts, equipment, and services to contractors in the industrial, commercial, and residential markets and ranked in the top 30 of Electrical Wholesaling’s 2024 list of the largest electrical distributors in North America. Operating in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Missouri, Echo Electric will join Sonepar with 23 branch locations and more than 600 associates. 

Headquartered in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Echo Electric will be Sonepar’s seventh acquisition in the Midwest in the last three years. It will be joining companies like Springfield Electric, Richards Electric, Pepco, Holt, Sunrise Electric, and most recently Michigan-based Standard and Madison. 

Rob TaylorPresident of Sonepar Americas, said of the acquisition: 

“We welcome Echo Electric associates into Sonepar and look forward to building upon their reputation as the market leader. Echo Electric is an exceptional distributor with excellent technical expertise, particularly in power distribution and wire management to support state-of-the-art data centers. They have an impressive track record of growth, and we’re excited to continue our expansion across the Midwest together.”  

Mitch LaneCEO of Echo Electric, commented: 

“I’m enormously proud of Echo Electric’s track record as an independent distributor. Sonepar’s approach of combining global resources with a local strategy tailored to the market was important in our decision to join their well-respected organization. We feel Sonepar is a great cultural and strategic fit. I’m deeply appreciative of our employees’ hard work and dedication over the years and look forward to this new chapter for us.” 

The acquisition is scheduled to close by the end of August, subject to regulatory approval. 

Sonepar: A key player in the global push for renewables and energy efficiency in buildings


Electricity and buildings: short-term cycles – long-term ambitions

The market in electrical equipment and systems for buildings can be cyclical. This has been well illustrated in recent times, particularly for the residential segment. Just a few years ago, energy prices had rocketed and inflation was at its highest for many years. Suddenly, it seemed that everyone wanted to install photovoltaic panels (PVs), with manufacturers building capacity in response. But now, interest rates have risen to counter inflation, energy prices have fallen back – and investment in buildings and demand for PVs has fallen, with overcapacity in supply undergoing a correction.

Yet cycles are a short-term phenomenon. The long-term trend for renewables and energy efficiency is relentlessly upward. In fact, the statistics are eye-watering. Governments must plan for increased consumption, with projections of global energy demand increasing by nearly 50% by 2050, compared with 2020[1], and demand for electricity almost doubling[2]. For countries to move away from fossil fuels, achieve their goals on climate change, and maintain a path towards net zero emissions by 2050, global electricity usage needs to grow 20% faster in the next decade than in the previous one[3]. In fact, renewables are likely to account for over 50% of the world’s energy mix by 2050[4]. In addition, grids will need to grow to supply this extra electricity, needing an estimated $3.1tn in investment worldwide by 2030[5]. Leaders have clearly seen the need to respond to this challenge. At COP28, held in Dubai at the end of 2023, over 130 national governments agreed to work together to triple the world’s installed renewable energy capacity to at least 11,000 GW by 2030[6].

Legislation will drive massive demand for investment in renewables, the grid, and energy efficiency – especially in buildings.

Buildings take center stage on renewables and energy efficiency

Buildings are center stage in this push, with the European Union leading the way. They account for 40% of all energy usage in the EU[7] and 36% of its emissions[8]. What’s more, it’s estimated that a staggering 75% of Europe’s buildings are currently energy inefficient5. On renewables, preliminary analysis suggests that implementing the revised, 2024, EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) could result in 56 million homes powered by solar[9], and the union’s solar standard will see panels fitted to new residential buildings by 2029, across the vast rooftop areas of new public buildings by 2026, and to all public buildings by 2030[10].

Putting all this together, the picture is clear. Legislation will drive massive demand for investment in renewables, the grid, and energy efficiency – especially in buildings. And it’s a picture that Sonepar, the world leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions, and services, will be at the center of.

A broad range of customers all sharing common challenges

While world leaders might wish they had one, there is no magic wand to power buildings by renewables or make them energy efficient. It needs both demand from end users, something that will be heavily driven by government initiatives, and an entire supply chain that’s ready to meet it. At the end of the chain, and critical to achieving climate change goals for buildings, are Sonepar’s customers – installers. These companies work in a wide range of segments and through an array of sizes and specialisms. They may be small, medium, or large companies spanning building types that range from housing, to commercial premises, schools, or hospitals. They can be specialized firms working for industrial customers in areas such as control and automation. Or they might be external or in-house teams dedicated to large installations, such as utilities.

The range of players is vast but they share two common challenges. First, in a world bracing for a step change in demand for renewables and energy efficiency, installers increasingly need to work smarter and more efficiently – a challenge brought into sharp focus by the lack of skilled people coming onto the labor market. Second, and critical, is the requirement to maintain know-how in a world of rapidly advancing technologies. This goes hand in hand with the need to be able to install integrated systems, not just individual equipment items. In a world where a commercial customer wants high current chargers for their electric car fleet, fed by solar panels from the roof, with a bank of batteries to store excess energy and reduce demand from the grid at peak times, a traditional electrical services company could easily be left behind.

Sonepar – helping its customers gear up and keep up

As the market leader in electrical components and systems, with €33bn in sales, of which €2Bn are in renewables and 70% come from the buildings sector, increasing numbers of customers are turning to Sonepar to help them meet their challenges. The group has a clear strategy. The core building block is its focus on highly efficient supply chains. Sonepar’s €2.5Bn investment in logistics, spanning 40 countries, and covering 200 warehouses and 25 automated distribution centers, means customers can get exactly what they need, and quickly. In addition, the group’s €1Bn investment in its omnichannel, customer-centric platform, Spark, means they can create and order the packages they need online – cutting both the time to order and the time to site. €11Bn of Sonepar’s sales already happen this way. All this results in greater effectiveness and efficiency as installers gear up for the changes to come.

But Sonepar doesn’t just help its customers gear up – it helps them keep up too. It already offers excellence in supplying them with the equipment and systems they need – whether switches and cables, power distribution, or automation. But it also provides an essential service in offering the technologies and know-how that go with ever-more complex solutions, a need that’s increasing as even generalist installers realize that they too must now become specialists. Sonepar does this through a combination of anticipating and preparing for an integrated future, acquiring the technologies and expertise the market needs, and spreading know-how throughout the group and, ultimately, to its customers.

Sonepar’s aim is to look firmly into the future to enable its customers to install integrated systems, not just their parts.

Anticipating the future through the integrated buildings ecosystem

Sonepar’s aim is to look firmly into the future to enable its customers to install integrated systems, not just their parts. It begins with the idea that electrical equipment for buildings form a complex ecosystem encompassing new technologies and with energy management systems at its heart. Sonepar is investing heavily both in transforming its own operations and in making the concept of the ecosystem mainstream in the sector. It’s also determined that this investment will be made in every one of its companies and across every one of its countries. The group is currently working hard to map the market. It has a specialist task force led by the Netherlands, Germany, and France, the countries that are the most mature in the area, that is focused on transforming Sonepar’s buildings business model towards one of energy management systems and ensuring that this can be rolled out across the group in the future.

Sonepar is also in focused discussions with its key suppliers – to clearly understand both the systems its customers need and which companies will be the right partners to provide them. As well as offering the latest technologies as they come to market, delivering this will see Sonepar move from providing the components for energy in buildings – such as HVAC, lighting control, and energy storage – to providing the software and online licenses for the energy management systems that will integrate these elements into a single ecosystem. But delivering this is no easy task – in some respects, it requires an entirely new business model. Providing, and advising on, tomorrow’s technologies needs expertise, and software for integration must be tailored to each customer and come with ongoing support.

Acquiring the technologies and know-how customers need

One way that Sonepar accelerates this transformation is its policy of strategic acquisitions. These cover the entire buildings ecosystem from renewables to energy efficiency, and from infrastructure to computing. On the software side, in 2021, it took a majority shareholding in Factory Systemes Groupe, a major player in the distribution of software solutions, edge computing, and industrial IoT. Factory Systemes then went on to purchase Wonderware Italia, a leading supplier of industrial software solutions, with a focus on the digital transformation of operations.

On the hardware side, Sonepar has acquired Australian company Electrical Supply Solutions, which specializes in major energy infrastructure, making the group an important player in the pressing need for major grid investments. In 2022, it purchased French distributor, CD-Sud, enhancing its expertise in energy efficiency solutions. The following year saw the group secure a controlling interest in Swedish company Aprilice, which specializes in PV but also brings significant know-how in the associated areas of inverters, energy storage, and software. That same year, it acquired Alliantz, a privately owned distributor of photovoltaics and energy efficiency solutions.

Sonepar’s belief is that the challenges of the new building ecosystem can only be met by the continual transfer of knowledge.

Building expertise across the group

Sonepar’s aim in these acquisitions is not simply to build market share: it is to bring in new business models and expertise and then to scale them across the group. Sonepar’s belief is that the challenges of the new buildings ecosystem can only be met by the continual transfer of knowledge. As well as drawing directly on, and disseminating, the expertise brought by its strategic acquisitions, the company has put in place dedicated Product Management (PM) teams that bring together specialists from across its geographies, and are centered on Europe, Asia Pacific, and South America. And, as Sonepar’s service ultimately relies on its associates on the ground, its people are continually receiving training from key suppliers as equipment and systems for the buildings market evolve rapidly.

Electricity and the buildings sector – an overwhelmingly positive outlook

Regardless of short-term cycles, new government commitments on climate change, and the regulation that involves, will drive a revolution in demand for both renewables and energy efficiency. And it’s a revolution that Sonepar will be at the heart of: helping customers gear up and work smarter through significant supply chain investments; shaping the future of the buildings electrical ecosystem through a move to energy management; gathering the technologies and know-how needed to meet the challenges through strategic acquisitions; and then spreading this expertise throughout the world through dedicated structures. The ambition to tackle emissions is high, and Sonepar aims to be just as ambitious in helping deliver it.

1] Source: US Energy Information Administration (EIA)

[2] Source: International Energy Agency (IEA)

[3] Source: IEA

[4] Source: IEA

[5] Source: Rystad Energy 

[6] Source: COP 28 UEA

[7] Source: IEA

[8] Source: IEA

[9] Source: SolarPower Europe

[10] Source: SolarPower Europe

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Sonepar announces the passing of Roger Monnami


Sonepar is sad to announce the passing of Roger Monnami, one of the Sonepar France’s historic leaders, on June 22nd, at the age of 87.

The death of Roger Monnami, a sacred monster of our industry and of Sonepar, turns a page in the history of our adventure in France. An exceptional man, he was an unfailingly loyal friend, a passionate pioneer and a tireless worker. A builder, he relentlessly developed "his" great South-East Region in France and delivered remarkable performances that helped finance the start of Sonepar's conquest in the USA. He was my first mentor in the business, and his name will remain engraved in my memory, and in that of all the members of our family. Farewell my friend," said Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette, Sonepar Board Chairman.  

Philippe Delpech, Sonepar President commented, “We are very sad about the loss of Roger who will always remain one of Sonepar France’s historic leaders. He grew Sonepar’s business and his focus on performance helped support the Sonepar’s Group conquests worldwide.”

Roger Monnami enjoyed a brilliant 48-year career with Comptoir Lyonnais d'Electricité, including 32 years within Sonepar France, leading the South-East region. He began his career in 1954, as a cashier at Comptoir Lyonnais d'Electricité (CLE) and worked his way up through the ranks. When Sonepar acquired CLE, he met Henri Coisne, Sonepar's founder, and a natural complicity was instantly born between the two men. 

Born in Lyon, Roger Monnami spent many years developing Sonepar in this region by integrating numerous companies that were acquired by the Group. His knowledge of the electrical distribution market helped make Sonepar the region’s uncontested leader.

Roger Monnami also spent a lot of time promoting the Rhône-Alpes region in France. He served on the board of many local academic institutions, including Lyon University. As a founding partner of Lyon's “Fête des Lumières,” Roger played a key role in promoting Lyon as the City of Lights around the world. He was also behind the creation of a revolutionary electrical equipment showroom in Lyon called the “Mat’Electrique", which still exists today and welcomes B-to-B and B-to-C customers.

In recent years, Roger Monnami devoted a lot of his time to passing on his experience to younger generations, with the creation of the Ecole de l'Eclairage (Lighting School). In 2018, he published a book “Voyage au Coeur de la Lumière” (Trip to the Heart of Light), which looked back at his career as an entrepreneur in the electrical distribution business.

In 2001, Roger Monnami was appointed to the rank of Chevalier in the French Merit Order by Jacques Chirac, the then French President.

The Sonepar Group sends its sincere condolences to his wife Mijo, children and grandchildren.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company standing as the world leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions, and services. In 2023, Sonepar achieved sales of €33.3 billion. Present in 40 countries with a dense network of brands, the Group is leading an ambitious transformation to make its customers’ lives easier providing them an omnichannel experience and sustainable solutions in the building, industry, and energy markets. Sonepar’s 45,000 associates are committed to accelerating the world’s electrification and driven by a shared Purpose: Powering Progress for Future Generations. 

Green Offer: Sonepar partners with Hager


We aim to promote our suppliers' best-in-class, most sustainable innovations, to bring further transparency to our product offer and help reduce our impact on the planet.
Sonepar's Green Offer enables our customers to make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint, thanks to our sustainability rating.

Close collaboration with our suppliers is key, as they provide us with verified environmental data about their products, thanks to Life Cycle Assessments which allows us to compare and rate each product.

Today, we're focusing on Hager Group, a leading global family-owned company providing safe and simple solutions for electrical installations in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Founded in 1955, the group has dedicated its innovation and practices to sustainability for decades. Hager is at the forefront of the energy transition today, advancing energy distribution and management, as well as e-mobility. Hager is its internationally renowned major brand, distributed in more than 100 countries through 22 manufacturing sites, and it is listed in our online shop.

Hager Group's sustainability strategy, E3, takes a holistic approach to sustainability. It encompasses three pillars: Ethics, Employees, and Environment. These pillars ensure ethical business practices, foster a healthy and inclusive work environment, and promote the development of safe, reliable, future-proof products. In April 2024, Hager obtained EcoVadis Gold certification, recognizing the Group's holistic sustainability practices.

Environmental sustainability is at the heart of Hager's vision and purpose. In 2023, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) approved Hager Group's short-term science-based climate goals. Since 2022, the group is a member of the German association Klimaschutz Unternehmen e.V., that brings together best-in-class companies pioneering in climate protection.

Hager Group is committed to reducing its operational and product life cycle CO2 emissions and optimizing logistics. At the product level, the company focuses on minimizing packaging waste and plastic, and using more sustainable materials. However, the group's environmental ambition extends beyond its own operations. An essential aspect of Hager Group's sustainability approach is to lower its customers' ecological impact. With the range of products Hager Group offers, the group is a key enabler of the energy transition. Central to the company's mission are:

  • Promoting renewable energy sources by offering storage systems and solutions for more flexible use of renewables.
  • Facilitating the shift to electrical energy with a comprehensive range of products for the electrical infrastructure in buildings.
  • Reducing carbon emissions and costs through monitoring, automated product solutions, and additional services that optimize energy use.

One key pillar of Hager Group’s environmental sustainability efforts is a commitment to EcoDesign, amongst others focusing on alternatives to virgin plastic and pilots a circular economy where innovative approaches and strong partnerships are crucial. Through Hager Group’s partnership with Avient and Plastic Bank, a series of products partly made with ocean-bound plastics has been created.

This year, the group introduced these products with a new product line in France and Spain: Cubyko Leaf.

This range is about reducing plastic waste in the environment, improving global living conditions, extending material lifecycles, and fostering a more sustainable future. The Group plans to introduce this range to two more markets by early next year. In addition, in Germany and the Netherlands, selected products from the W1 line will be enhanced with the recycled ocean-bound plastic. The launch is planned in the coming months.

Sustainability is about caring and acting to protect the planet while making it attractive for operational excellence.

Sonepar and Hager are committed to partnering to offer their customers the best sustainable offers while contributing to the energy transition.

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Sonepar Releases its first Environmental and Energy Transition Policy


Sonepar is committed to a sustainable future: as the leading distributor of energy-efficient products, we are in pole position to pioneer the energy transition and make sustainability a priority, involving all our stakeholders: associates, customers, and suppliers.

Today, we release our first Environmental and Energy Transition Policy to reaffirm our concrete commitments and give you an update on the following, all in one place!

  • Our vision
  • Our Sustainability governance
  • Our Sustainability Strategy and its three pillars
  • Our priorities and commitments
  • Our concrete actions and results


Environmental and Energy Transition Policy

Discover our Sustainability Commitment in one document 

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Sonepar Publishes its 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report


The CSR Report highlights governance and integrity as essential pillars of sustainable growth.

Sonepar is committed to the highest ethical, social and environmental standards. By prioritizing an inclusive work environment, skills development, quality of life at work and associate engagement, Sonepar reinforces its dedication to its People.

As a global leader in the distribution of electrical equipment, the Group has an obligation to promote renewable and energy-efficient solutions, while reducing its carbon footprint through an approach validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) in 2022.

Sonepar’s 45,000 associates are committed to accelerating the world’s electrification and driven by a shared Purpose: Powering Progress for Future Generations

Sonepar maintains a robust commitment to its CSR principles, which is only reinforced with the reveal of our Purpose. Working alongside our stakeholders and associates, we are affirming our role in the electrical value chain and fostering a company culture that is open to all and that transforms our differences into strengths in support of sustainable performance,” Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Read our CSR report based on the Sonepar Group’s long-term strategy.

240418 Behind the Counter Episode 1 Australia

Behind the Counter: Discover Sonepar's Passionate Teams Working in our Branches


In Sonepar’s Behind the Counter series, we are travelling around the world to meet the teams in our branches who are at the heart of our business, dedicated to delivering exceptional service to our customers every day.

Sonepar’s 2,400 branches worldwide work with the same objective: providing our customers with the best omnichannel experience - over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, working with them side-by-side.

Head to our dedicated Youtube Playlist to watch the episodes filmed in Austalia, Germany, Canada, France and more! 

At Sonepar, we champion fair career development, ensuring the right fit for every role, and empowering our teams to thrive in a diverse and inclusive working environment.  

To know more about job opportunities at Sonepar, head over to our Career’s page: Careers at Sonepar

Sonepar India, Belden India, and Hitachi Rail Signs New Signaling Contract for the Chennai Metro


Hitachi Rail, Belden India, and Sonepar have signed a new contract to implement the new Chennai Metro signaling system.

This ambitious project will cover three new corridors spanning a total length of 120 kilometers, and 113 elevated and underground stations, and three depots.

Chennai, the capital city of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu is located on the Coromandel Coast off the Bay of Bengal. It is one of the biggest industrial and commercial centers of South India and a major cultural, economic, and educational hub. The city is divided into four broad regions: north, central, south, and west, and is home to a growing number of information technology firms, financial companies, and call centers.

Hitachi Rail was first awarded the contract to install the signaling and train control system that will allow the operation of driverless trains by Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) in 2022, which has now brought in Belden Inc. and Sonepar India to orchestrate the design, engineering, installation, testing, communication, and video management system crucial for seamless operation.

The system will also integrate the functions of the automatic train movements in the depots, and platform screen doors, as well as the functioning of passenger information and display systems. The system also enables real-time streaming of video for management, monitoring, and control from a centralized operation control center (OCC). This vast undertaking, structured as a 10-phase endeavor, is slated for completion by the culmination of 2026 or the dawn of 2027.

The project introduces a 100% electrical metro system to alleviate road congestion and promote efficient public transit in Chennai. These corridors promise enhanced accessibility, fuel savings, reduced road construction and maintenance costs, lower vehicle operating expenses, time savings, and improved quality of life.

Central to the project's success is the mission-critical aspect of ensuring efficient signal transfer, imperative for the safe operation of trains operating at high speeds. Amit Dembi leads the project as the Business Head of Automation, stated, “This collaboration marks a significant milestone in advancing urban transportation infrastructure. Together, we're committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions for a smarter, more connected Chennai Metro.”

For Sonepar India, this venture marks the culmination of a longstanding collaboration with Belden, dating back to 2015. Leveraging their partnership, Sonepar India and Belden have been instrumental in shaping India's transportation landscape in renewing 80% of India's metro system.

Drawing from their extensive experience, for Sonepar India and Belden this endeavor signifies a significant escalation in scale and scope, representing the culmination of years of collaboration and expertise. As the Chennai Metro project progresses, it emphasizes the crucial role of strategic partnerships in shaping the future of transportation infrastructure.

Get the latest industry news from across the Sonepar network! Follow Sonepar Industry.

240325 Panorama photo

Sonepar at a Glance: Check Out the 2024 Panorama


Sonepar’s 2024 Panorama presents the annual, global overview of our activities, key figures, as well as editorials from Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette and CEO Philippe Delpech.

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company standing as the world leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions, and services. The Group is leading an ambitious transformation to make our customers’ lives easier, providing them with an omnichannel experience and sustainable solutions. Our 45,000 associates are all driven by a shared Purpose: Powering Progress for Future Generations

240325 Panorama photo
240325 Panorama photo


Discover Sonepar at a glance, its activities, key figures, worldwide presence and strategic plan.

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Sonepar Announces Acquisitions of Madison Electric Company and Standard Electric Company


The two Michigan-based companies will add 36 locations to the Sonepar network.

Sonepar announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire the Michigan-based distributors, Madison Electric Company and Standard Electric Company.

Family-owned and operated since Madison’s founding in 1914, and Standard’s in 1929, Madison and Standard are full-line distributors of electrical and industrial products and services to its contractor and industrial customers, and distribute into, and service, the HVAC and plumbing markets.

With headquarters in Warren and Saginaw, Michigan, Madison and Standard have over 550 associates and 36 locations across the state. Combined, Madison and Standard sales were approximately $400M in 2023.

Rob Taylor, President of Sonepar Americas, said of the acquisition:

Madison and Standard have achieved a position as one of the leaders within the 10th largest electrical distribution market in the US. They have an outstanding reputation across Michigan built on lasting customer relationships and have positioned the business and their associates for long-term growth. These companies fit strategically within Sonepar’s Midwest footprint and have a strong culture with talented associates that we welcome to the team.”

Brett Schneider, President of Madison Electric, and Bill Gray, President of Standard Electric, said in a joint statement:

Currently run by the 4th generation of our family, we are incredibly proud of our combined 200+ years of history and achievement in the electrical distribution business. The expertise of our associates, the loyalty of our customers, and the partnerships with our suppliers have brought us to this moment. We are excited about the ways in which our companies will grow with additional Sonepar capabilities, resources, and investments. We chose them because of their alignment to our own culture, values, and belief in our potential. We look forward to the next chapter for our associates, and for Sonepar, as we bring their great company into Michigan.”  

The acquisition is expected to close by the end of April, pending regulatory review.

Sonepar Launches its Purpose: Powering Progress for Future Generations


Paris, March 18, 2024 – Sonepar, the world leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions, and services announces it has launched its Purpose: “Powering Progress for Future Generations.” This Purpose encapsulates the long-term objectives of Sonepar’s business by defining six bold commitments by 2028 around continuous education, sustainable customer journey, product circularity, gender balance and communities.

Sonepar has built an undisputed leadership position in B-to-B electrical product distribution, systems and services thanks to a unique combination of being family-owned, with a long-term horizon, best-in-class leadership, an engaged workforce, and demanding ethical standards. The Group has grown fast in many fields, completed more than 200 acquisitions over the past 20 years and it shares the same culture and values in the 40 countries it operates.  

As our DNA, the Purpose will bring us closer: stating why we exist will be the foundation of our common ground and will express our contribution to the world. It is the result of a journey started in 2022, with broad consultations over several months involving our stakeholders: shareholders, associates, suppliers, customers.

"Sonepar’s Purpose will be the bridge between our past and our future, directing our roots into a new direction,” said CEO Philippe Delpech during a keynote addressing 45,000 associates worldwide.

Sonepar’s Purpose is rooted into its core activities through six impactful, group-wide bold commitments, engaging associates and stakeholders around common initiatives and goals:

  • Continuous Education: by 2028, Sonepar intends to provide annual sustainability training for all associates. Our salesforce will be the best trained in the electrical distribution industry to promote sustainable solutions.
  • Sustainable Customer Journey: by 2028, Sonepar intends to provide each customer with the lowest CO2 alternative for every quotation.
  • Product Circularity: by 2028, Sonepar intends to use 100% of packaging coming from recycled materials and to recycle 100% of products returned to Sonepar by customers.
  • Gender Balance: by 2028, Sonepar intends to annually recruit at least 40% of women into its workforce.
  • Communities: by 2028, Sonepar intends to create the Sonepar Powering Community Program in every country in which it operates. This program will create and support dedicated education projects in its ecosystem, give opportunities to vulnerable people, and provide aid during natural disasters.
  • Sharing: recognize the contribution of Sonepar’s associates to the success of the transformation.



Sonepar’s Purpose is rooted into its core activities through six impactful, group-wide bold commitments, engaging associates and stakeholders around common initiatives and goals.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company standing as the world leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions, and services. In 2023, Sonepar achieved sales of €33.3 billion. Present in 40 countries with a dense network of brands, the Group is leading an ambitious transformation to make its customers’ lives easier providing them an omnichannel experience and sustainable solutions in the building, industry, and energy markets. Sonepar’s 45,000 associates are committed to accelerating the world’s electrification and driven by a shared Purpose: Powering Progress for Future Generations. 

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer & Sustainability

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Key Figures Sonepar Group_English (2) (1) (1)

Sonepar Announces 2023 Key Figures


Sonepar, the world leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions, and services has reported sales of €33.3 Bn for the year ended December 31, 2023.   

In 2023, Sonepar grew faster than the market and completed 13 acquisitions, mainly in the USA, representing 1,143 new associates. These acquisitions generate in aggregate approximately €1 Bn in annual sales. 

The Group continued to leverage its transformation on a global scale, making progress in sustainability, social responsibility, supply chain, and digital. Its omnichannel platform achieved over €1 Bn in sales and is now live in six countries. As part of its supply chain modernization program, Sonepar completed 10 automation projects in Distribution Centers around the world.   

Sonepar serves the largest community of installers, industry, and infrastructures, and its Green Offer, the first indicator in the industry to compare environmental performance at the product level, is now live in six countries. The Group is a world leader in sales of energy-efficient products and solutions. In 2023, it achieved €2 Bn sales of Renewable Energy related products and has been awarded by EcoVadis, the world’s largest provider of sustainability ratings, a bronze rating in sustainability, placing it in the top 15% of companies in the wholesale of machinery and equipment industry. 

In 2023, 90% of Sonepar’s associates stated that they are proud to work for their company, and for the first time, the Group was ranked in the Financial Times’ “Leaders of Diversity” list. Eager to attract new talent to support its ambitious transformation, Sonepar aims to build an inclusive organization leveraging all differences as strengths to power sustainable performance. 

“2023 could be summarized in two words: stability and agility. We continued the deployment of our strategy, and, against a backdrop of economic slowdown, our teams have demonstrated exceptional adaptability to deliver remarkable performance. We delivered our best year ever in terms of sales, and one of the milestones of 2023 was undoubtedly the declaration of our purpose reflecting our CSR commitments and unifying the Group for the decades to come”, stated Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO

2023 Sonepar Group Key Figures 

Leading the market: 

  • #1 world leader 

  • €33.3 Bn sales 

  • €11 Bn online sales 

With a powerful network: 

  • 40 countries 

  • 45,000 associates 

  • 85% engagement rate 

  • 80 brands 

  • 180 distribution centers 

  • 2,400 branches 

For a positive impact: 

  • Green Offer live in 6 countries 

  • €2 Bn sales of Renewable Energy products 

  • 2030 climate targets validated by the SBTi 

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Picture Sonepar GO x Eaton

Green Offer: Sonepar partners with Eaton


We aim to promote our suppliers' best-in-class, most sustainable innovations, to bring further transparency to our product offer and help reduce our impact on the planet.

Sonepar's Green Offer enables our customers to make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint, thanks to our sustainability rating.

Close collaboration with our suppliers is key, as they provide us with verified environmental data about their products, through Life Cycle Assessments which allow us to compare and rate each product.

Today, we're focusing on Eaton, a global intelligent power management company dedicated to improving the quality of life and protecting the environment for people everywhere. Eaton is guided by its commitment to do business right, to operate sustainably and to help customers manage power ─ today and well into the future. By capitalizing on the global growth trends of electrification and digitalization, Eaton is accelerating the planet’s transition to renewable energy, helping to solve the world’s most urgent power management challenges. For more than 100 years, Eaton teams have helped people work more safely, be more energy efficient and live more sustainably. 

You can find out more about Eaton’s approach to sustainability on their website here.

Positive Impact Framework (PIF)

At Eaton, working sustainably has long been part of the company approach to manufacturing electrical products. Developed in 2019, Eaton’s Positive Impact Framework (PIF) is a continuous improvement commitment that helps minimize the environmental impact of new product development, setting the engineering framework to move beyond statutory compliance requirements while ensuring higher efficiency, safety, and reliability of products and solutions supplied to customers.

The Positive Impact Framework is embedded into Eaton’s new product development methodology and specific goals have been set by senior management that every new product launched must have an improved sustainability performance compared to its predecessor or market average.

As a result, Eaton’s PIF received the 2022 Digital Engineering Award and was recognized as a Top Sustainability Initiative in the Champion category. As a result of the PIF adoption within Eaton, the average carbon footprint indexed within our Electrical Sector has been reduced over the last two years by almost 10% of CO2 emission equivalents.

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Eaton’s xPole PLSM or PLS6 Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) are one of many examples of sustainable solutions available to customers on the Sonepar’s e-shop and in the company portfolio. To be prepared for the future, Eaton is not relying on a solution for the existing standards and situations, but on a sustainable and safe electrical installation for the coming decades.

The xPole PLSM or PLS6 are best in class MCBs, equipped with both a thermal and an electromagnetic release mainly for use in commercial or residential applications. Depending on the device it has 10 kA (PLSM), or 6 kA (PLS6) rated breaking capacity and is tested according to IEC/EN 60898-1. With some special features like a three position DIN-rail clip and a comprehensive range of accessories, installers get everything they need for a safe and quick installation.

Discover the product family here and access the product range catalogs: PLS6 range catalog and PLSM range catalog.

Sonepar and Eaton are working together to champion the innovation of sustainable solutions on the market.

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Sonepar and Siemens Forge Partnership in Singapore's Automation Sector


Sonepar and Siemens have joined forces in Singapore, marking a significant step forward in the region's industrial landscape.

The collaboration began in October 2023, when Sonepar was named the primary partner for Siemens' Electrical Products Business Unit in Singapore. Expanding upon this foundation, Sonepar further solidified its role by bridging connections with Siemens' Factory Automation and Process Automation Business Units by December of the same year.

Today, Sonepar proudly represents a comprehensive suite of Siemens products, including the SIMATIC Industrial Automation system, WinCC software, the SINOVA portfolio and the SCALANCE Network Solutions. This product range equips businesses across Singapore with the latest technology in automation and digitalization, facilitating improved productivity, sustainability, and operational efficiency.   

Hun Leng Loo, General Manager at Sonepar in Singapore, stated, “This partnership is a strategic fusion of Sonepar's distribution capabilities and Siemens’ technological expertise in automation and digitalization. By leveraging each other's strengths, both companies aim to provide enhanced value to customers in Singapore's automation sector.”

Together, Sonepar and Siemens are poised to contribute to the evolution of Singapore's industrial landscape, offering practical solutions that address the evolving needs of businesses in the region.


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Green Offer: Sonepar Partners with Schneider


We aim to promote our suppliers' best-in-class, most sustainable innovations, to bring further transparency to our product offer and help reduce our impact on the planet.

Sonepar's Green Offer enables our customers to make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint, thanks to our sustainability rating.

Close collaboration with our suppliers is key, as they provide us with verified environmental data about their products, thanks to Life Cycle Assessments which allows us to compare and rate each product.

Here, we're focusing on Schneider Electric, a world leading technology innovator, specialising in digital automation and energy management.

Schneider Electric products can be found in homes, data centers, buildings and infrastructure around the world, providing cutting edge solutions that combine advanced energy technologies with real-time automation and innovative software.

Sustainability is core to Schneider Electric’s purpose, culture and business. In 2005, Schneider Electric was the first to monitor its impact on people, planet and profit with an industry-leading sustainability barometer.

Its commitment to sustainability has been recognised with placements in the Corporate Knights’ Global 100 list of Most Sustainable Corporations in the World for 12 years in a row. The company’s Climate Strategy and its commitment to environmental transparency was also one of the first to be validated in accordance with SBTi* Corporate Net-Zero Standard in 2022.

To encourage greater efforts and have wider impact, the Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) 2021-2025 program aims to accelerate the company sustainability efforts while giving more people access to energy and equal opportunities.

Today, 75% of Schneider Electric’s products meet the requirements of its Green Premium label – label introduced by the company in 2008 as a method of communicating which individual products could best support homeowners, building managers, architects, distributors, or original equipment manufacturers with achieving their sustainability goals.

The foundations of Green Premium label are the compliance of all Green Premium products to the most rigorous environmental regulations as well as providing full transparency on environmental impact of the product through a Product Environmental Profile (PEP).

A good example is Schneider Electric’s latest Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) Smart-UPS Ultra, which are designed with circularity in mind and offer best-in-class carbon reduction. Key to this is the use of lower-impact materials and a focus on efficiency, durability and repairability.

The Smart-UPS Ultra can help companies work towards their sustainability goals, with a 7% reduction in embodied CO2, 75% of its aluminium from certified recycled sources, up to 2.5 times more power density and 3 times longer battery life.

Sonepar and Schneider Electric are working together to champion the innovation of sustainable solutions.

*Science Based Targets initiative

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2023.12.13 GEEIS Trophy image.png

Sonepar Awarded the GEEIS-SDG Trophy for Gender Equality


Sonepar has been awarded the GEEIS-SDG Trophy for Gender Equality thanks to its professional insertion program for women in Chile.

The program, led by Sonepar Chile in partnership with suppliers Nexans and Schneider Electrics, along with local NGO RedMaestra, was first launched in 2022. During this first edition, 20 women who were seeking professional reconversion or financial independence were successfully trained as certified electricians in the Santiago area.

The women were offered training and certified as electricians in basic and advanced courses, workshops, internship programs, and attended inspiring talks from women of Sonepar on how to thrive in this market. All of them are now qualified professionals in the industry, working for companies or launching their own businesses.

In 2023, the program expanded to other regions of Chile, and now 60 additional women benefit from it. Inspired by the Chilean initiative, Sonepar Perú also launched, a similar initiative program together with Nexans called, “Soy mujer, soy electricista” (“I am a woman, I am an electrician”).

The GEEIS-SDG Trophy awards companies holding the GEEIS certification who not only respect local laws on gender equality, but go above and beyond by implementing equal processes and good practices.

Sonepar is committed to very high ethical, social, and environmental standards and ensures associates a diverse and inclusive working environment.

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Sonepar Accelerates its Partnership with Wallbox, Driving Towards the Future of Energy Transition


Sonepar, the world’s leading B-to-B distributor of electrical products, solutions, and related services, is accelerating its partnership with Wallbox, a leading provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging and energy management solutions worldwide, by closing their ninth local partnership with Elektroskandia Sverige, A Sonepar Company, in Sweden.

This partnership aims to drive the energy transition by granting installers access to cutting-edge, user-friendly, and efficient charging solutions. The EV charging market is on an electrifying trajectory, with growth figures reshaping the transportation landscape. Sonepar and Wallbox established their partnership in 2022, and their joint efforts have since resulted in growth into multiple new countries, including the USA, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, France, Canada, Austria, the Netherlands, and now Sweden.

Equipped with Wallbox’s extensive portfolio of AC and DC electric vehicle charging and energy management solutions for residential, commercial, and public segments - areas where Sonepar is continuing to grow - the Group is enabling its customer base to provide end-users with the necessary tools to deliver a best-in-class EV charging experience, monitor energy consumption, save costs, and operate in a more sustainable manner.

Artur Puzinas, International Market Director, Sonepar stated, “Sonepar is uniquely positioned at the heart of the electrical ecosystem, where transport plays a pivotal role in accelerating the energy transition. Our collaboration with Wallbox, esteemed eMobility experts, is pivotal in navigating this transformative journey. Wallbox's expertise and innovation are evident in their comprehensive portfolio of charging and energy management systems. We believe they align with the Group's ambitious and strategic goal of becoming a key industry player, championing the transition to low waste, energy-efficient solutions.”

This collaboration supports Sonepar’s ambitious sustainability agenda, of which their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

"At Wallbox we are excited to partner with Sonepar, the world leader in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment and services," said Douglas Alfaro, Chief Business Officer at Wallbox. "Sonepar's logistics and supply chain excellence, coupled with our state-of-the-art EV charging and energy management solutions, will allow both companies to accelerate the transition to EVs by broadening access to high-quality charging infrastructure through meaningful local partnerships."

Sonepar and Wallbox are committed to driving innovation and sustainability within the electrical industry. Together, we are poised to shape a more sustainable future for all.

About Wallbox

Wallbox is a global technology company, dedicated to changing the way the world uses energy. Wallbox creates advanced electric vehicle charging and energy management systems that redefine the relationship between users and the network. Wallbox goes beyond charging electric vehicles to give users the power to control their consumption, save money and live more sustainably. Wallbox offers a complete portfolio of charging and energy management solutions for residential, semi-public, and public use in more than 115 countries around the world. Founded in 2015 in Barcelona, where the company’s headquarters are located, Wallbox currently has offices across Europe, Asia, and America. For more information, visit 

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Illuminating Heritage: Sonepar's Sustainable Transformation of the Santa Teresa y San José Church in Madrid


Sonepar in Spain is currently involved in a significant project in the heart of Madrid – the lighting renovation of Santa Teresa y San José Church located in the city’s Plaza España. This 20th-century church, designed by architect Jesús Carrasco Muñoz, holds the status of ‘Asset of Cultural Interest’.

The Plaza España area has seen landscaping and urban planning changes in recent years, becoming a cultural hub through city council-promoted events. The church's renovation reflects the evolving character of its surroundings.

Led by project leaders Carolina Corral and Nestor Díez Solera, their design proposition for the project revolved around three key principles: indirect lighting, general lighting, and accent lighting. Indirect lighting uses projectors and linear luminaires to highlight architectural elements, emphasizing the spatial dimensions of the church. General lighting is focused on practical areas such as the central nave, including benches and reading areas around the altar. Accent lighting aims to emphasize specific features like carvings, the dome, and paintings.

The use of top-tier luminaires with high color reproduction and versatile optics is a practical choice, allowing for precise lighting control while minimizing energy consumption.

Beyond the aesthetic considerations, the lighting renovation also prioritizes energy efficiency, aligning with the city’s energy-saving goals. Switching to LED technology reduces energy consumption by 60% and lowers maintenance needs. Additionally, a wireless control system using Bluetooth addresses architectural challenges and adapts dynamically to the church's usage, resulting in an 80% increase in energy savings.

Nestor Díez Solera, Lighting Project Manager at Sonepar in Spain stated, “Through the illumination of the Santa Teresa y San José Church, we are not only illuminating history; we are harmonizing the past with the present, contributing to preserving a brighter and more energy-efficient tomorrow for both the church and the city.”

Discover more projects we've had the honor of being a part of!

2023.11.27 Diversity Leaders Financial Times (1)

Sonepar recognized as a Diversity Leader by The Financial Times


For the first time, Sonepar has been ranked in the The Financial Times’ Diversity Leaders list published on November 19th 2023.

Since 2019, The Financial Times has been running a yearly ranking in partnership with Statista to identify the 850 companies that have excelled in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace for their associates. Sonepar is ranked sixth in the Wholesale category.

The list is based on independent surveys of more than 100,000 associates from companies that employ at least 250 people across 16 European countries. They were asked to assess their own employer’s diversity and inclusion practices, but also to give their perception of those adopted by other prominent employers in their respective industries.

Sonepar’s presence in the ranking reflects our commitment and continuous efforts to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace. We believe in creating a work environment where everyone can feel safe, use their voice, and feel that they belong, giving particular focus on promoting women, and people with diverse backgrounds and disabilities to grow within the organization.  

Discover more about Sonepar’s Diversity and Inclusion commitment: Diversity and Inclusion | Sonepar

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2023.11.22 Ecovadis Group

EcoVadis Awards Sonepar Group the Bronze Rating in Sustainability


The independent analysis company EcoVadis has awarded Sonepar Group their bronze rating, for its developments in sustainability.

Sonepar is in the top 15% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Wholesale of machinery and equipment industry.

EcoVadis' mission is to provide the world’s most-trusted sustainability ratings, enabling all businesses to reduce risk, drive performance, and improve environmental and social outcomes.

EcoVadis' assessment focuses on four areas:

  • Environment
  • Labor and human rights
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable procurement

It is the first Ecovadis’ recognition for the Group; however, the company has already rated several Sonepar countries in the past:

  • Brazil and Canada were awarded the bronze rating;
  • Switzerland, France Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic and the UK the silver rating;
  • Finland and Belgium the gold rating;
  • Sweden the platinum rating.

Sonepar is uniquely positioned at the heart of the electrical ecosystem. As the world leader in the B2B distribution of electrical products, solutions and services, we champion a more responsible future, nurture best environmental practices, and encourage the transition to low waste, clean energy solutions.

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Meeting Customers’ Needs In A Booming eMobility Market


Twenty-five years ago, electric cars, and eMobility in general, seemed like futuristic pipe dreams. Not anymore.

The days when countries could count their numbers of electric vehicles in their hundreds have given way to a booming mass market.

In this white paper, delve into Sonepar's role in the electric revolution and its impact on the electrified transportation market, and how our solutions can help reduce carbon emissions.

Download Whitepaper

"Meeting Customers’ Needs In A Booming eMobility Market"

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Sonepar Reinforces its HVAC Expertise with the Acquisition of Hydeclim


Sonepar announced the acquisition of Hydeclim, a French specialist in the distribution of equipment and solutions for air conditioning and air treatment.

Paris, November 2, 2023 - Based in Nantes, Hydeclim employs 50 people and has a network of 4 agencies located in Western France (Nantes, Caen and Tours) and Northern France (Lille). Since its creation in 1993, the company has offered its HVAC customers high-performance solutions for air conditioning, heat pumps, humidity control, ventilation and air diffusion, for both commercial and residential applications.

Following on from the Group's recent French acquisitions - notably Alliantz (photovoltaics) and CD Sud (HVAC: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) - this operation will enable Sonepar to expand in the HVAC market and extend its offering to air conditioning and heating installers, particularly in Western and Northern France. This is a key growth area for Sonepar France, whose HVAC business generated sales of over EUR 320 million in 2022, thanks to its existing network of 55 branches throughout France.

"Expanding our market share in the HVAC sector is a strategic priority for the development of Sonepar's Specialist Division in France. As such, I am delighted that Hydeclim is joining our group, bringing its expertise and territorial coverage to our rapidly expanding national specialist network," commented Olivier Khaida, Managing Director of Sonepar France's specialist distribution network.

"For Hydeclim and its committed and passionate employees, this is recognition of their expertise and added value. The integration of Hydeclim into Sonepar's Specialist Division will enable us to offer our customers ever more effective solutions and services, drawing on the Group's considerable resources and means. It is also an opportunity for all the employees who will be joining the Sonepar family," concluded Christian Lefeuvre, Chairman of Hydeclim.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 44,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €32.4 billion in 2022. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we are needed.  

In France, Sonepar has a network of 500 branches and 6 logistics platforms spread across mainland France and French overseas territories. Sonepar France recorded sales of €2.8 billion in 2022 and employs 5,500 associates. For more information:  

About Hydeclim

Founded in 1993, Hydeclim is an independent regional distributor, expert in air conditioning, heat pump heating, humidity control, ventilation and air diffusion solutions for commercial and residential applications.

The company employs 50 people and has 4 branches located in Western and Northern France.

Media Contacts

Sonepar France:

Marie Elissalde - +33 6 37 18 10 18


Etienne Brunot - +33 6 60 04 07 60

Clémence Duval - +33 6 08 21 74 58

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Sonepar Launches the New Automation Pro App in Italy


Launched in May 2023 and already up and running with 40 satisfied customers, this remarkable app streamlines system automation configuration in just a few clicks.

The Challenge

The demand for industrial automation is steadily increasing due to the need for more efficient operations, quicker time-to-market, and optimized labor utilization. Customers are seeking partners, not just suppliers, to assist them in swiftly configuring the necessary systems.

Enter Automation Pro

In Italy, Sonepar's Automation Pro app, developed in collaboration with Logbot, now simplifies system management. It offers an innovative development environment allowing customers to create smart, user-friendly interfaces for configuring automation functions in industrial plants and buildings.

The app caters to both installers and end-users with its user-friendly dashboards and customizable configurations for remote monitoring.

Automation Pro can seamlessly interact with machinery, production lines, PLC systems, network analyzers, and electronic boards. Designed for the industrial market, it complies with the highest safety standards and adheres to specific industrial regulations and protocols.

This versatile application can be employed for controlling and maintaining automation systems in heat pumps, hydroelectric power plants, professional coffee machines, purifiers, compactors, air conditioners, saunas, and more. Its cloud software can monitor and analyze a wide range of parameters, issuing immediate alerts if anomalies are detected.

Customer Results

Manufacturers of industrial appliances for sectors like hospitality, HVAC, and electromedical devices can harness the power of Automation Pro. This allows them to offer customers machine maintenance, preventing breakdowns or downtime while ensuring peak performance.

Additionally, manufacturers can explore new business models, such as subscription services and one-off product sales. Notable benefits include:

  • Analytics and dashboards using no-code technology;
  • Reduced time-to-market and low start-up costs;
  • Compatibility with pre-tested hardware gateways by Logbot;
  • Access to a vast network of certified system integrators;
  • Integration with advanced AI and PowerBi analysis tools;
  • Exceptional security standards with AES256 encryption and a Layer2 VPN tunnel for remote assistance.

End-users also reap the rewards with:

  • A fast, always-available user experience through the app;
  • The ability to connect to products from anywhere;
  • Compatibility with Ethernet, WiFi, or LTE connections;
  • Prompt and efficient customer service.

Even the general public can enjoy the benefits of the app. Did you forget to start the washing machine? Do you want to monitor your energy consumption? All of this can be easily managed with a few taps on your smartphone.

Giovanni Tosin, Industrial Automation Market Director at Sonepar, explains, "All suppliers are currently embracing cutting-edge solutions. The future is moving towards an open-source strategy. Our Automation Pro app is ideal for new machines developed by computer engineers, but it also appeals to older markets and electricians who prefer a straightforward no-code solution. The best part is that our customers have embraced the app without our support, thanks to its simplicity and the ability to customize it according to their branding."

Follow Sonepar's LinkedIn page dedicated to Industry! 

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Dimensional Supports Cipatex in Industry 4.0 Adoption with Predictive Digital Maintenance Solution


Dimensional in Brazil has played an integral role in supporting its customer's move to Industry 4.0, and the adoption of a solution capable of detecting depletion and equipment failures thanks to artificial intelligence.

Machine downtime can cost thousands in losses. With a focus on serving industrial clients with advanced and efficient solutions, Dimensional, a Sonepar company in Brazil, has developed a predictive digital tool that enables customers to monitor their machine operations and predict maintenance needs or potential stoppages.

The Challenge

For the past ten years, Cipatex, a leader in the development of PVC and PU laminates used across the textile industry, has been implementing measures focused on digital technology, automation, and modernization, always with an emphasis on the concept of Industry 4.0.

Significant investments were made to propel Cipatex into this process, but there was a definite need to adopt a predictive system to reduce losses, optimize processes, and integrate technologies.

"The process of adapting and restructuring for 4.0 operations at Cipatex over the past ten years involved pursuing automation. We implemented new systems, trained our employees, and carried out numerous joint actions across various company sectors to meet the needs of the new industrial era. However, adopting the digital predictive platform emerged as another important step in this evolution," explains Antonio Carlos Ribeiro, Maintenance Manager at Cipatex.

For this to become a reality, the company needed a strong local partner who understood their business, provide on-site equipment and field services, ensure a quality control system, offer technological solutions for predictive machinery management, and provide a reliable and committed 24/7 team.

Cipatex advances in the industry 4.0 process

Dimensional's Service team was poised to support Cipatex in preventing machinery downtime by proposing innovative, on-demand solutions. With the aim of combining their services and delivering solutions that assist customers in the evolution of Industry 4.0, Dimensional developed its predictive platform, D+Brain. This solution is capable of alerting customers to any issues related to factors such as temperature, vibration, current, and equipment voltage, preventing emergency machine stoppages.

Thanks to this solution, Cipatex could gain access to preventative field services and advanced technological resources that enabled real-time online monitoring and telematics of its industrial equipment.

D+Brain Solution

D+Brain enables remote control and predictive maintenance for machines, preventing costly downtime. It connects to customer equipment, monitors it, and issues warnings before potential breakdowns, ensuring continuous operation. This technology also supports efficient preventative maintenance, reducing production losses, and enhancing sustainability by cutting costs on inputs, labor, and energy.

Real-time machinery control and early warnings, even within critical limits, may sound futuristic, but with Dimensional’s D+Brain, it's daily practice for our clients. D+Brain is continuously evolving, and there are even plans for Dimensional to open a new facility intended for direct customer interaction via equipment test areas or digital twin emulation.

Customer benefits

Dimensional’s industrial services and long-term support have significantly reduced costs, losses, and downtime at Cipatex, ensuring process optimization and technology integration.

Through sensors, D+Brain monitors the "health" of the company's machinery, checks its status, predicts downtime, and warns if equipment is about to fail even before it presents a problem. Everything is monitored and resolved in real-time, increasing operational efficiency, productivity, and competitive advantages.

Practical example

A warning issued by D+Brain prevented the burning out of an inverter at Cipatex. The equipment was heading towards overheating, and the alert allowed the company to take early action, avoiding machine breakdown and a production line stoppage that is essential for the business. Machine breakdown could generate significant costs, as a new model costs around R$ 800,000, and repairs could cost approximately R$ 100,000, according to Everton Carrer Ribeiro, Industrial Automation Coordinator at Cipatex, he stated, "The equipment was heading towards overheating, and the alert allowed the company to take early action, avoiding not only machine breakdown but also a production line stoppage that is essential for the business.”

For Cipatex, adopting this digital predictive solution emerged as another critical step in the evolution of its business, preventing numerous problems caused by interruptions in a production line due to equipment failures, such as delivery delays, inventory shortages, and lost revenue. In the era of Industry 4.0, such situations are no longer acceptable.

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New Appointments: President APAC and Member of the Executive Committee, President Sonepar Iberica


Jean-Cyrille Verspieren appointed President Sonepar Asia Pacific, member of the Sonepar Executive Committee

Jean-Cyrille Verspieren, currently President Sonepar Iberica, will be appointed President Sonepar Asia-Pacific as of January 1st, 2024. He will report to Philippe Delpech, Sonepar’s CEO and will become a member of the Sonepar Executive Committee.

After spending a few years in Spain during his childhood, Jean-Cyrille graduated from ESCAE Clermont Ferrand (France) in Business Administration. He started his career in Marketing in the automotive industry.

Jean-Cyrille joined Sonepar France in 1996 as a Sales Representative and became a Branch Manager in 1999. In 2004, he took over the role of Sonepar France Key Account Manager and in 2006 he was appointed Head of France DIY Business and then France Regional Director for Paris area in 2010. In 2014 he joined the Southern Europe Region as Business Development Director. In May 2017, he was appointed President Sonepar France Overseas business managing 7 territories. In 2018, Jean-Cyrille was appointed President of Sonepar Iberica.

Jean-Cyrille developed during his career a deep knowledge of our various markets and countries, working internationally with many of the teams. His deep knowledge of Sonepar business, his team spirit and his strong passion for people will be key to managing the Asia Pacific region.

Barbara Garcia Floren appointed President Sonepar Iberica

Barbara Garcia Floren will be appointed President Sonepar Iberica (Spain and Portugal) as of January 1st, 2024, reporting to Jerome Malassigne, President Western Europe.

Barbara was born in Spain, graduated from University de Oviedo (Spain), Bradford University and holds a master’s degree from Bordeaux University in Banking, Finance and International Business. Barbara joined Sonepar as a Financial Controller in 2000. Since then, her career has developed by holding numerous Sonepar headquarter positions that have enabled her to acquire a unique knowledge about Sonepar’s processes and organization plus about the electrical industry market.

In April 2021, she was appointed SVP Sonepar Merger & Acquisitions and CEO Office, member of the Sonepar Executive Committee.

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Green Offer: Sonepar partners with LEDVANCE


We aim to promote our suppliers' best-in-class, most sustainable innovations, to bring further transparency to our product offer and help reduce our impact on the planet.

Sonepar's Green Offer enables our customers to make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint, thanks to our sustainability rating.

Close collaboration with our suppliers is key, as they provide us with verified environmental data about their products, thanks to Life Cycle Assessments which allows us to compare and rate each product.

LEDVANCE, one of the world’s leading companies in the field of general lighting for professional customers and end users, is offering a wide range of LED luminaires, LED lamps, intelligent lighting products for smart homes and smart buildings, as well as connected lighting solutions such as VIVARES and BIOLUX. Beyond lighting, LEDVANCE offers vertically integrated, renewable energy solutions for the building sector.

Sustainability is a fundamental component of LEDVANCE’s business ethics. Following the implementation of several activities to make its products more sustainable, the company has developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy that covers all business areas of the lighting expert: from product design through the supply chain and the company’s own operations to its responsibility towards employees and society.

Head to LEDVANCE’s Sustainability Commitments page to know more.

To communicate transparently on the carbon footprint of its products, LEDVANCE has recently published its first annual sustainability report covering its strategy, vision, and measures for the sustainable production of its lighting solutions. Read the full report here.

Besides the intelligent light management systems VIVARES and BIOLUX, their EVERLOOP system is one more example of sustainable solutions available to our customers on Sonepar’s e-shop. With this system, LEDVANCE is the first major manufacturer in the world to offer luminaires with replaceable drivers and LED modules. The new product range is launched under the LEDVANCE LOOP umbrella – the new sustainability brand that bundles all LEDVANCE sustainability endeavors.

Learn more about the LEDVANCE LOOP concept here: LEDVANCE presents “LEDVANCE LOOP” laying the foundation for more sustainability in the lighting industry | LEDVANCE

Sonepar and LEDVANCE are working together to champion the innovation of sustainable solutions on the market.

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New Content Item (1)

AutoLogic Systems Provides Advanced Digital Solutions for Industry


The role of software in our industry is becoming increasingly apparent. Digital twin emulation is becoming a valuable tool for bringing ideas to life and sharing them globally with the click of a button.

Digital twin emulation allows the user to create a virtual machine that uses operational logic and connects to a control system, predicting future performance and simulating line changes. In creating this virtual environment, the user can avoid any surprises and discover control issues before the build takes shape.

For companies like AutoLogic, this solution has differentiated them from the competition by providing a more immersive and interactive experience for their customers as they deliver value through discovery.

Today, we’re looking at how Avanti Conveyors Ltd. a UK based OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) used AutoLogic Systems’ capability, and Rockwell Automation’s Emulate3D technology to get to market faster.

AutoLogic Systems is the UK’s Value Added Reseller and System Integrator for Emulate3D, who joined the Sonepar family in August 2022. The company is a leading provider of simulation products, consulting, and related services, serving primarily the manufacturing, transport, and logistics sectors.

Deploying Emulate3D Digital Twin with AutoLogic Systems

Avanti Conveyors Ltd. has provided material handling solutions for over 30 years, manufacturing their own machinery for corrugated board handling organizations worldwide.

With the continued growth and sophistication of their machinery, the ability to demonstrate and differentiate their systems and products to both existing and new customers fast became a priority.

But rather than use more traditional modelling of their products, Avanti wanted to go one step further and create a full dynamic digital twin of their sophisticated Pegasus Palletiser machine, connected to the control system and deployed to each individual client. A true emulation.

Through precise emulation, Avanti could demonstrate its capabilities and distinguish its system's superior performance compared to competitors.

Choosing the right solution

Rockwell’s Emulate3D provides a single modeling platform to demonstrate solutions, validate designs, and virtually commission PLC code and plant management software before the solution is built. Resulting digital twins deliver continued value for plant optimization and operator training.

Avanti is now benefiting from this complete workflow provided by Emulate3D, with this case study focusing on sales growth opportunities.

Dr. Danos Damianou, software director for Avanti, stated, “AutoLogic Systems is a trusted partner of Avanti. The combination of their expertise and renowned Emulate3D software was an exciting prospect for us. The team at AutoLogic worked closely with the experienced control engineers at Avanti to understand the complex machine operation and behaviors required of a digital twin to satisfy the control system.”

‘Digital Twinning at its Best’

Andy Parsons, Sales Director at AutoLogic, added, “Using the 3D mechanical design, Emulate3D allows you to add kinematic behaviors and constraints and create product movement with complex physics behaviors and test system-wide operation. Avanti can then simply connect the dynamic model to their physical PLC (and soft PLC) to validate the virtual machine is behaving as per reality.” He continued, “A PLC-based digital twin also takes machine selling to a new level. Add the fantastic stakeholder engagement tools in Emulate3D, and I’m certain many OEMs could get to market faster.”

By connecting a digital twin to the PLC, the model will replicate the proposed equipment or materials handling solution. Outputs, speeds, configurations, and any other variables can all be tested and proven within the model, and clients can watch it working in real time in state-of-the-art 3D graphics.

Dr. Damianou concluded, “We can say to clients and prospects, ‘here is our proposed solution, and this is it working exactly as it would once be installed within your existing facility.’ It’s an amazing sales tool and allows us to ensure our proposed solutions will deliver exactly what the customer needs. In addition, the model can be used for operator training and familiarization well ahead of the actual machine installation, thus accelerating the effective use of the machine. This, combined with our ongoing design validation and virtual commissioning work, is Emulate3D and digital twinning at its best.”

Find out more about AutoLogic and Rockwell’s partnership!

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Elektroskandia Supports the Construction of Gothenburg's Tallest Hotel


Elektroskandia has played a central role in the construction of the Draken Hotel, Gothenburg's tallest building. Standing 34 stories high, the hotel is located in the city's center, which required smart logistics solutions, precise deliveries, and close cooperation with everyone involved to effectively deliver and install all necessary materials.

Part of the Strawberry Hotel Group, the project began in autumn 2019 and takes its name from the historic Draken (dragon) cinema, around which the hotel is being constructed. Before work officially began on laying the foundations – a roll of film was thrown into the building site as part of the ceremonial 'breaking of ground'.

Emil Lundgren Göteborg, one of Sweden's leading electrical engineering companies was responsible for the installation of electricity, telecommunications and data, and Elektroskandia supplied the equipment including cable power rails (over a thousand!), Cardi fixtures, and light fittings.

Smart logistics

Being built in the center of Gothenburg's trendy Järntorget district, strict monthly meetings were held with seven of the build's project managers discussing any bottlenecks, large deliveries, packaging information, to ensure that all logistical aspects were handled smoothly. Over at Elektroskandia's logistics center in Örebro, the team project-packed all goods so they could be quickly and easily delivered to the relevant team upon arrival onsite.

A unique venue

The hotel is set to become a much sought-after venue, offering a cinema, stage, conference rooms, and fine dining on the top two floors which will offer panoramic views of the city.

Watch the video below to learn more about this complex build with insights from the team at Elektroskandia!

Discover more of our flagship projects which we’ve brought to life here: Projects | Sonepar

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The IIoToolkit: A Smart Tool Supporting Industry Customers Beyond the Webshop


Sonepar’s industry clients are not lacking when it comes to having access to online stores, allowing them to buy products quickly. Still, they are missing the added service of being advised on the optimal solutions for their needs.

The Challenge

This was an obstacle Sonepar's customer, a French distillery, was facing where there was a real need to survey the plant to identify how to save energy while ensuring that they could keep the plant running by reducing maintenance downtime. 

The Solution

In June 2023, Sonepar launched the IIoToolkit (Industrial Internet of Things Toolkit): an advisory service that allows customers to understand the full scope of their operation by selecting a specific theme and quickly advises them on the best products and solutions to complete the project in a holistic manner.

When working with Sonepar’s specialized support teams, registered customers are also given an interactive guide that presents the IIoToolkit’s full functionalities and constant web support.

Thanks to this tool, the teams identified key areas to make the plant more efficient, reliable and with optimized performance. The IIoToolKit recommended modernizing all of their PLCs (programmable logic controllers), Variable Speed Drives, and networks to set up a supervision solution. Therefore, the investments initially planned for software were redirected towards hardware.

The team also advised on the appropriate connected meters needed to quantify the plant’s varying energy consumption processes.

“The IIoToolkit enables us to provide additional added value for our customers that they cannot find with a generalist distributor. We support them in their digital transition through the prism of themes (how to make their factories more efficient, agile, sustainable, and safe while reducing their energy consumption). This approach supports our customers in their daily work, and we can be continuously improving it according to their different successes stories,” states Adrien Lemaire, Industry Director 4.0, Sonepar in France.

Customer Results

Thanks to the IIoToolkit, the customer was able to establish priorities and identify the appropriate solutions thanks to its thematic approach, saving them time in sifting through a multitude of different options on a standard web shop, giving them a result that surpassed their expectations. Moreover, with the guidance of Sonepar’s support teams dedicated to the industry sector, they were given dedicated support throughout the project.

Sonepar is now accompanying the customer through the supervision phase to implement software solutions and providing end-to-end visibility of the operation’s lifecycle, an added service.

Sonepar is already making the next steps to launch the toolkit in Belgium, Italy, and Germany, to offer an integrated, holistic experience for our industrial customers so they can quickly find long-lasting solutions to their specific challenges.

To find out more, contact your local Sonepar representative! 

Follow Sonepar's LinkedIn page dedicated to Industry! 

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Green Offer: Sonepar partners with ABB


We aim to promote our suppliers' best-in-class, most sustainable innovations, to bring further transparency to our product offering and help reduce our impact on the planet.

Sonepar's Green Offer enables our customers to make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint, thanks to our sustainability rating.

Close collaboration with our suppliers is key, as they provide us with verified environmental data about their products, thanks to Life Cycle Assessments, which allows us to compare and rate each product.

Today, we're showcasing ABB Electrification, a global technology leader in electrical distribution and management from source to socket. As the world’s demand for electricity grows, ABB collaborates with their customers and partners to transform how people connect, live and work.

ABB Electrification’s mission is to electrify the world in a safe, smart and sustainable way. They develop innovative products, solutions and digital technologies to enable a low-carbon society across all sectors. 

To power a sustainable future for society, ABB has centered their sustainability strategy around 4 pillars - enabling a low-carbon society, preserving resources, promoting social progress, and creating a culture of integrity and transparency.  For each of these pillars, they have set targets for their own operations as well as for those of their customers and suppliers. Head to ABB sustainability commitments page to find out more.

Driven by the usage of green electricity and the Mission to Zero™ program, a scalable blueprint of smart building solutions combined with on-site renewable energy generation and storage, ABB Electrification states to have achieved a 68% reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared to 2019 baseline.

Using as a vehicle the ABB circularity framework, ABB’s portfolio is evolving to support their customers’ circularity journeys. In addition, ABB’s EcoSolutions™ product label provides full transparency to environmental impacts across the entire product lifecycle. Products within the portfolio comply with a set of key performance indicators, as defined in ABB’s circularity framework, and carry an external, third-party verified environmental product declaration (ISO 14025).

The ABB S300P Miniature Circuit Breaker, which recently achieved the ABB EcoSolutions™ product label, is one example of many sustainable solutions available to customers on Sonepar’s e-shop. The S300P Miniature Circuit Breaker’s compactness ensures less material usage and an extended lifespan offering reliable protection in demanding industrial applications, commercial buildings, data centers and the e-mobility sector. Generating less CO2 , it operates in a more energy efficient way, with increased impulse withstand voltage and lower internal resistance that reduce power loss and increase safety.

Learn more about S300P Miniature Circuit Breaker here.

Sonepar and ABB are working together to champion the innovation of sustainable solutions in the market.

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2023.08.16 Aprilice photo

Elektroskandia Signs Agreement to Acquire Controlling Interest in a Leading Nordic Europe Solar Panel Wholesaler


Stockholm, August 16th 2023 - Elektroskandia Sverige AB (a Sonepar Company) has signed an agreement to acquire 70% of Aprilice’s share capital, one of the leading solar panel platforms in the Nordic European region. The company’s three founders will remain minority shareholders and will continue to work for the company.

Founded in 2012, Aprilice has focused on the Swedish solar cell market and proposed a complete product range with cutting-edge expertise. Headquartered in Stockholm with branches in Gothenburg, Jönköping, Kalmar and Landskrona, the company has around 160 associates and  serves around 1,300 customers. It posted revenues of approximately €100 million in 2022.

The acquisition of the controlling interest in Aprilice will enable Elektroskandia to offer its customers a complete range of solar panels, accessories, and installation materials, as well as technical expertise and high product availability. Aprilice will operate as a standalone company in the Swedish market.

“We expect the solar cell market to continue its significant expansion as seen in recent years,” explained Anders Nordlöw, President of Elektroskandia. “With more and more of our customers installing solar panels, we have naturally been looking to reinforce our offering in this area. After surveying the market, we found Aprilice to be the ideal partner and a perfect fit for our existing range. The acquisition will enable us to offer the widest range, the leading expertise and the highest availability on the electricity market while optimally meeting our customers’ needs.”

“We have been impressed by Elektroskandia, who have supplied a lot of our electrical equipment and accessories,” commented Jing-Wei Cheng, CEO and co-owner of Aprilice. “With Elektroskandia on board as owner, we can now take the next step in the company’s development, expand our market presence and generate further growth. We believe that Aprilice’s know-how and product range in solar energy and Elektroskandia’s logistical strength, market presence and expertise in electrical installation will present major opportunities to reach out to new and existing customers with the market’s strongest solar technology products.”

The transaction is expected to close in the Fall 2023, subject to the approval of the Swedish antitrust authority.

About Elektroskandia – Sweden’s leading electrical technology wholesaler

Elektroskandia offers electrical equipment and systems to customers in the following areas: electrical installation, industry, infrastructure, security, lighting and household appliances. The company is part of the Sonepar Group. We supply a wide range of products from leading global suppliers and stock over 40,000 items. Logistics drive everything we do and our logistics services are designed to simplify everyday life for our customers. We apply our expertise to improve the efficiency and profitability of all our customers’ purchasing and sales organisations.

Elektroskandia owns the Cylinda brand, which supplies the Swedish market with a complete range of household appliances and has its own service organisation. Through our brand Cardi, we offer lighting products that are unique to the Swedish market.

Elektroskandia has been operating as an electrical wholesaler in Sweden since 1904. The company is headquartered in Sollentuna, north of Stockholm.

About Sonepar 

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 44,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €32.4 billion in 2022. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed.

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability

Press Release

Download the PDF here 

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Irby Electric Assists Manufacturing Plant in Reducing Downtime with Asset Management and Reliability Services


A glass manufacturing plant can’t just shut down. In fact, once a furnace becomes active, it shouldn’t stop for another 14 years! Keeping the industrial machinery running is absolutely critical to business – so when it comes to asset management and reliability, you need a partner you can trust.

The Challenge

Carlex Glass America LLC is a glass manufacturer with a plant in Nashville, Tennessee, which produces glass primarily for the automotive industry. One of only a few facilities in the U.S. capable of producing full-circuit glass, the plant uses a variety of Rockwell Automation equipment to control its processes.

Carlex needed a strong local partner who would work to understand their business, provide resources on site, offer quality control and risk management services, and be a committed, reliable team player. 

Irby Electric’s Solution

As an authorized service provider for Rockwell Automation, Irby Electric was initially brought in to help Carlex implement a Rockwell reliability program to manage hard and soft assets. The program included process improvements, plant optimization, spare parts, and a net positive effect on overall equipment efficiency (OEE).

Over time, Irby Electric proved to be a reliable and capable partner, and Carlex chose to have Irby own the entire process. Irby Electric now manages critical risk across several key phases of reliability: maintenance, engineering, asset management and logistics.

Irby's asset management & reliability (AM&R) solution was solidified by an Integrated Services Agreement (ISA) that includes streamlined communication and support, repairs and manufacturing, field labor, remote support, quality control, and risk management.

Customer Results

Irby Electric’s bundled services and reliable long-term support have dramatically reduced costs and downtime for Carlex Glass.

Some highlights:

  • Significant cost savings due to proactive risk management, service bundling, asset optimization and reduced downtime.
  • 161% return on investment for Carlex was achieved in the first quarter of 2023 with some key performance initiatives exceeding $69,500.00 in additional savings.
  • An average of $60,000 loss in drives per year was completely eliminated, thanks to research and identification of a ground arc issue.
  • Eliminated price increases of more than 5% year over year during the contract period
  • Capacitor reform service that optimizes low voltage drives and prevents failure within 3-5 years of use saved an estimated $15,000 per year.
  • Annual Repair Agreement within contract maintains an additional $8,000 per year in hard savings and provides data-validated warranty to critical components.

The consistent delivery of these results led Carlex to put their trust in Irby Electric’s knowledgeable and dedicated associates. Irby Electric strives to understand a holistic view of your business, what affects your key performance indicators (KPIs), and the best strategy to improve your bottom line, and they have a proven track record of success in helping our customers improve their plant performance and reduce downtime.

Irby Electric’s industrial services help this customer get the most out of their automation equipment by reducing downtime and associated costs. Our specialists don’t just fix something after it’s broken. They consistently optimize drives to avoid malfunctions, and they proactively manage risk and explore possible causes for equipment failure. Irby Electric is a true long-term partner to industrial customers, working to understand their business and keep their facilities running at peak performance.

Find out more about Irby and Rockwell’s partnership!

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Sonepar Extends its Partnership with Siemens Building Products to Accelerate Building Decarbonization


The world's population is growing, recently topping eight billion, and more and more people are living in urban areas, creating a need for housing and a demand for building construction.

In parallel, regulations are forcing building owners to reduce the carbon footprint of their stock. The Energy Performance for Buildings Directive (EPBD) coordinates regulations in all European countries and sets clear targets for achieving climate-neutral building operations by 2050.

Furthermore, in the current context where we’re witnessing soaring energy prices, building owners are seeking transparency, and the constant monitoring of their building's energy consumption to optimize its performance and achieve energy efficiency.

Sonepar, the largest B-to-B distributor of electrical materials, is extending its partnership with Siemens, the global supplier of cutting-edge technologies for industry and infrastructure, to support customers in creating and renovating buildings to become "smarter", and more efficient, by introducing HVAC devices and building automation systems into its portfolio.

Whether new or existing buildings, small or large, Sonepar’s customers can choose from a wide range of high-quality sensors, valves, actuators, thermostats, and innovative building automation controllers that enable the evolution of “smart” buildings. The easy-to-install devices ensure regulated on-site energy consumption while creating the perfect environment for building occupants.

This expanded portfolio will gradually be rolled out across the Sonepar network, giving our customers around the world access to Siemens’ innovative solutions and the best tools to serve the end user.

Sonepar and Siemens’ have been partners for twenty years and it has only accelerated, by developing our offer of Siemens’ Digital Industries and Electrical products and solutions, to now adding this new product portfolio which enables us to further support our customers’ needs,” stated Artur Puzinas, International Market Director, Sonepar International Services. He continued, Additionally, Siemens is a huge advocate in supporting Sonepar’s sustainability strategy, thereby assisting us in reaching our ambition of promoting best in class sustainable solutions with our Green Offer.”

Sonepar's Green Offer enables customers to make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint, thanks to a sustainability rating. In promoting our suppliers' best-in-class, most sustainable innovations, we are able to bring further transparency to our product offer and help reduce our impact on the planet.

Close collaboration with our suppliers is key, and by investing more than €2bn in modernizing our supply chain and a further €1bn into our global digital platform, we are committed to delivering best-in-class service to our customers, all whilst reducing CO2 emissions and waste in line with our targets approved by the SBTi.

Learn all about Siemens’ Robust Eco Design (RED) approach, which provides the foundation for integrating eco-design systematically into product development here.

Learn more about Siemens’ Smart Building Solutions.

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Van Egmond Groep Supports Industry Customers in Developing Innovative and Efficient Production Processes


Van Egmond Groep, a Sonepar company is committed to providing exceptional operational excellence and best-in-class industrial services for its customers.

With a proven track record of delivering top-notch solutions to industrial customers, Van Egmond Groep has consistently set the bar high when meeting and exceeding client expectations. 

Therefore, Van Egmond Groep was very proud to be part of establishing a new, more efficient working method in which Inlevé's projects are completed faster, smarter, and easier.

The Challenge

For years, Inelvé was a progressive panel construction company, but over time it further developed into an innovative production partner. To this end, close collaborations with trusted partners grew, allowing them to supply fully prefabricated solutions and controls with cabling to their customers.

One of these close collaborations is in cooperation with Van Egmond Groep.

Van Egmond Group’s Solution

With Van Egmond Groep, Inelvé set up a smart and logical process in which the start and finish point lies with Inelvé itself, making it the pivot throughout the entire process.

From Inelvé, appropriate solutions are devised for the customer, engineered where possible and the necessary process further integrated. The company relies on Van Egmond Groep during the procurement process of necessary resources and for the mechanical work and assembly. With the processing machines that Van Egmond Groep can supply, projects are easily made fully operational.

In addition, the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) service supplies the necessary parts from Van Egmond Groep. Precisely because of this VMI, large volumes are processed with a high throughput rate and customer demands are met.

To ensure that the cooperation continues to run smoothly to quickly adapt when necessary, and to respond to opportunities and possibilities, Van Egmond Groep regularly meets with its customer to ensure the project's fluid completion.

Customer benefits

Besides being a pleasant cooperation, Van Egmond Groep also provides several advantages for its customers. Therefore, production and product costs can be reduced as the process is

Sonepar Extends its Partnership with Siemens Building Products to Accelerate Building Decarbonization

The world's population is growing, recently topping eight billion, and more and more people are living in urban areas, creating a need...
and unnecessary factors are excluded.

With a customer-centric approach at the heart of their operations, Van Egmond Groep ensures that every interaction is marked by professionalism, responsiveness, and a genuine dedication to exceeding customer needs.

Follow Sonepar's showcase page dedicated to all things Industry on LinkedIn!

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Sonepar Supports the Construction of Children's Center in Germany


Sonepar is proud to partner with its customer Elektro Schröder, on the construction of the Bethel's Children's Center, which will swiftly become among the most modern of its kind in Germany.

The Bethel Children's Center is setting new standards in medical care for children and adolescents. In addition to state-of-the-art equipment, the building will offer places for children to come together, such as common rooms, playrooms, and an outdoor recreation area.

Elektro Schröder is one of the largest electrical installation companies in Ostwestfalen-Lippe, and Sonepar's Gütersloh branch delivered all materials necessary for the project's completion, from cables to outdoor lighting to office containers.

Winfried Mühlenkord, Managing Director at Elektro Schröder, summarized Sonepar's contribution to this joint success by stating, "Sonepar planned and implemented the required material and office containers on the construction site for us. The wholesale colleagues constantly contacted the site management to clarify which materials had to be available at what time. As the installation specialist company, this service enabled us to concentrate one hundred percent on our consulting and installation services. I can't recall any delays due to supply difficulties."

The Center’s grand opening is due to take place this summer when Elektro Schröder and Sonepar will be able to look back with pride on what they have achieved and what has become a flagship project for both companies.

Discover more of our flagship projects which we’ve brought to life here: Projects | Sonepar

D&I e-learning key image

Sonepar Launches Its New Diversity and Inclusion E-learning


At Sonepar, Diversity and Inclusion is at the core everything we do. One of the main objectives of our D&I ambition is to foster an inclusive work environment where everyone can feel safe, use their voice, and know that they belong.

In doing so, we all have a role to play!

This is the message we share with all our associates worldwide through a mandatory e-learning on D&I, available in 17 languages.

They will learn more about what D&I at Sonepar means, our strategy, and how to contribute to create an inclusive and diverse environment – by recognizing and stepping away from stereotypes and bias.

Learn more about Sonepar’s Diversity & Inclusion strategy.

Green Offer: Sonepar Partners with Siemens


We aim to promote our suppliers' best-in-class, most sustainable innovations, to bring further transparency to our product offer and help reduce our impact on the planet.

Sonepar's Green Offer enables our customers to make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint, thanks to our sustainability rating.

Close collaboration with our suppliers is key, as they provide us with verified environmental data about their products, thanks to Life Cycle Assessments which allows us to compare and rate each product.

Today, we're focusing on Siemens, a technology leader with a portfolio designed to drive the digital and sustainable transformation of industry, infrastructure, transportation, and healthcare. For almost 175 years now, Siemens has been driven by the aspiration to improve the lives of people worldwide.

Every day, Siemens creates impact by providing innovative solutions tackling challenges in environmental protection, decarbonization, health and safety. Sustainability is embedded in all business activities, investment decision-making and governance. This commitment is reflected in the DEGREE framework, a 360-degree view of Siemens ESG (Environment, Social, Government) priorities.To communicate transparently on the impact of its products, such as CO2, Siemens uses Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies based on internationally standardized approaches since the 1990s. The resulting data is communicated in Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).

Transparency on environmental impact is the foundation; but it is only the first step. Siemens makes rigorous efforts to minimize the negative environmental impact of each product. This approach known as Robust Eco Design (RED), covers the entire product lifecycle starting with the engineering stage. The RED approach provides the foundation for integrating eco-design systematically into the product development and allows Siemens to derive specifications that are advantageous from an environmental point of view while meeting own sustainability goals as well as those of customers, partners, and suppliers.

If you are interested to learn more on Siemens RED approach, please download the eco-design Whitepaper on

One out of many examples of Siemens products which have been optimized according to environmental criteria is given by the molded case circuit breakers (MCCBs) of the SENTRON 3VA series. Its integrated communication and measurement function makes energy flow transparent and identifies saving potentials. Condition monitoring based on its health indicator ensures that you never have to exchange a breaker before it is necessary. Furthermore, warnings messages and alerts allow the operator to act before a failure happens, enhancing the availability of the application.

2023.07.05 sustainability-green-offer-siemens-circuit-breaker

Learn more about how to optimize power consumption with sustainable products here.

Like many other sustainable products of Siemens’ portfolio, the SENTRON 3VA series is available to our customers on Sonepar’s e-shop.

Sonepar and Siemens are working together to champion the innovation of sustainable solutions on the market.

How Sonepar Supports Industrial Customers in Navigating the Challenges of a Rapidly Changing World


The rapidly changing world of industry

The world of industry is changing rapidly. Gone are the old certainties and incremental progress. Industrial players are now facing an unprecedented range of challenges. There’s stiff competition as globalization continues at pace and countries that once offered basic manufactures move into hi-tech production. Coupled to this is the relentless advance of technology – bringing with it a fourth industrial revolution.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are no longer pipe dreams, discussed on static webpages, but an increasingly concrete reality. Sensors connect and control industrial sites, resulting in streams of data that must be collected, interpreted, and secured.  In parallel, the need for industrial automation (IA) and robots is ever increasing, as the forces at work demand the streamlining of operations, quicker times to market, and the better use of labor.

New technologies mean new challenges

These seismic shifts are felt strongly in the broad range of companies that serve industrial machinery and factories – Sonepar’s industrial customers. They operate across a wide span of settings with high levels of technical skill, in companies that cover a wide range of products, including increasingly sophisticated software, industrial robots, and programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

Theirs is a threefold challenge: to provide solutions to their customers’ needs; to meet the demand for electrification – driven by a move away from fossil fuels; and to manage the skills gap and rapidly changing employee profiles. These companies are looking for partners rather than suppliers – partners who can help them configure the systems they need quickly, source alternatives to solve supply chain issues, and advise them intelligently.

Sonepar: the omnichannel partner for industry success

To meet their challenges, these industrial customers are increasingly turning to Sonepar. In doing so, they benefit from the know-how of a major Group with over €30bn of sales. It’s also the market leader in solutions for these customers, covering some 250,000 of them, with a revenue of over €6bn. Moreover, 30% of Sonepar’s sales now happen online, the Group’s industrial customers will increasingly be able to take advantage of its online platform, Spark, as well as using advisors and configurators that enable them to specify the system they need and obtain a fully personalized solution.   

In an industrial market span where 60% of sales are now accounted for by IA, 20% by software, and 6% by services, Sonepar’s goal is to be both the sector’s benchmark and the trusted partner of its industrial customers. Its approach is both comprehensive and radical – going from the top of the organization to associates on the front line.

A clear strategy to meet customer needs – today and tomorrow

With Sonepar’s Industry leaders rapidly putting in place dedicated organizational and financial architecture, the Group can serve customers more efficiently. In parallel is business transformation, with the aim of becoming a one-stop-shop. Customers benefit significantly from this, whether it’s through the greater involvement of their project managers, or the synergies it’s developing with other companies – especially its Global Strategic Suppliers.

Comprehensive solutions backed by expertise

These strategic aims are implemented at local level and play out in a range of concrete offerings. On software and the IoT, for example, Sonepar is investing in providing data security solutions, tools for predictive maintenance, and product lifecycle management, as well as machine learning and AI. It also offers IA value-added software, including licenses, subscriptions, and training.

This is supported by the Group’s recent acquisitions of Factory Systemes Groupe in France, Autologic Systems in the UK, and Masibus in India. 

Both operate in the rapidly converging space between operational and information technology (OT and IT) – helping meet a key market requirement.

Meeting customers’ needs also means strengthening Sonepar’s in-house capabilities. Sonepar is investing heavily in external training with suppliers like Schneider Electric, Siemens, and Omron, which results in formal competency certification. It’s also developing its own Industry Certification Program, delivered through the roup’s dedicated Academy. This work ensures that customers can rapidly find an associate with expertise on their needs.

The net result of all this? Sonepar supports its industrial customers in navigating their major issues today – through a combination of focused operational and financial architecture, an expanding offering, and close monitoring of its own performance. It’s also a Group that is gearing up heavily to serve industry’s needs tomorrow – through top-level sponsorship, a clear corporate strategy, and real investment in the skills of its people. With Sonepar’s support, industrial customers can, and will, meet their challenges.

Green Offer: Sonepar Partners with Nexans


We aim to promote our suppliers' best-in-class, most sustainable innovations, to bring further transparency to our product offer and help reduce our impact on the planet.

Sonepar's Green Offer enables our customers to make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint, thanks to our sustainability rating.

Close collaboration with our suppliers is key, as they provide us with verified environmental data about their products, thanks to Life Cycle Assessments which allows us to compare and rate each product.

Today, we're focusing on Nexans, a leader in the design and manufacturing of cable systems and services. Offering reliable and sustainable solutions for its customers is a key concern for Nexans, who constantly innovates and develops comprehensive solutions (cables, connectors, packaging solutions like the new Mobiway MOB).

Head to Nexans Sustainability commitments page and learn more on Mobiway MOB innovation here.

To communicate transparently on the impact of its products, such as CO2, Nexans has implemented for more than 10 years a system of certified environmental measurements. A Life Cycle Assessment is performed for all strategic products and certified by a PEP ecopassport® (Product Environmental Profile).

Their U-1000 R2V Distingo NX'TAG is one of many examples of sustainable solutions available to our customers on the Sonepar France's e-shop. This range has been designed to facilitate electrical worksites thanks to its many advantages: network identification on the cable, metric marking, color marking and quick identification of sections. This concentrate of benefits is designed and produced in France with a reliable and transparent environmental impact for all users (including CO2 emissions).

Learn more about Nexans Distingo NX'TAG here.

Sonepar and Nexans are working together to champion the innovation of sustainable solutions on the market.

Stories of Growth - Episode 6: Belgium


In the sixth episode of our Stories of Growth series, we’re headed to Belgium to speak with leaders who joined the Sonepar family as long as nine years ago, and to hear all about their journey since making the transition.  

Sonepar has built an undisputed leadership position in business-to-business electrical product distribution, systems, and services thanks to a unique combination of being family-owned, with a long-term horizon, best-in-class leadership, an engaged workforce, and demanding corporate governance. 

We’re always looking for new companies that are willing to join a family-owned group, where the diversity and well-being of our associates are valued the most, where we work based on a high level of compliance standards and common values and investing in our associates and teams is a priority. 

Thank you to Jean Stevens, Jozefien Vandamme, and Michèle de Brabandere for sharing your story with us, as well as Koenraad van Schuylenbergh and Pascale Castermant for your insights. 

Watch the full episode on our YouTube channel! 

Read all about our M&A strategy here: Acquisitions | Sonepar 

Women in Digital - Episode 7: Maggie Ai


In the seventh episode of our Women in Digital web series, we’re speaking with Maggie Ai, Master Data Analyst and member of Sonepar's Asia-Pacific Digital team, based in China.

Digital is shaping the world around us, and we need a strong team to bring us into the future. Here, Maggie tells us the moment in her career of which she is most proud, when her interest in digital began, how she would encourage women to consider a career in the digital world and more!

Sonepar's digital transformation continues to accelerate, and just last week, we announced the roll out of a major digital transformation initiative with solutions from Microsoft, Publicis Sapient and Hitachi Solutions.

“Sonepar is transforming the relationship between the customers and its associates, between the digital and the physical by orchestrating through its omni-channel platform a constant dialog to deliver the perfect order. Sonepar will accomplish this via Spark, a synchronized omnichannel platform, powered by Microsoft Azure and Dynamics 365. Sonepar is teaming with Microsoft, Publicis Sapient and Hitachi Solutions,” Jérémie Profeta, Sonepar’s Chief Transformation Officer

Watch Maggie's episode on our YouTube channel!

How the Transition from Fluorescent to Connected is Furthering Collaborations between Sonepar and Signify


Together, Sonepar and Signify will enable our customers to see the connected lighting at the end of the tunnel.

2023 will be a year of change for the lighting sector in Europe, as the ban of fluorescent lighting comes into effect.

The RoHS (Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substances) Directive aims to prevent the risks posed to human health and the environment related to the management of electronic and electrical waste, including mercury in fluorescent lights.

As the world’s leading B-to-B distributor of electrical products, solutions, and related services, Sonepar is poised to guide our customers through this transition with the support of our global strategic suppliers.

Signify has extended its range of Philips LED lamps across multiple product families, offering solutions that are significantly more energy-efficient and long-lasting. Michael Rombouts, Business Leader LED Lamps and Luminaires, Division Digital Products, states, “The EU ban on fluorescent lighting is a positive step forward for our industry, and will help accelerate the shift to cleaner, greener lighting solutions. At Signify, we realize that customers need viable alternatives that combine great quality lighting with the latest innovations in energy efficiency. By extending our range of Philips LED lamps, we aim to cater to our customers’ different requirements, making the switch to LED as seamless as possible.”

As market leaders, together with Signify and the expertise of our Product Management team, Sonepar can offer an improved value proposition for our customers. We’ve named our program ‘Fluorescent to Connected’, enabling our customers to easily identify Sonepar as the vehicle they need to scale up to this new technology.

Sonepar and Signify’s approach to this opportunity is one of the same. Having a broad and deep portfolio to meet their customers’ every need, from LED tubes, to Luminaires, to connected solutions. It is precisely in this last step, thanks to the support from Lighting and Building Automation specialists, that Sonepar can deliver.

Signify is also developing new product lines with the circular economy in mind from design to packaging following the 'reduce reuse recycle' approach, creating lasting solutions that will benefit our customers.

As part of its packaging policy, Signify already uses 80% recycled paper. To help fight the global plastic waste issue, the company has pledged to phase out all plastics from packaging for consumer-related products with the aim to be plastic-free as of this year.

Sonepar is investing more than €2bn in modernizing its Supply Chain and a further €1bn in our global digital platform in order to deliver perfect orders to our customers all whilst reducing our CO2 emissions and waste in line with our targets approved by the SBTi.

Through our modern, flexible supply chain, Sonepar is committed to delivering best-in-class service to our customers, whether it’s through connected solutions, solar photovoltaics, reusable packaging, or dedicated electric transport, Sonepar is committed to sustainable operations.

Head here for more information about the fluorescent lighting ban and how to switch to LED 'on':

LED conversion l Philips lighting

Women in Digital - Episode 6: Joy Zhu


In the sixth episode of our Women in Digital web series, we’re speaking with Joy Zhu, Master Data Analyst and member of Sonepar's Asia-Pacific Digital team based in China.

Digital is shaping the world around us, and we need a strong team to bring us into the future. Here, Joy tells us all about the path that led her to her position in the Asia-Pacific Digital team, the scope of her role which covers product data enrichment, data governance, and data insights, how digital makes her day-to-day routine more efficient, and more!

Sonepar's digital transformation continues to accelerate, and just last week, we announced the roll out of a major digital transformation initiative with solutions from Microsoft, Publicis Sapient and Hitachi Solutions.

“Sonepar is transforming the relationship between the customers and its associates, between the digital and the physical by orchestrating through its omnichannel platform a constant dialog to deliver the perfect order. Sonepar will accomplish this via Spark, a synchronized omnichannel platform, powered by Microsoft Azure and Dynamics 365. Sonepar is teaming with Microsoft, Publicis Sapient and Hitachi Solutions,” stated Jérémie Profeta, Sonepar’s Chief Transformation Officer.

Watch Joy's full episode on our YouTube channel! 

Sonepar rolls out major digital transformation initiative with solutions from Microsoft, Publicis Sapient and Hitachi Solutions


Paris, April 18th, 2023 – Sonepar, the undisputed world leader and leading B-to-B distributor of electrical products, solutions, and related services, is announcing it has selected Microsoft, Publicis Sapient and Hitachi Solutions to help drive the company’s digital innovation in a sustainable manner. 

Over the next five years, Sonepar is investing over €1Bn in its digital transformation to focus on a personalized customer experience that makes it easy to find and purchase products – when, where, and how customers want. At the same time, Sonepar wants to promote best-in-class sustainability and provide the best associate experience for its 44,000 associates in 40 countries.  

In business, the digital revolution continues to accelerate and new technologies offer a constant stream of new opportunities. Sonepar is harnessing the potential to drive the Group's digital transformation. This means reimagining the business for a digital age and becoming a digital enterprise. Sonepar has decided to harness technologies that can transform business processes, culture, and the customer experience.

Sonepar is transforming the relationship between the customers and its associates, between the digital and the physical by orchestrating through its omni-channel platform a constant dialog to deliver the perfect order.  Sonepar will accomplish this via Spark, a synchronized omnichannel platform, powered by Microsoft Azure and Dynamics 365. Sonepar is teaming with Microsoft, Publicis Sapient and Hitachi Solutions,” commented Jérémie Profeta, Sonepar’s Chief Transformation Officer.

The platform is made with the intention of making customers’ – and associates’ – lives easier – easier to interact and do business with, easier to buy, easier to return, easier to arrange financing, all built on the foundations of offering the best digitized processes, no matter how they chose to connect with us.  The platform embraces all the customer and associate touchpoints: web, phone, mobile app, branches, systems to systems and delivery.

This collaboration supports Sonepar’s ambitious sustainability agenda, of which the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Sonepar’s ambition is to become the first global B2B electrical distributor in the world to offer the best omnichannel experience to all our customers. Rather than focusing on a single channel and expecting customers to use it, Sonepar is building a seamless experience across all channels – putting the power in our customers’ hands.

Sonepar has built the Sonepar Digital Factory in partnership with Publicis Sapient. Publicis Sapient is the digital business transformation hub of Publicis Group with 20,000 people and over 50 offices worldwide.  Today, this joint team boasts over 250 engineers with 15 nationalities who speak with one voice and act as one team.

We are delighted Publicis Sapient has engaged on a long-term partnership with Sonepar to support their digital transformation. We are convinced this engagement is a game changer for the industry and will allow Sonepar to both increase associates and client satisfaction, thus bringing growth to the group", said Lise Malbernard, Country Managing Director at Publicis Sapient France. 

Microsoft is proud to support Sonepar’s digital transformation journey through omnichannel engagement, helping to revolutionize the company’s employee and customer engagement with Microsoft Dynamics 365’s leading customer experience capabilities across sales, marketing and customer service. We share a commitment to helping Sonepar scale their transformation and impact their market,” said Emily He, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Business Applications & Platform.

Steven French, CEO at Hitachi Solutions Europe commented; “The core values of Sonepar and the Spark omnichannel platform; particularly around sustainability and visionary business excellence perspective perfectly match the core values of the Hitachi Group. Our team headquartered in Paris, supported by our longstanding global partnership with Microsoft, are honoured to be implementing a best-in-class global platform to underpin Sonepar’s customer and associate experience strategy”.

As customers and team members in all these global regions begin using Spark, the data touchpoints from every transaction will be collected into a single location: the Sonepar Data Lake. This will provide insights into patterns and trends, behaviors, and motivating factors. The Data Lake will also help automate processes such as taking inventories, and both streamlining and anticipating challenges related to shipping logistics.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 44,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €32.4 billion in 2022. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed.

Press Contact - Sonepar   

Matt Pothecary

Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability

Press Contact - Agence Midnight Purple        

Camille Huze :

Emilie Deslandes :

Press Contact - Publicis Sapient

Bonnie Olivier

Communications and Media Relations Manager

Press Contact - Hitachi solutions

Céline Valomet

Head of Marketing

Press Release

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New Content Item (1)

Sonepar Unveils its 2022 CSR Report


Sonepar is proud to unveil its 2022 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, after the first ever edition last year.

Sonepar is committed to very high ethical, social and environmental standards.

As the leader in our industry, we want to be an example to others, championing a more responsible future. We see ourselves as an organization that is open to all and that transforms our differences into strengths in support of sustainable performance.

With all of this in mind, the key elements of our 2022 CSR Report are the following:

  • Long term – Sonepar’s long term strategy builds upon the vision of our shareholder base.
  • People – Our business and innovation are driven by the commitment, skills and diversity of our associates.
  • Compliance – We believe that integrity, fairness and trust are key levers for generating sustainable growth.
  • Supply chain – At the epicenter of our industry, Sonepar is positioned to be a catalyst to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in the construction and manufacturing industries.
  • Suppliers – Through daily and long-lasting relationships, we can encourage our suppliers to innovate and elevate their energy-efficient solutions by raising awareness throughout our customer base.

Discover the full Report here (PDF)

Sonepar: 2023 at a Glance


In Sonepar’s 2023 Panorama, we present our annual, global overview of our activities, key figures, as well as editorials from Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette and CEO Philippe Delpech.

Sonepar is accelerating its ambitious transformation agenda, entering a new phase to leverage the Group's strengths, synergies, and expertise more actively at a global scale.

We aim to reinforce our position as the leading B-to-B distributor of electrical products, solutions, and related services, serving customers with an omnichannel digital experience, promoting best-in-class sustainability, and ensuring associates a diverse and inclusive working environment with a unique purpose.

You can view and download the Panorama here : Panorama: Sonepar at a glance

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Women in Digital - Episode 5: Ken Ng


In the fifth episode of our Women in Digital web series, we’re speaking with Ken Ng, Product Management manager, member of the Asia-Pacific Digital team based in Malaysia. 

In this video, Ken tells us all about the path that led her to her role in the Asia-Pacific Digital team, what this job entails, how she manages her team across the region, her advice to those wanting to become a digital ambassador, and much more!

Digital is shaping the world around us, and we need a strong team to bring us into the future. Sonepar is investing over 2 billion euros to have the world’s best automated supply chain in our industry and a further 1 billion euros into our global digital platform, called Spark, all whilst reducing our CO2 emissions and waste to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

Watch Ken's episode on our YouTube channel!


Sonepar Completes a Record Number of Acquisitions in 2022


Last week, Sonepar released its 2022 Key Figures with outstanding results, reinforcing our undisputed leadership position in the B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions, and related services (read full Press Release here).

Not only was 2022 a historic year in terms of performance, reaching a new record with sales of €32.4 billion, but it was also an exceptional year for M&A: Sonepar completed an unprecedented 20 acquisitions, incorporating both generalist and specialist companies (industry, HVAC, utilities, photovoltaic), into its portfolio.

These acquisitions represent 183 new branches and 2,100 new associates joining the Group – a warm welcome to you all!


Over the past 20 years, acquisitions represent 60% of total growth, and the group has made 200+ acquisitions accounting for more than €10 billion in sales.

Learn more about Sonepar’s acquisition strategy here: Acquisitions | Sonepar

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Sonepar Announces Record 2022 Results


Paris, March 23, 2023 - 2022 will be remembered as the best year in Sonepar’s history. We delivered best-in-class performance in our industry. The Group broke a new record with sales of 32.4 billion euros, +28% compared to 2021, and 18.5% autonomous growth.

Sonepar won market share in most of the countries in which we operate, completed 20 acquisitions and welcomed 2,100 new associates into the Sonepar family: a warm welcome to all of them!

2022 will also be remembered as a year of acceleration in terms of Sonepar’s transformation as we entered the new “Leverage” phase.  Sonepar is investing over 2 billion euros to have the world’s best automated supply chain in our industry and a further 1 billion euros in our global digital platform all whilst reducing our CO2 emissions and waste to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

We are modernizing our supply chain and deploying the first omnichannel platform in the distribution industry, called Spark. We made significant progress in both fields with the first automated central distribution centers opening in the USA at Cooper Electric and North Coast and the launch of Spark in Belgium, France, Italy and Norway.

Our people are what makes our business so unique. In 2022, 88% of associates affirmed they are proud of what Sonepar does. We continued to attract new talents in supply chain, in digital and many other areas to support our ambition transformation. Sonepar’s goal is to build an inclusive organization leveraging all our differences as strengths to power sustainable performance. In 2022, the Sonepar Group received the Gender Equality European & International Standard label (GEEIS).

Finally, we accelerated our sustainability agenda in 2022. Sonepar launched its Green Offer to allow customers to purchase products based on a sustainability rating, enabling them to lower the building industry carbon footprint. We are also proud to have our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Here are the official Sonepar Group Key Figures for 2022:

Leading the market:

  • 32.4 billion euros sales
  • 10 billion euros online sales
  • #1 world leader

With a powerful network:

  • 44,000 associates
  • 40 countries
  • 86% engagement rate
  • 80 brands
  • 2,400 branches
  • 170 distribution centers

For a positive impact:

  • #1 in sales of energy efficient products
  • 230 sustainability initiatives
  • 2030 climate targets validated by the SBTi
  • Committed to reduce by 2030:
    • Absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 46.2%
    • Absolute scope 3 GHG emissions by 13.5%

“In 2022, Sonepar achieved an outstanding performance. Not only are the financial results historic, but we also entered a new phase of our transformation to leverage more actively on a global scale, which will benefit our customers and provide exciting new challenges for our associates. Our 44,000 associates work every day to ensure that Sonepar remains the undisputed world leader in its sector. Sonepar aims to remain the leading B-to-B distributor of electrical products, solutions and related services; serving customers with an omnichannel digital experience, promoting best-in-class sustainability, and ensuring associates a diverse and inclusive working environment with a unique purpose,” stated Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions, and related services. Through a dense network of 80 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 44,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €32.4 billion in 2022. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online – however we’re needed.

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability   

Download the Press Release here:

Key Figures 2022 Press Release

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Sonepar Launches the Second Edition of its Energy Transition Academy


Sonepar’s associates will soon learn all about circularity as the Group rolls out the second edition of its Energy Transition Academy!

In 2020, we launched the Academy’s first e-learning course to lay the foundations for understanding the climate crisis, raise awareness about how Sonepar is leading the energy transition, and encourage associates to actively engage in promoting best practices.

Today, the second module has been unveiled, and associates will learn how to think circular, reduce waste and how this approach is integrated within Sonepar.

At Sonepar, we see the shift towards a more circular economy as imperative – for the sake of the planet and generations to come. As a business founded on innovation, we also see this approach as an opportunity that points the way toward new business models and services we can offer our customers.

Read more about Sonepar’s sustainability strategy!

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SIS Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Global Strategic Suppliers in Geneva


On March 8, 180 guests united in Geneva, to celebrate 20 years since the creation of Sonepar International Services (SIS), Sonepar business development hub offering tailor-made services.

Taco van Vroonhoven, President Asia-Pacific & SIS, opened the event by reflecting on the company’s journey to becoming a unique hub in the electrical distribution market, helping Sonepar Global Strategic Suppliers, third-party customers, and the Group to implement their most impactful initiatives, and unlock new growth opportunities.

Lamaro Parreira, SVP SIS and International Market Directors then presented the challenges facing our sector today, and reaffirmed Sonepar’s ambition to overcoming these, by anticipating and adapting to global trends thanks to first-class data intelligence, market expertise and leveraging our digital platforms including the Data Lake and the Green Offer.

Watch the highlights from the event below. Thank you to all our guests for attending, here’s to the next 20 years!

Find out more about Sonepar International Services here:

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Sonepar Celebrates International Women's Day #EmbraceEquity


On March 8, we celebrate International Women's Day, a global event celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

Every year, significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women's achievements and rally for women's equality, and this year’s theme is #EmbraceEquity.

Sonepar aims to ensure all associates a diverse and inclusive working environment, free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination, we have the chance to create real change, as there is power in our difference. Each one of us can actively support and embrace equity within our own sphere of influence.

Watch our International Women's Day Video Below! 


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Stories of Growth – Episode Five: Brazil


In the fifth episode of our Stories of Growth series, we're headed to Brazil to speak with leaders who joined the Sonepar family as long as 20 years ago, and understand why making the transition was the best choice for their business.

We are always looking for new companies willing to join a family-owned group. Where the diversity and well-being of our associates are valued the most, and where we work based on a high level of compliance standards and shared values, where investing in our teams is a priority.

Thank you to Hervé Salmon, Carlos Varisco, Fernando Velho, Daniel Toledo, and Daniele Toledo for sharing your insights.

Head to our YouTube channel to watch the episode! 

In the next episode, we're headed to Belgium!

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Sonepar & Borussia Mönchengladbach Football Club to Extend Brand Partnership until 2029


As a jersey sleeve partner of the youth, women’s, and men's teams, but also as an innovation and sustainability partner, Sonepar is proud to support the club for a further six years. There’s also exciting news for gamers: The club’s Esports team is also supported by Sonepar.  

Sonepar and Borussia have been working together for more than a decade now. Sonepar has been Borussia’s innovation partner since 2019 and has featured on the club's shirt sleeves since the 2020/21 season. 

The partnership with the Sonepar was extended to the women’s and youth teams in summer 2022. “The long-term extension of our partnership is proof that we share common values and want to work towards our goals together. This constantly developing commitment is now reflected in our important social and ecological responsibilities,” said Borussia’s Managing Director Stephan Schippers. 

Sonepar is also an innovation and sustainability partner of the club, Guido Ulhe, Borussia’s Sponsorship Director stated, “The extension of our partnership is the result of lasting and successful collaboration. Sonepar and Borussia have a broad base of values on which we want to responsibly shape the future, together.”  

Dieter Lautz, Managing Director of Sales, Sonepar in Germany, said, “We are delighted that we have been able to extend our commitment once again. Sustainability is key for Sonepar, because as an electrical wholesaler we can positively affect the energy industry. As an innovation and sustainability partner of Borussia Mönchengladbach, we promote a modern and sustainable society.” 

The Sonepar Group has steadily built up a leading position in the German market over the last 50 years. Serving its customers from the electrical, industry, and commerce trades via its online shop and over the counter at over 200 branches, Sonepar provides individual and logistics services for its customers in Germany, as well as offering high-quality electrical products and system solutions for its partners. 

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Women in Digital Episode 4: Flora Frémond


In the fourth episode of our Women in Digital web series, we’re speaking with Flora Frémond, Associate Experience Adoption Manager at the Sonepar Digital Factory. 

Digital is shaping the world around us, and we need a strong team to bring us into the future. At Sonepar, our digital staff is the driving force behind our omnichannel platform. 

In this video, we ask Flora about the path that led her to her current position, how she encourages women to consider a career in Digital, her role model, and more! 

Watch Flora's episode on our YouTube channel!

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Sonepar Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets Approved by the SBTi


Paris, February 7, 2023 – Sonepar is pleased to announce that its greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The Group’s targets for scopes 1 and 2 are in line with the SBTi 1.5°C trajectory, adopted by the Paris Agreement (COP 21). 

As part of its Sustainability strategy, Sonepar commits to reduce:

  • absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 46.2% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • absolute scope 3 GHG emissions by 13.5% within the same timeframe.

Scope 1 and 2 cover the GHG emissions coming from the buildings and fleet of the Sonepar Group. Scope 3 covers the GHG emissions mostly coming from the purchase, use and end of life of products, as well as their transportation from suppliers to Sonepar customers.

Philippe Delpech, Sonepar’s Chief Executive Officer, said, “Sonepar is at the very heart of the electrical ecosystem, and we are delighted to announce the SBTi’s validation, which further confirms Sonepar’s commitment to becoming the world’s leading electrical distributor, accelerating the market’s adoption of clean energy solutions and global net zero emissions.

The SBTi is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reductions targets in line with the latest climate science. It is focused on accelerating companies across the world to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions before 2050. The SBTI initiative is a collaboration between the CDP, United Nations Global Compact, and World Resources Institute.

As the world leader in B-to-B electrical distribution, our strategy is to leverage our unique position in the value chain by engaging our 45,000 associates, the leading electrical manufacturers, and our customers – who represent the world’s largest community of electrical experts and industrial customers. 

Sonepar is investing more than €2bn in its Supply Chain to enhance operational efficiency and a further €1bn in a global digital platform to fulfil customer expectations, with the objective to help limit global warming to 1.5°C.

In 2022, Sonepar launched its Green Offer to allow its customers - installers, industry and infrastructures - to purchase products based on a sustainability rating, enabling them to lower their carbon footprint and that of the end users. This development prioritizes most sustainable solutions per product to help customers make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint.

Since 2021, Sonepar is a proud member of the United Nations Global Compact. Its Sustainability strategy is aligned with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021.

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability

Download the Press Release here: 
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Elektroskandia Becomes the New Official Partner of Gothia Cup


As of this year, Elektroskandia Sverige has become an Official Partner of the Gothia Cup, a partnership based on shared values and a strong commitment to society.

Since its inception in 1975, Gothia Cup has developed into the world's largest and most international youth football cup. Every year, around 1700 teams from 80 nations participate and play 4500 matches on 110 pitches.

Anders Nordlöw, President of Elektroskandia Sverige, explains the background to the partnership, “We want to be visible in a public context and actively contribute to something that is different from our industry, but still focuses on the values we as a company stand for." He continued, "The collaboration with Gothia Cup suits us perfectly. It is a strong brand with a wide reach, they work with young people who are our future and share our approach to four of the Global Goals - good health and well-being, gender equality, reducing inequality and combating climate change. We see this partnership as part of our sustainability work, an area in which Elektroskandia is at the forefront."

Thomas Anderson, Director of Sales, Gothia Cup added, “We are very proud of the partnership with Elektroskandia, a partnership that largely focuses on the tournament's sustainability work. In this field, it is crucial to have credible partners like Elektroskandia, who genuinely want to be involved in developing this work together with us, so that together we can offer our future generations a sustainable society."  

Elektroskandia's ambition is a long-term collaboration in which it will involve its entire organization with activities at both central and local level in all regions of Sweden.

Elektroskandia's Head of Marketing Communications Kjell Roman, explains, "We are really looking forward to the partnership with Gothia Cup and the tournament's ability to engage very many people while giving Elektroskandia the opportunity to contribute positively to the society in which we operate."

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Women in Digital – Episode 3: Chrisz Glasz


In the third episode of our Women in Digital web series, we’re speaking with Chrisz Glasz, Customer Journey Lead at the Sonepar Digital Factory. 

Our associates are the driving force behind the development of Sonepar's omnichannel platform. They meet daily and are extremely client-centric, pinpointing customer needs so that the Factory’s engineers can address and plan the production of new digital features.  

Watch the episode on our YouTube channel to find out more about Chrisz's role, her first experience of building a website, her advice to those looking to enter into the industry, and more! 

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Sonepar Acquires a Majority Share in Alliantz


Sonepar France is pleased to announce that it has acquired a majority stake in Alliantz, a privately-owned distributor of photovoltaics and energy efficiency solutions.

Alliantz is a leading player in the French photovoltaic market and is known for its high level of technical expertise dedicated to specialized installers of solar solutions in the residential and small commercial segment. 

Alliantz has recorded an outstanding development of its activity over recent years, reaching a revenue of approximately €60 million in 2022, serving over 1,000 customers and employing 50 associates.

This acquisition will enable Sonepar France to build up a strong presence in the photovoltaic market, a strategic fast-growing vertical where Sonepar is already active in many countries. With the acquisition of Alliantz, Sonepar France will rapidly leverage its distribution network and strengthen its technical capabilities to serve both electrical  and specialized solar installers. This acquisition will be also a unique opportunity to leverage the Group’s purchasing capabilities via the Sonepar Global Sourcing in a very dynamic and competitive market, while offering a wide range of highly technical products and best-in-class solutions across France.

We are delighted to announce that Alliantz is joining the Sonepar Group. As a well recognized specialist, our combined forces will be the first pillar to create a network fully dedicated to photovoltaic solutions and bring residential and commercial technical solutions to our customers. These technical capabilities, in addition to the deployment of a global omnichannel digital platform and the development of the first B2B electrical supplies distribution marketplace in France, will help position Sonepar as the preferred partner for our French customers,” stated Olivier Khaida, Managing Director of Sonepar France Specialists.

The combination of Alliantz’s 22 years of specialization in solar energy with Sonepar’s capabilities in supply chain and digital will enable Alliantz to pursue its expertise to become a recognized national specialist. Alliantz’s expertise and know-how will accelerate Sonepar’s position on the photovoltaic market in France. Our common values of entrepreneurship spirit and our strong strategic fit will be the base of the developpement of this exciting project,” added Anthony Neel, President of Alliantz.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021.

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability

Press Release

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Sonepar Announces Acquisition of NEDCO Supply


Sonepar has announced that its US subsidiary Codale Electric acquired NEDCO Supply last week.

A privately-owned business since 1982, NEDCO Supply is a full-line distributor of electrical products and services to its residential and commercial customers. Operating throughout southern Nevada, NEDCO Supply is based in Las Vegas, Nevada and has over 100 associates. NEDCO is expected to record sales revenue in excess of $180 million for 2022.

“NEDCO Supply will strengthen Codale’s position in southern Nevada, increasing its coverage in an area experiencing great growth,” said Rob Taylor, President of Sonepar North America. “As a leader in electrical distribution among contractors in the Las Vegas market, NEDCO Supply is a perfect complement to Codale’s industrial customer base. The leadership and associates of NEDCO will align very well to the customer-centric culture of Codale.” 

NEDCO Supply owners, Marshall Hunt, Principal, and Marc Winard, Principal, said in a joint statement, “After 40 years serving the Las Vegas electrical market, we’re very thankful to all our customers, employees, and vendor partners for supporting us through the years. We are excited to join the Sonepar family of companies. We feel this opportunity secures the future for our employees and enables our team to sustain the high level of customer service we’ve been known for. When it came time to sell, Sonepar was our first choice.  Marshall and I look forward to continuing our careers under the Sonepar banner.”

About Codale

Founded in 1975, Codale is a customer centric electrical product and solutions provider serving the Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming markets. Codale is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, and empowers customers with wide-ranging inventory, sustainable products, safety equipment, and solutions for a variety of industries from healthcare to government agencies.

Sonepar Group

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021. For more information, visit

Sonepar entered the US in 1998 and has continued to grow due to strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Today, Sonepar serves the market through a network of companies with over 400 locations nationwide. For more information, visit  

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability

Download the Press Release here: 
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Sonepar Announces Acquisition of HOLT Electrical Supply


Sonepar has announced that its US subsidiary, Springfield Electric, has entered into an agreement to acquire HOLT Electrical Supply.

A privately-owned business since 1962, HOLT Electrical Supply is a full-line distributor of electrical products and services to its residential and commercial customers. Headquartered in St. Louis, MO, with 80 associates and eight total locations spanning the state of Missouri, this acquisition springboards Springfield into one of its key strategic growth markets.  HOLT is expected to record sales revenue of approximately $75 million for 2022.

Rob Taylor, President of Sonepar North America, said of the acquisition, “HOLT has a great reputation in the St. Louis market. Through the years, Sylvan and Ryan Holtzman have built strong customer relationships and positioned the company and their associates for growth. HOLT is a strategic fit for Springfield, as they look to expand across the Midwest.”

Sylvan Holtzman, owner of HOLT Electrical Supply, commented, “After sixty years in business, spanning three generations, I am more than excited to say HOLT Electrical Supply will be joining Springfield Electric. With Springfield, HOLT will be able to serve our existing, loyal customers with new capabilities and grow our customer base. I want to thank my father, Sam, and my son, Ryan, along with all the HOLT employees for their devotion and hard work that created this great opportunity. We wouldn’t be here without them.”

HOLT Electrical Supply co-owner and CEO, Ryan Holtzman, added "We are incredibly excited and humbled to join Springfield Electric and Sonepar. Springfield Electric is an industry leader with an exceptional reputation. We feel Springfield will bring its resources and innovation to our market, creating incredible opportunities and solutions for our customers and associates. We are so thankful to our incredible team, both past and present, for their commitment to HOLT.”

The acquisition is expected to close by the end of January.

About Springfield

Founded in 1912, Springfield Electric is a customer-centric electrical product and solutions provider servicing the Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa markets, delivering exceptional value through excellent customer service, technical know-how, and extensive product lines.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021. For more information, visit

Sonepar entered the US in 1998 and has continued to grow due to strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Today, Sonepar serves the market through a network of companies with over 400 locations nationwide. For more information, visit

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability

Download the Press Release here: 
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Henri Coisne_SoneparCom

Sonepar Announces the Loss of its Founder and Honorary Chairman Henri Coisne


It is with great sadness and emotion that Sonepar announces the passing of our founder and Honorary Chairman, Henri Coisne, during the night of December 15- 16 2022 at the age of 99. He was surrounded by his family and will now be reunited with his wife, Malou.

Beyond being a “great captain of industry,” it was his simplicity, his entrepreneurial spirit, and his integrity that will have marked his life.  Henri, following a family lead, recognized very early the potential of the electrical distribution industry. In 1969, he founded Sonepar that today has become the world’s leading electrical distributor, present in over 40 countries with 45,000 associates.

Sonepar shares the grief of his children, Henri, Martine, Sylvie, Marie-Christine and Laurence, their grandchildren, and their great grandchildren.

Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette, Sonepar Chairman says,

Our father was a pioneer who was an inspiration to all of us. He was always ambitious and driven by an entrepreneurial spirit which will continue to guide the Group in the future.  He was fair and good man. As a family business, he was obsessed with the long term and even if he no longer held an operational role, he always remained fully up to date with all the developments in the Group. As he would often say, what counts is what lasts. Over 50 years later, Sonepar’s independence remains a key strength to support the Group’s strategy of sustainable, long-term growth, powered by the commitments of its family shareholders.”

To pay tribute to Henri Coisne

A virtual condolence book is available for you to write a message or post a photo to celebrate the life of Henri Coisne.

Access the virtual condolence book here

Henri Coisne Biography

Henri Coisne was born on June 21, 1923, in Armentières, France. He is the fourth of that name in the Coisne family, following his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He was the third-born out of eight brothers and sisters: Marie, Adèle, Paul, Hubert, Jacqueline, Bernard, and Geneviève. He spent his entire childhood in northern France and passed his baccalaureate in math and in philosophy.

In September 1940, he was accepted into the ‘Higher Mathematics’ preparatory class at the Lycée Sainte-Geneviève, in Versailles. In June 1943, having passed the entry exams into both the École de l’Air (Air Force Academy) and the École Navale (Naval Academy), he opted for the former.

Shocked by the handshake between Pétain and Hitler in October 1940 in Montoire-sur-le-Loir (Loir-et-Cher department), and by an order given by the Vichy Regime Naval Forces for the French fleet to scuttle everything rather than take to the sea when the German army invaded the French ‘Free Zone’ in November 1942, Henri Coisne announced to his parents that he wanted to join General de Gaulle and Free France. In the summer of 1943, he crossed the Spanish border with a few friends before arriving in Morocco. He finally reached Casablanca in September.

After spending several months waiting in the Cazes camp, he joined the flying school based in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA in January 1944, where he incorporated the 43 AFN promotion. In July 1945, having graduated, Henri Coisne was ready to enlist with a flying unit and was appointed to the 1/62 in Algiers, a specialized transportation unit that covered North Africa. His main missions involved liaising and provisioning the Sahara, including on board a Junkers Ju 52.

A year later, in September 1946, he headed to Indochina, where he also led liaising and provisioning missions. In the fall of 1947, he married Marie-Louise Colombier (1927–2012), originally from Armentières, like him. Together, they had five children: Henri was born in 1948, Martine in 1950, Sylvie in 1952, Marie-Christine in 1956, and Laurence in 1962.

On January 1, 1948, he was stationed in Le Bourget, and moved to Paris with his wife. Following a detour at the Cognac base, he joined the GAEL (Groupe aérien d’entraînement et de liaison, Air Training and Liaison Group), for which he led numerous liaison missions across the entire French Union, from Africa to Madagascar, on board LeO 45 and NC-701 Martinet aircraft.

In 1953, he passed entry exams into the École d’état-major, the French military academy. The following year, he volunteered for Indochina, which was in the throes of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Here, he commanded 1–25 Bomber Squadron operations. He was based in Hai Phong and in Tourane. He returned to France in April 1955, as his father was dying of cancer.

Appointed commander, in July 1955 he was assigned to the Bureau d’études générales (General Research Office). He was tasked with planning for the future of the Air Force, including its infrastructure. Towards the end of 1957, while the north of the country was at war, he was appointed head of the Ouargla Poste de Commandement Air Directeur, in Algeria. Here, he was in charge of aerial surveillance of the Eastern Sahara, from Touggourt to Tamanrasset.

Several months later, he returned to the Cognac base in France to command the 2/92 Aquitaine squadron. He was also responsible for promoting Vautour planes, presenting them to the Shah of Iran in the spring of 1959. At the start of 1962, he permanently left the Army to join the family Group becoming General Manager of Cellulose d’Alizay.

Following the sale of Cellulose d’Alizay, the family entrusted Henri Coisne with developing and investing the family capital in a new line of business meeting certain criteria: good development prospects, the potential to develop independently from banks and the State, limited cyclicality.

In early 1969, the acquisition of Comptoir d’ Électricité Franco-Belge marked the next step for the family Group: the distribution of electrical equipment and the birth of the Sonepar Group. The company’s first headquarters were built on Rue de la Quintinie, in the 15th district of Paris, on land adjacent to Franco-Belge.

This coincided with Henri Coisne taking over its management. Soon after, several companies joined Sonepar, thereby forming regional bases for France–wide coverage, with Comptoir Lyonnais d’Electricité (south-eastern France) in 1973, Sanelec (north-eastern France) in 1974, the Marcel Tabur Group (western France) in 1977.

In 1976, Henri Coisne became Chairman of Sonepar’s Board. Following serious health problems, he resigned from his position in 1980, in favor of José Ménendez. He returned in 1981 as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, while remaining very involved in the Group’s operational management. In fact, in 1982 he steered Sonepar’s first acquisition outside France, in Germany and the Netherlands.

Henri Coisne gradually began to take a step back from the business from the mid-1990s. In 1998, his daughter, Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette, took over the business. A few years earlier, he had been appointed as a judge at the Paris Commercial Court. December 6, 1991, he is made commander of the Légion d’Honneur (Legion of Honor, highest French order of merit, both military and civil).

From 1998 to 2002, he was Honorary Chairman and member of Sonepar’s Supervisory Board, before becoming Honorary Chairman and member of the Group’s Board of Directors from 2002 to 2010.

Since 2010, he has been Honorary Chairman of Sonepar’s Corporate Board.

Stories of Growth – Episode Four: Central Europe


In the fourth episode of our Stories of Growth series, we're headed to Germany, Austria, and Hungary to hear stories from leaders who joined the Sonepar family as long as seven years ago, and understand why making the transition was the best choice for their business.

We are always looking for new companies willing to join a family-owned group. Where the diversity and well-being of our associates are valued the most, and where we work based on a high level of compliance standards and shared values, where investing in our teams is a priority.

Thank you to Thorsten Räther, Karl Scheer, and Lászlo Szóka for sharing your insights. Stay tuned for the next episode, where we're headed to Brazil!

Watch the episode on our YouTube channel.

Sonepar Publishes its Human Rights Policy


As the world leader in the B-to-B distribution of electrical products and related solutions and services, Sonepar is an influential player throughout its value chain. 

Sonepar is committed to providing a working environment that ensures all associates are treated fairly, equally and decently. Sonepar is a responsible stakeholder in society, a good neighbor and a concerned citizen, committed to the communities in which it conducts business. 

The Group has drafted its first Human Rights Policy to further detail its commitments.  

“As a member of the UN Global Compact and consistent with our Code of Conduct, Sonepar is committed to respecting human rights and protecting the environment. We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. It is everyone’s responsibility everywhere, every day, in everything we do,” stated Philippe Delpech, CEO.  

Olivier Catherine, General Counsel added: “Sonepar commits to uphold internationally recognized human rights standards throughout its operations. We expect and require our business partners to do the same.”. 

Earlier this year, Sonepar also published a Conflict Minerals statement, outlining our commitment to responsible sourcing, as an important part of the Group’s CSR strategy.  

Women In Digital - Episode 2: Charlotte Benaitier


Digital is shaping the world around us, and we need a strong team to bring us into the future. At Sonepar, our digital staff is the driving force behind Sonepar’s omnichannel platform.

In the second episode of our Women In Digital series, we speak with Charlotte Benaitier, Lead User Researcher at the Digital Factory.

Watch the video below on our YouTube channel to learn about her role, how she believes we can enrich digital culture, and more!

Stay tuned for Episode Three coming next month.

Stories of Growth Episode Three: Italy


We are always looking for new companies willing to join a family-owned group, where the diversity and well-being of our associates are valued the most, and where we work based on a high level of compliance standards and shared values. We're investing in our associates and teams is a priority. 

Following the last episodes in Spain and in the USA, we're headed to Italy to hear their story; success stories, stories from entrepreneurs, stories of Growth, and we're happy to make their journeys the focus of this web series.  

Thank you to Filippo d’Aquino, Franceso Sferra, Ezio Trillini, and Andrea Bernardinello for telling us about your journey with Sonepar. 

Stay tuned for the next episode, where we're headed to Central Europe! 

Watch the video on our YouTube channel

2022.11.03 GEEIS

Sonepar Awarded GEEIS Certification


Sonepar is delighted to announce the Group has obtained Gender Equality for European & International Standard (GEEIS) certification for the next four years.  

GEEIS is an international standard enabling the development of a common culture in gender equality and diversity in the workplace. Therefore, it serves as a benchmark in the field of professional equality, recognizing all of the actions taken by Sonepar over the past few years. 

Sonepar is committed to very high ethical, social, and environmental standards and ensure associates a diverse and inclusive working environment.  

We would like to thank all our associates around the world for your commitment to our Diversity and Inclusion approach! 

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Sonepar Acquires Aztec Electrical Supply Inc.


November 2, Brampton, ON – Sonepar has announced that its wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, Sonepar Canada, Inc. has acquired Aztec Electrical Supply Inc. (“Aztec”). With a strong presence in the province of Ontario, the acquisition of Aztec will strengthen Sonepar’s ability to grow their industrial business model across the Greater Toronto Area.

Founded in 2002, Aztec expanded its market presence across Ontario opening four branches located within Vaughan, Cambridge, Mississauga, and Burlington. Aztec will add over 100 associates to the Sonepar network in Canada and is expected to record sales revenues of over $70 million in 2022.

“Aztec was built on the principle that electrical distribution could be unique and specialized. Our goal was to create an automation and industrial electrical distributor with differentiated product alignment, best-in-class technical service, and a highly engaged sales team, meeting the needs of the industrial market,” said Kevin Borg, Aztec’s Vice President of Sales & Operations. “Moving forward, Aztec will be able to leverage the size and scale of Sonepar to grow its business significantly.”

“As we aim to diversify our market offerings and create future business opportunities, Aztec’s robust business approach of specialized distribution coupled with its dedicated sales force will serve as a great complement to Sonepar’s growing business in Ontario,” stated Francois Anquetil, President of Sonepar Canada. 

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions, and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021. 

Sonepar entered Canada in 1984 and has continued to grow due to strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Today, Sonepar serves the market through a network of companies with over 90 locations nationwide. 

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability

Press Release

Download the PDF here

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2022.10.28 Rockingham Electric

Sonepar Enters into an Agreement to Acquire Rockingham Electrical Supply Company


October 26, CHARLESTON, SC – Sonepar announced that its US subsidiary NorthEast Electrical has entered into an agreement to acquire Rockingham Electrical Supply Company.

A family-owned business since 1954, Rockingham Electrical offers a full line of electrical products and services to its customers. Operating in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine, Rockingham Electrical joins Sonepar with 10 branch locations and over 100 associates.

“The acquisition of Rockingham Electrical will increase our coverage in the Northeast market, extending the Sonepar network with valued customers in these new growth areas,” said Rob Taylor, President of Sonepar North America. We see great potential in both the residential and commercial business segments and look forward to bringing new capabilities to Rockingham’s customers.”

Rockingham Electrical has a strong reputation with customers and suppliers,” said Frank Marandino, President of NorthEast Electrical. “I’m excited to work with its leadership team and associates on plans for our joint future. Rockingham is a long-standing business with a great culture aligned to ours. Our mutual passion and commitment to deliver products and technical solutions for the long-term success of our customers, associates, and suppliers makes this a great match.”

Jim Pender Sr., current owner and CEO of Rockingham Electrical commented, “As a third generation, family-owned business who has deep relationships with our customers, this is a very exciting time for us. Choosing a partner who embodied what we stand for was important. When we looked across our options, we felt Sonepar offered the best cultural fit for our employees as well as great potential to grow business opportunities. Having operated in some of the same New England markets, we know Sonepar demonstrates a high level of expertise and integrity across all they do.”

The acquisition is scheduled to close by the end of October.

About Sonepar 

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021.

Sonepar entered the US in 1998 and has continued to grow due to strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Today, Sonepar serves the market through a network of companies with over 400 locations nationwide. For more information, visit

About NorthEast Electrical

NorthEast Electrical is a full-service electrical distributor that provides electrical products and services to electrical contractors, Industrial, OEM, Utility, and Institutional customers. The company operates more than 30 strategically located branch locations throughout the six New England States dedicated to providing exceptional customer service to their customers. Since 1998, NorthEast has been a subsidiary of Sonepar USA.  To find out more, go to 

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability

Press Release

Download the PDF file here.

Related content

2022.10.20 Meet The Women Behind Sonepar’s Digital Transformation

Meet The Women Behind Sonepar’s Digital Transformation


Digital is shaping the world around us, and we need a strong team to bring us into the future. At the Sonepar Digital Factory, our operational staff is the driving force behind Sonepar’s omnichannel platform. 

In this new web series, meet the women behind Sonepar’s Digital Transformation! In our first episode, let us introduce you to Samrawit Yoseph, Product Owner at the Digital Factory.

To find out more about her role, how she entered the industry, and more, watch the video on our YouTube channel here.

Sonepar Hosts the North America Vendor Summit in Las Vegas


In the presence of over 300 guests, Sonepar was the proud host of the vendor summit at the Red Rock Hotel in Las Vegas which took place on Wednesday 5th October.

This major event united our valued partners and forward-thinking experts with live panel discussions, to cover all aspects of Sonepar’s Transformation. Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech and Rob Taylor, President, Sonepar USA and opened the event before handing the stage over to members of the Group leadership team.

“After Sonepar’s European Strategic Supplier Event in Zurich last year, I was delighted to have taken part in the Sonepar North America Vendor Summit in Las Vegas. Sonepar is investing €2bn to deliver the perfect order, and a further €1bn in our global digital platform all whilst striving to reach our goal of limiting CO2 emissions to under 2% by 2023,” stated Philippe. 

2022.10.13 Stories of Growth – Episode Two: USA

Stories of Growth – Episode Two: USA


Following the launch of our Stories of Growth web series last month, we're headed to the USA to visit Sonepar's operating companies Cooper Electric, Capital Electric, Springfield Electric, and Richards Electric.

From Cooper Electric who joined the Sonepar family over 20 years ago, to Richards Electric who joined just this year, we hear their stories, and understand why making the transition was the best choice for their business. ​​​​​​

We are always looking for new companies that are willing to join a family-owned group, where the diversity and well-being of our associates are valued the most, where we work based on a high level of compliance standards and common values, and we're investing in our associates and teams is a priority.

Thank you to David Cooper, President, Cooper Electric, Andrew Esce, President, Capital Electric, Chris Scarborough, President, Springfield Electric, Mike Misrasch, President, Richards Electric, and Kris Prebola, Sonepar USA VP M&A for your participation!

Watch the full episode on our YouTube channel here!

Stay tuned for the next episode, where we're headed to Italy!

2022.10.11 EcoVadis Awards Silver Status to Cebeo, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic

EcoVadis Awards Silver Status to Cebeo, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic


Last month, EcoVadis the world's largest provider of sustainability ratings, awarded Cebeo, Sonepar in Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic the silver rating.

EcoVadis' mission is to provide the world’s most-trusted sustainability ratings, enabling all businesses to reduce risk, drive performance, and improve environmental and social outcomes.

The assessment focuses on four areas:

  • Environment
  • Justice and working conditions
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable purchasing

Arno Elz, Sustainability Manager, in Germany, stated, "With the silver rating, we are among the top 27% of the best-rated companies in the 'Wholesale' sector. This award motivates us to continue driving forward the energy transition, within our company as well as with our customers."

This rating, as well as other international ratings from sustainability platform providers, helps us demonstrate to our customers that we meet all of the European Union's legal requirements for a company that operates sustainably.

2022.10.06 Sant Climent Church in Spain

Sonepar Lights Up the World Heritage Sant Climent Church in Spain


Last month Sonepar renovated the World Heritage Romanesque-style church of Sant Climent de Taül in Lleida, Spain.

The famous bell tower now shines with a beautiful, colorful RGB lighting system from Signify. Sonepar's team of lighting specialists offered customized solutions adjusted to the needs of their customers, providing high-value solutions to this unique project.

The exact date of construction of Sant Climent de Taül is unknown, however, the church was consecrated on December 10, 1123. It is one of several churches in the region that express the way of life of medieval Catalonia and are of great importance in the recognition of Catalan cultural identity.

Sonepar is proud to have contributed to such a culturally significant project.


Statement: Conflict Minerals


As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, Sonepar is deeply committed to responsible sourcing: it condemns violence and human rights violations in the mining of conflict minerals.

Sonepar does not purchase raw materials as it does not manufacture any products. Yet, as the world leader in the B-to-B distribution of electrical products and related solutions and services, Sonepar is an influential player throughout its value chain.

As such, the Group expects its suppliers to:

  • comply with the requirements of its Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • source materials from conflict-free sources.
  • comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  • conduct relevant due diligence.

"Together, let’s contribute to sustainable development and responsible sourcing!"

Olivier Catherine, General Counsel

Read the full statement here.

2022.09.27 Sonepar Launches its Green Offer Leading the Energy Transition

Sonepar Launches its Green Offer Leading the Energy Transition


With the Green Offer, Sonepar helps customers make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint.

Paris, 27 September 2022 – Following the announcement at its 2021 Strategic Supplier event, Sonepar is pleased to announce that it has now launched the pilot phase of its Green Offer to allow its customers - installers, industry and infrastructures - to purchase products based on a sustainability rating, enabling them to lower their carbon footprint and that of the end user. This development prioritizes most sustainable solutions per product. With the Green Offer, Sonepar help customers make sustainable choices to master their carbon footprint.

Elektroskandia, a Sonepar Company, in Sweden was the first pilot country to launch the Green Offer in August this year. The Green Offer will continue to be rolled out gradually in France and Germany by the end of 2022.  These pilot projects will be available for online customers only.

Sonepar’s Green Offer involves a rigorous, comparable, and independently verified methodology that rates individual products the group distributes according to their whole life CO2 emissions.

The process starts with Sonepar’s suppliers, some of which already have verified data on emissions from Environmental Product Declarations or Life Cycle Assessments. They share this data with Sonepar, which ensures data is complete for all steps in the life cycle, including those after manufacturing: transport and distribution, usage during service life, and disposal at the end of life. Sonepar takes this data and applies its own rigorously developed methodology, which received a certificate of conformity from Bureau Veritas – to get a more accurate, homogenous and comparable calculation of CO2 for the product over its whole life cycle. The figure is then converted into a green label, rating the product’s green credentials as C, B, or A, which correspond to “good, “better”, or “best”.

Sonepar’s Green Offer is fully integrated into the Group digital transformation with the close involvement of Sonepar Digital Factory. The massive volumes of data provided by our suppliers are processed through the Data Lake allowing the products, along with their ratings, to be displayed on Sonepar’s global e-commerce platform.

“The launch of the Green Offer is a huge step forward in providing emissions information for the B2B electrical distribution customers helping them to make the right choices for complex installed systems that require products from multiple brandsWith increasing demands from customers to provide more environmental information, it sets a benchmark for other players in electrical distribution to follow, raising standards across the industry. As Sonepar’s Green Offer develops, we are helping customers make choices that better conserve the planet’s natural resources and safeguard people’s well-being,” stated Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO

As the world leader in B2B electrical distribution, Sonepar is at the very heart of the electrical ecosystem and its shareholders’ charter-based commitment to support the group over a 50-year, long-term horizon provides a clear commitment to make sustainability a priority.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021.

Since 2021, Sonepar is a proud member of United Nations Global Compact. Sonepar’s Green Offer is aligned with the Ten Principles of UN Global Compact and contributes to UN Global Goals. Sonepar has committed to set near-term company-wide emission reductions in line with climate science with the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative).

Press Contact

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability


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2022.09.20 Sonepar Unveils its New Brand Movie. Making Our Customers’ Lives Easier Every Day

Sonepar Unveils its New Brand Movie: Making Our Customers’ Lives Easier Every Day


Every day, thousands of electrical products begin thousands of journeys to reach thousands of professionals around the world.

From ordering to on-time delivery, we serve our customers across every possible channel with a single goal: making their lives and day-to-day operations easier.

Take a peek behind the curtain to see just how we make this goal a reality.

We are the world's number one B-to-B distributor of electrical products, solutions and related services. We are Sonepar, Powered by Difference.

Watch our new Brand Movie: Making Our Customers Lives Easier Every Day.

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2022.09.02 Stories of Growth – Episode One. Spain

Stories of Growth – Episode One: Spain


Sonepar has built an undisputed leadership position in business-to-business electrical product distribution, systems and services thanks to a unique combination of being family-owned, with a long-term horizon, best-in-class leadership, an engaged workforce, and demanding corporate governance.

Acquisitions are a key element of our growth strategy. Over the past 20 years, acquisitions represent 60% of total growth and the group has made 200 acquisitions which have accounted for more than €10 billion of sales.

We are always looking for new companies that are willing to join a family-owned group, where the diversity and well-being of our associates are valued the most, where we work based on a high level of compliance standards and common values, and where investing in our associates and teams is a priority.

Over the past few months, our teams met Sonepar associates to tell their story. Stories from entrepreneurs, stories of growth, those are Sonepar’s success stories. Let’s deep dive into this webseries with the first episode: Spain.

Sonepar aims to reinforce its position in the Spanish market by having a national presence in the territory and offering better value-added services/products to the customers. In 2022, seven Spanish operating companies united under the Sonepar brand.

We spoke with Antonio Durá, Operations Director, Roberto Martínez, General Director of Sales, José Antonio Quintela, Northwest Region Manager and Cristina Esteve, Logistics Director, about this journey and that of their teams.

We’re ambitious, driven by entrepreneurial spirit. Our expert advice is combined with more than fifty years of experience. We’re trusted to lead.  We are fearlessly competitive, but never lose sight of the need to make a profit to invest in our future. We are Sonepar, Powered by Difference!

Head to our YouTube channel to watch the whole video! 

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Sonepar Acquires CioffiRenato in Italy

Sonepar Acquires CioffiRenato in Italy


Padua, Italy, July 27, 2022 - Sonepar has officially signed an agreement for the acquisition of 100% of shares in CioffiRenato.

Founded in 1974, CioffiRenato is a company active in the distribution of electrical material operating in the Lecce province, with its headquarters in Casarano.

In 2021, with its two branches serving all the area, the company recorded sales of around €10 million. It employs 17 associates and 2 sales representatives.

Thanks to this acquisition, Sonepar, already present in Puglia with six branches, will strengthen its business in the region.

"CioffiRenato is a well-known company for the quality of the service provided to customers. Now that the two branches will become part of the Sonepar Group, they will benefit from new services, enhanced assortments, and a renewed and strong presence in the area. We will operate in synergy and continuity with what the Cioffi family has done so far. Puglia is a key region, a driver for growth for the entire south division; a few years ago, we invested in improving the distribution center in Modugno (BA), which serves all the provinces in a capillary and efficient manner", stated Sergio Novello, President, Sonepar Italia.

"We are delighted that our company, founded 48 years ago and strongly rooted in our territory, has the opportunity to enter the largest organization for the distribution of electrical material, in Italy and in the world. We know the potential of this Group and we appreciate the development strategy in the Lecce province, guaranteeing continuity to the business”, commented Renato Cioffi, Chairman, Carlo Cioffi, CEO and Sales Director, and Roberta Cioffi, Board Member and Back-Office Manager.

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Cebeo Becomes Belgium's First Distributor to Test Out Volvo's FE Electric Truck_

Cebeo Becomes Belgium's First Distributor to Test Out Volvo's FE Electric Truck


"A new step in turning our vehicle fleet 'green'."

Cebeo is taking a new step in its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. Having made a start in May, with bike couriers delivering to their customers in Brussels, the company will now conduct a two-week trial of an electric Volvo truck in Kortrijk, as an alternative to diesel trucks.

"We are at a watershed moment," says Wim Pyra, Transport Manager at Cebeo. He continued, "And we are going to use this as a learning exercise, to allow us to put a realistic proposal on the table."

Everyone, and industry, in particular, will need to play their part if we are going to achieve drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Transport and logistics businesses are increasingly opting for cleaner and more environmentally friendly vehicles. However, fossil-free, heavy transport is not yet widely available. Cebeo, the market leader in the distribution of electrical equipment in Belgium, wants to play a pioneering role here and is making a start by piloting an electric truck for the first time.

Wim explains, "There’s no doubt about the environmental advantages of using electric trucks. They are totally emission-free out on the road and are also quiet. However, it is their operating range that still needs work. But, together with Volvo, we carried out an analysis of our transport schedules, and they assured us that this will not present a problem. So, we've decided to carry out a test to help us decide on updating our fleet."

Full electrification will take time

The vehicle to be trialed over the coming fortnight is the Volvo FE Electric, a twin axle truck with a load capacity of 8500 kg and a range of up to 200 kilometers"Its compact dimensions also make it an ideal vehicle for door-to-door deliveries in an urban environment. We have been using a fleet of 49 diesel vehicles for this work, but they each emit some 20 tons of CO2 a year. By introducing one or more electric vehicles we can immediately achieve a significant reduction in emissions," states Fabrice Naert, Fleet Coordinator at Cebeo.

Transport companies looking to switch to electric vehicles will have other matters to consider apart from the operational range. Fabrice continued"Our drivers will need to learn new ways of driving, as their driving style will have an impact on the energy consumption and service life of the battery. An instructor will therefore be accompanying our drivers, providing guidance during the weeks of the test. We also need to investigate the charging time for a vehicle like this and identify how many extra charging stations will be required at our Kortrijk site. And of course, that will require additional investments."

A center of expertise to drive sustainability

However, none of these challenges will hold Cebeo back as it seeks to take on a pioneering role in the area of sustainability. This latest initiative fits perfectly with the company's broader vision of sustainability. “Reducing our environmental impact is a hot topic for our Competence Center Transport Europe within the Sonepar Group. This is where we share expertise, examine what other vehicle manufacturers have to offer, and research the potential of new technologies, such as hydrogen-powered vehicles. Our ambition is clear. We want to act as an example to our sector and be among the first players to deliver goods to customers in a climate-neutral manner, from the first kilometer to the last," Wim concluded. 

Further information

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Wim Pyra, at wim.pyra(@), +32 499 98 48, or visit

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Sonepar & ABB E-Mobility Collaboration Drives Transition to a Zero-Net Reality for Transportation_

Sonepar & ABB: E-Mobility Collaboration Drives Transition to a Zero-Net Reality for Transportation


Sonepar and ABB have teamed up to bring market-leading EV charging infrastructure solutions, supporting the global shift towards sustainable transportation.

In July, Sonepar attended the launch of the new $30 million ABB E-mobility Center of Excellence in Valdarno, Italy, cementing the collaboration between the two organizations as they continue to work together towards a zero-emission reality.

Sonepar and ABB have been collaborating for many years across various aspects of ABB’s Electrification portfolio. This new initiative focuses on the distribution of electric vehicle (EV) chargers, a fast-growing market, which offers ABB and Sonepar the opportunity to reach new customers around the world.

With transportation accounting for up to 29% of total greenhouse gas emissions[1], the development and production of smart, reliable charging solutions are set to form a crucial part of the global clean energy transition.

Electric vehicle registrations increased by 41% globally in 2020, rising again by around 140% in the first quarter of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020.[2] By 2040, an estimated 290 million additional charging points will be required to support the shift to electric vehicles, amounting to circa $500 billion in global investment.[3]

As an early investor in the EV charging segment, ABB has already sold in excess of 680,000 EV chargers across more than 85 markets. The new 16,000m2 Valdarno plant will facilitate the creation of more than 10,000 additional Direct Chargers (DC) chargers per year, which can be used across all transport sectors, from cars to buses to heavy vehicles.

The collaboration with Sonepar, which has a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, will put a wide range of ABB Alternating Chargers (AC) and DC charging solutions in front of customers in more than ten countries.

“It’s crucial that the transportation sector moves towards more sustainable solutions if we are to have any hope of achieving a net zero future. The only way to keep up with demand for electric vehicles and support their wider adoption is with the rapid expansion of EV charging infrastructure. As market leaders, we are proud to be able to support ABB in distributing their solutions, which will enable a swift environmental transition towards more efficient electric vehicles,” Lamaro Pareira, SVP, Sonepar International Services.

Customers that buy through Sonepar’s various channels, which include installers, system integrators, and end-users, can expect a seamless process, bolstered by training, commercial and technical support from ABB. In the coming years, the group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B2B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized experience to all customers.

Setting a blueprint for customers to follow

The Valdarno factory is just one example of ABB’s dedication to groundbreaking R&D. In the plant’s 3,200m2 development and prototyping space, around 70 of the site’s 500-plus employees are dedicated to implementing innovative solutions, new software, and product life cycle management tools to fully integrate R&D activities with manufacturing.

Yannis Fadakis, Group Account Manager for Sonepar, ABB, concluded, "The only way to reach a zero-emission reality for transportation is to work together with leading organizations, such as Sonepar, to provide customers with solutions for clean and sustainable mobility.  Our partnership with Sonepar has been extremely successful in other areas of our Electrification business and we’re excited to see what we can achieve through this new initiative.”

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Sonepar Acquires a Majority Share in COLD & CO_

Sonepar Acquires a Majority Share in COLD & CO


Sonepar is pleased to announce that it has acquired a majority shareholding in COLD & CO SAS, a privately owned distributor of air conditioning, ventilation and energy efficiency solutions, known primarily under the trade name CD-Sud.

Sonepar is pleased to announce that it has acquired a majority shareholding in COLD & CO SAS, a privately owned distributor of air conditioning, ventilation and energy efficiency solutions. 

COLD & CO is a leading player in the French Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) market segment and is known for its high level of technical expertise and its extensive distribution network under the CD Sud brand.  

COLD & CO recorded a remarkable development of its activities in the last five years, reaching a turnover of €140 million in 2021 and employing 215 associates. 

This acquisition will enable Sonepar to strengthen its presence in HVAC, a fast-growing market identified as one of the Group’s strategic priorities. Sonepar France is already active in this market through its subsidiary 3C CLIM, a well recognized HVAC specialist. By combining 3C CLIM and COLD & CO, Sonepar will leverage its industry experts and capabilities and will offer its customers a wide range of highly technical products and solutions across the entire territory. 

“We are delighted to announce that COLD & CO is joining Sonepar Group. As a well recognized specialist, our combined forces will create a national network fully dedicated to HVAC solutions and bring residential and commercial technical solutions to our customers. We strongly believe that these technical capabilities, in addition to the deployment of a global omnichannel digital platform and the development of the first B2B electrical supplies distribution marketplace in France, will position Sonepar as the preferred partner for our customers in France” stated Jérôme Malassigné, President of Sonepar International Services & France. 

“I am very proud and excited to see COLD & CO join the Sonepar Group. Both companies have a common ground of entrepreneurship spirit and willingness to become a national recognized specialist in the large and innovative HVAC segment. Sonepar’s capabilities in digital and logistics will enable COLD & CO to accelerate its development while keeping its historical DNA of a family business”, added Romain Tosolini, President of COLD & CO. 

The acquisition has been approved by the relevant antitrust authorities.

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Sonepar Acquires a Majority Share in Shanghai Dahua Network & Electric Technology in China

Sonepar Acquires a Majority Share in Shanghai Dahua Network & Electric Technology in China


Sonepar is pleased to announce that Shanghai Dahua Network & Electric Technology Co., Ltd. ('Dahua') has joined the Sonepar Group.

Founded in 1989, Dahua is a well-recognized enterprise in the industrial automation distribution in China and has successfully built a solid position in Shanghai and South Jiangsu Area.

With its 50 employees, the company achieved an annual turnover of €73 million in 2021. Dahua serves over 2,000 customers in a wide variety of industry segments, including textile, food packaging, printing, construction, chemical fiber and water supply equipment.

The acquisition of Dahua is a strategic addition to enrich our portfolio of distributed products, increase Sonepar’s business density in China and extend our engineering and operational capabilities. It is in line with the Group’s strategy to strengthen our addressable market in China in the field of industrial automation and smart manufacturing.

On behalf of Sonepar’s 45,000 associates, I would like to warmly welcome all Dahua associates to the Sonepar family.

Taco van Vroonhoven,
President Sonepar Asia Pacific

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2022.06.22 Sonepar Selects Manhattan Active Warehouse Management to Transform and Harmonize Its Global Distribution Network

Sonepar Selects Manhattan Active Warehouse Management to Transform and Harmonize Its Global Distribution Network


In response to significant ecommerce growth and customer demand for a seamless digital and physical experience, Sonepar Group is investing in Manhattan’s industry-leading solutions to deliver the highest standard of service in a fast, reliable and more sustainable way.

Paris, June 21, 2022 - Sonepar, the world leader in electrical products, systems and services distribution, is expanding its current Manhattan Active Warehouse Management partnership to support its ongoing global omnichannel supply chain transformation.

In response to significant ecommerce growth and customer demand for a seamless digital and physical experience, Sonepar Group is investing in Manhattan’s industry-leading solutions to deliver the highest standard of service in a fast, reliable and more sustainable way.

The company has an ambitious supply chain and digital transformation agenda: its goal, to become the first global B2B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitized omnichannel experience to all its customers. Sonepar leverages its multichannel distribution and logistics network to optimize its supply chain, offer competitive prices and improve its customer relationships. Its products are available anywhere, anytime at the company’s branches, showrooms, online and on mobile devices.

With this rollout, Sonepar is building on its previous successes with Manhattan’s Warehouse Management solutions at its subsidiaries Technische Unie and Van Egmond Group in the Netherlands and Mayflex in the UK. Manhattan Active Warehouse Management will initially be rolled out at Sonepar’s Cebeo division in Belgium with other locations to follow.

Jo Verbeek, Chief Supply Chain Officer stated,“Manhattan’s cloud native supply chain solutions are innovative and run on a unique platform enabling us to drive the rapid rollout of state-of-the-art distribution facilities globally; underpinning the buying journey and offering our customers a seamless omnichannel experience."

“We believe expanding the global partnership with Manhattan will help Sonepar Group become the first global B2B electrical distributor capable of delivering a truly complete omnichannel experience to each and every one of our customers, in a more sustainable, cost-effective way. We look forward to working together with Manhattan’s team of experts in the coming years to realize this long-term, strategic goal,” Jo concluded.

Henri Seroux, Senior Vice President, EMEA at Manhattan Associates added, “At the core of Sonepar’s offering today is the need to respond to the unique and evolving requirements of every customer. By providing digitized and orchestrated omnichannel capabilities through Manhattan Active Warehouse Management and our other cloud native Manhattan Active Supply Chain solutions, Manhattan is demonstrably and actively contributing to Sonepar’s international business goals and long-term success as well.”

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed.

About Manhattan Associates

Manhattan Associates is a technology leader in supply chain and omnichannel commerce. We unite information across the enterprise, converging front-end sales with back-end supply chain execution. Our software, platform technology and unmatched experience help drive both top-line growth and bottom-line profitability for our customers.

Manhattan Associates designs, builds and delivers leading edge cloud and on-premises solutions so that across the store, through your network or from your fulfillment center, you are ready to reap the rewards of the omnichannel marketplace. For more information, please visit

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Sonepar Acquires Masibus in India

Sonepar Acquires Masibus in India


We would like to warmly welcome all Masibus associates to the Sonepar family

Sonepar is pleased to announce that Masibus Automation and Instrumentation Pvt Ltd (“Masibus’) in India has joined the Sonepar Group.

Masibus, established in 1975, is recognized as one of the premier industrial automation and instrumentation solution providers in India. It serves over 20,000 customers in about 50 vertical industrial segments, offering products, solutions and services through 8 regional offices and a wide network of dealers and system integrators. The company is headquartered in Ahmedabad - Gandhinagar, with additional locations in Goa as well as Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates. With around 280 associates, Masibus recorded approximately €10 million sales in 2021. 

This acquisition is a strategic addition to the Sonepar network in the Indian industrial automation market. Masibus will complement Sonepar and expand its geographical presence in the West and South of India and add the portfolio of system integration, software distribution and industrial automation services to the existing offering of Sonepar India. 

On behalf of Sonepar’s 45 000 associates, we would like to warmly welcome all Masibus associates to the Sonepar family.   

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In Finland, SLO is now Sonepar

In Finland, SLO is now Sonepar


As of May 2, 2022, the 77-year-long history of SLO, Sonepar operating company in Finland, began a new chapter as it made the transition to the Sonepar brand.

SLO was founded in 1945 and has been a member of the Sonepar Group for three decades.

The Group’s global reach and steadfast support has always afforded us strength and extended our capabilities well beyond the borders of our own business. We are delighted to be able to continue growing from strength to strength as Sonepar, in Finland.” Mika Höijer, President of Sonepar in Finland.

All 38 branches in Finland were adorned with the new branding prior to 2 May 2022, outwardly uniting them under the Sonepar family. Two new locations will be added to the Sonepar brand this May and they will fully embrace the Sonepar look inside and out.

Mika concluded, “From now on it will be even easier to recognize us as a member of the global market leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions, and related services. Taking us forward in our Sonepar journey are our committed associates, newly automated CDC and excellent logistics as well as the latest in all things digital, such as the ERP implemented last year.”

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Sonepar Aquires Majorano in Italy

Sonepar Aquires Majorano in Italy


Sonepar Italia S.p.A. and Majorano S.p.A. have officially signed an agreement by which Majorano's electrical material distribution activities will be transferred to Sonepar Italia.

Padua 19th April 2022 - Sonepar Italia S.p.A. and Majorano S.p.A. have officially signed an agreement by which Majorano's electrical material distribution activities will be transferred to Sonepar Italia. The hand over will take place through a new company, named Elettrica Majorano Srl, which will be part of Sonepar Italia.

With a record turnover of 1.1 billion euros in 2021, 146 branches located in 17 regions throughout the territory and 2100 associates, Sonepar Italia is a leader in the distribution of electrical materials, solutions and related services for professionals and part of the Sonepar Group.

Majorano was founded in Naples in 1947 as a Pirelli sales agency for cables and enameled motor winding conductors. Over the years, the company has become a reference point for central-southern Italy in the distribution of electrical materials with 13 branches in the regions of Lazio, Campania, Calabria, and Basilicata. In 2021, it recorded sales of around 24 million euros.

“The journey that led Sonepar and Majorano to join their forces has finally and officially been completed,” said Sergio Novello, President of Sonepar Italia. "This operation will allow us to consolidate the excellent territorial coverage that the two companies have built over the years in the regions of Campania, Calabria and partly in Lazio."

"I wish to thank Angelo Maiorano,” commented Giovanni Mazza, Director of the South & Islands Division of Sonepar Italia, “For the path we have shared together, Sonepar and Majorano will consolidate a strong presence in the South, in Campania and Calabria, where they complement each other very naturally and are synergistic in skills. We look forward to welcoming our new colleagues in the activities planned to integrate the companies and that we are sure will bring great value for our customers."

“The agreement with Sonepar Italia is a source of great satisfaction for us,” commented Angelo Maiorano, “Sonepar is a guarantee for our business continuity, our evolution and future. Our combined presence on the territory will be an important driver of growth and gratification for our customers, our suppliers and our associates, for whom a new phase is definitely opening up and who will find in Sonepar great opportunities and maximum support."

About Sonepar in Italy

Sonepar Italia is a leading company in the distribution of electrical materials, solutions and related services and part of the international Sonepar Group. It is present on the national territory with a capillary network of 146 branches in 17 regions, 2100 employees and a total turnover of 1.1 billion euros in 2021. Sonepar's business in Italy began in 1988 with the acquisition of the Paduan Elettroingross, and then developed steadily over the years through internal growth and a series of acquisitions.

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Sonepar Partners With Mirakl To Develop First B2B Electrical Equipment Distribution Marketplace in France

Sonepar Partners With Mirakl To Develop First B2B Electrical Equipment Distribution Marketplace in France


"By developing the first electrical equipment distribution marketplace for professionals in France, Sonepar is confirming its very strong omnichannel ambitions."

Paris, 20 April 2022 - Sonepar, an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B2B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services, is pursuing its omnichannel strategy and has entered into a partnership with Mirakl, the world's leading provider of marketplace software solutions, to develop the first B2B electrical supplies distribution marketplace in France.

Through the development of this innovative eCommerce platform - the first to be compatible with Sonepar’s B2B customers’ purchasing methods - Sonepar aims to provide its customers with the most comprehensive product and service offer on the market.

The marketplace is planned to launch in Q4 of 2022. It is part of the Group's digital transformation strategy, aimed at making Sonepar the first electrical equipment distributor in the world to offer a fully digitalized and synchronized experience to its customers.

Jérémie Profeta, Chief Digital Enterprise Officer and member of Sonepar's Executive Committee,stated, "By developing the first electrical equipment distribution marketplace for professionals in France, Sonepar is confirming its very strong omnichannel ambitions. Only Mirakl's technology, know-how and ecosystem of partners, combined with the expertise of the 200 Sonepar experts in our Digital Factory, will enable us to deploy this unique innovation in record time and integrate it to the Group omnichannel platform."

Philippe Corrot, co-founder and co-CEO of Mirakl, added, "With more than 80 percent of business buyers stressing the importance of breadth of choice and quality of shopping experience, building a marketplace enables a B2B company to develop an additional revenue stream while better serving the needs of its customers. We are delighted to support the ambitions of a global leader like Sonepar and to develop together a unique platform, one of the largest marketplaces ever created in the B2B sector.”

About Sonepar
Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed.

Sonepar France, through its two generalist networks Sonepar Connect and CGED and its specialized subsidiaries, achieved a turnover of 2.6 billion euros in 2021 and has 5,300 employees.

About Mirakl
Mirakl offers the industry’s first and most advanced enterprise marketplace SaaS platform. With Mirakl, organizations across B2B and B2C industries can launch marketplaces faster, grow bigger, and operate with confidence as they exceed rising customer expectations. Platforms are the new competitive advantage in eCommerce, and the world’s most trusted brands choose Mirakl for its comprehensive solution of technology, expertise, and the Mirakl Connect ecosystem to unlock the power of the platform business model for them.

As a result, companies like ABB, Astore by AccorHotels, Best Buy Canada, Carrefour, Catch, Changi Airport, Darty, The Kroger Co., Leroy Merlin, Maisons du Monde, Metro, and Toyota Material Handling gain the speed, scale, and agility to win in the changing eCommerce landscape. For more information:

Image by: Cebeo

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2022.04.13 Sonepar Unveils its First CSR Report

Sonepar Unveils its First CSR Report


We are proud to unveil our first Corporate Social Responsibility report. 

The Sonepar Group is currently engaged in an ambitious and challenging transformation. In 2021, we delivered record-breaking results, launched our omnichannel platform, and renewed our brand identity. 

We have also begun to establish our purpose, to set out what we bring to the world and to our stakeholders, particularly with regards to current and future social, societal and environmental issues. 

With all of this in mind, we are proud to unveil our first Corporate Social Responsibility report. The key elements to which are: 

Sonepar’s long-term strategy which builds upon the vision of our shareholder base.

People – Our business and innovation are driven by the commitment, skills, and diversity of our associates. 

Compliance – We believe that integrity, fairness, and trust are key levers for generating sustainable growth. 

Supply Chain – At the epicenter of our industry, Sonepar is positioned to be a catalyst to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in the construction and manufacturing industries. 

Suppliers – Through close and long-lasting relationships, Sonepar can encourage our suppliers to innovate and elevate their energy-efficient solutions by raising awareness throughout our customer base.

Discover the full report here (PDF)!

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2022.04.06 Sonepar 2022 at a Glance

Sonepar: 2022 at a Glance


The Sonepar 2022 Panorama is out now. 

Here we present our annual, global overview of our activities, key figures, as well as editorials from Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette and CEO Philippe Delpech. 

Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. 

Discover Sonepar at a glance, its activities and strategic plan through this PDF brochure here: 

Sonepar Panorama 2022

About Sonepar 

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed.

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2022.03.03 Sonepar 2021 Key Figures

Sonepar 2021 Key Figures


2021 was a historic year for Sonepar. The Group broke a new record after 2019 and recorded sales of 26.4 billion euros, with 18% autonomous growth. 

Sonepar is currently undergoing an ambitious and challenging transformation, serving customers with an omnichannel digital experience, promoting best-in-class sustainability, and ensuring our associates a diverse and inclusive working environment.   

​​​​2021 was the year of laying the foundations for our digital transformation. Sonepar launched Spark omnichannel platform in four countries and is continuing its global deployment in 2022. With Spark, Sonepar strives to become the first electrical equipment distributor in the world to offer all customers a fully digital and synchronized experience. 

In 2021 we also renewed Sonepar’s brand identity and unveiled a new logo. The ellipses – the two, interlocking orbits that represent Sonepar’s unique balance of global scale and local empowerment– have been simplified in order to work powerfully wherever they appear. Sonepar’s new identity is modern, bold, and designed for an omnichannel experience 

Let’s have a look at the official Group Key Figures in 2021: 

We led the market: 

  • 26.4 billion euros in sales (30% online) – 31st December 2021 
  • Over 40 countries 
  • #1 in 11 countries 
  • 1 million order lines per day 

With a powerful network: 

  • 45,000 associates 
  • Over 100 brands 
  • 2,800 branches 
  • 150 distribution centers 

For a positive impact 

  • #1 in sales of energy efficient products 
  • Aligned with 1.5°C target 
  • 230 Sustainability initiatives 


Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO commented, “Thanks to a unique combination of a long-term horizon, best-in-class leadership, an engaged workforce and demanding corporate governance, Sonepar has built an undisputed leadership position in B2B electrical product distribution, systems, and services. I would like to thank our 45,000 associates for their engagement and their professionalism all throughout the year. You all contributed to an incredible 2021 performance, and I am very confident that we will be able to grow together in 2022, which will be for sure, another turning point in Sonepar’s history.” 

About Sonepar 

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €26.4 billion in 2021. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed.

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2022.02.28 Sonepar Enters into an Agreement to Sell Vallen North America

Sonepar Enters into an Agreement to Sell Vallen North America


The sale will include all Vallen North American business (USA, Canada and Mexico), which is heavily focused on industrial MRO and integrated supply services.

February 24, 2022 - Paris, France - Sonepar has announced it has entered into an agreement to sell Vallen Distribution, Inc. to Nautic Partners. The sale will include all Vallen North American business (USA, Canada and Mexico), which is heavily focused on industrial MRO and integrated supply services.

Vallen’s businesses in Asia are not concerned by this transaction and will remain part of the Sonepar Group. In 2021, Vallen North America recorded sales of around €1.6 billion and employed 4,200 associates.

"Sonepar’s decision to divest Vallen North America came after a strategic evaluation regarding the best path forward for Vallen and its associates," stated Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO. "Going forward, Sonepar will continue its focus on the growth and performance of its core electrical distribution businesses around the world, making significant investments to grow the business organically and through acquisitions and to expand offerings of services, solutions and products."

The sale is anticipated to close within a couple of months, following customary regulatory approval.

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2022.02.17 Sonepar Awarded Prestige Construction Contract in Germany

Sonepar Awarded Prestige Construction Contract in Germany


The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, or F.A.Z. Tower, is currently under construction in the sought-after Europaviertel area in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.

The tower will reach around 60 meters high and be home to the publishing and editorial offices of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The customer is GA-tec, a company of the Sodexo Group, which secured the electrical engineering contract and subsequently brought Sonepar in Germany on board.

In addition to competitive prices, an innovative logistics concept was a decisive factor in GA-tec's decision to award Sonepar in Germany the contract. This concept outlines a joint service and processing plan, which includes the provision of roll containers, construction site catalogs, and the option of material floor delivery depending on the construction's progress.

Samuel Eichner, Head of the Building Services and Plant Engineering business unit stated, "We have proven in the past that we can offer exactly this. As with previous projects, the work on the F.A.Z. Tower will again be a joint project between the business unit, the sales region and the relevant specialist departments."

The total project is worth approximately 1.2 million euros. Christian Rodenbach, Head of Project Management in Sales Region 09 added, "All those involved are looking forward to the overarching collaboration but are also proud that this project has been won in the Rhine-Main growth region at the gates and 'home' of a major competitor.

About Sonepar in Germany

Sonepar is Germany’s leading electrical wholesaler, is has a local presence across the country in more than 200 locations. Central warehouses are spread across the whole country and, together with a special distribution center for industrial products, ensure that products are available with minimum delay.

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2022.02.17 Sonepar Contributes to the Construction of the Tibet Autonomous Region Hospital

Sonepar Contributes to the Construction of the Tibet Autonomous Region Hospital


Sonepar’s Building and Electrical Distribution Division (B&ED) in China, is proudly contributing to the construction of the Tibet Autonomous Region Hospital.

The hospital's development began on September 29, 2020, and the B&ED has had the honor of providing primarily Low Voltage Sower Management System solutions, as well as other building and automation references from our valued partner, Schneider Electric. Worth around ¥4m (approximately €500k), all product models were carefully selected or customized to fit the project's unique criteria.

From Sonepar’s previous experience in the construction of over six Wuhan mobile hospitals, to working on Huaneng Renewable’s wind power grid, to this current mission, it has been the B&ED’s great privilege to participate in projects with such an immense benefit to society.

The Tibet Autonomous Region Hospital is positioned to be the region's central medical center with a 3A-grade standard rating in China. As a result of the successful collaboration with our client and our supplier, the hospital will soon begin its trial runs this year.

About Sonepar in China

Sonepar is a key national player in the B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. After entering China in 2000, they have continued to grow over the years. Thanks to strategic acquisitions and organic growth, they achieved revenue of more than CNY 5.0 billion in 2019. They cover 18 provinces and the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau. With 1,200 associates, Sonepar in China has extremely ambitious growth plans for the next five years, which will see them develop their critical competencies and enlarge our product range to meet our customer' needs in the best possible way, whether they operate in the building, industrial processes or energy sectors.

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2022.02.28 TRADEFORCE and LIT by Cardi Now Available in Switzerland

TRADEFORCE and LIT by Cardi Now Available in Switzerland


After the global launch of exclusive brands TRADEFORCE and LIT by Cardi in September, last month, Sonepar introduced both brands in Switzerland. 

The high-quality products from LIT by Cardi complement the lighting sector's current range, while TRADEFORCE ensures an even broader choice for professional tools and accessories, for customers to take on any job, anywhere. As of last month, the two lines are available online at and in Sonepar’s 14 branches across the country. 

David von Ow, President of Sonepar in Switzerland is confident in the success of the two lines in Switzerland, stating, "The launch of TRADEFORCE and LIT by Cardi reinforces our customer focus and complements the range of our strategic suppliers. Our first-class service and optimized supply chain mean we can meet all our customers' project requirements, creating great added value for our demanding clientele in an increasingly complex world." 

Marcel Helbling, Head of Product Management, commended the product teams' collaboration, adding, "We are very pleased with the successful launch. A highly motivated team from various departments brought enthusiasm and passion to the launch. 

The official launch was supported with cross-media activities, including a press release, PR reports, newsletters, and an article in the company's customer magazine. Sonepar's own, carefully designed landing page on was pivotal to the launch, supported with individually coordinated advertising materials in store. 

The uncertainty of the Covid-19 situation precluded launch events. However, with the immediate influx of orders via Switzerland's app and webshop at around 80%, online presence proved to be just as valuable. Sonepar is positive about the initial launch of the new brands and is looking forward to expanding the range this summer along with a communication campaign highlighting additional promotions throughout the year. 

About Sonepar in Switzerland 

Sonepar Suisse is an independent French family-owned company and is one of the leading firms in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Following the motto "think global, act Sonepar", we have an extensive presence across Switzerland. More than 450 of our employees at 14 locations in German, French and Italian-speaking Switzerland provide outstanding service. Together with Dysbox SA, ElectroLAN SA, Electroplast SA, Fabbri SA and Winterhalter + Fenner AG, we form Sonepar Switzerland and are part of the French Sonepar group, which is present in more than 48 countries and employs some 48,000 associates. 

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2022.02.15 Sonepar Partners with ChargePoint to Install 1,400 Charging Stations in France

Sonepar Partners with ChargePoint to Install 1,400 Charging Stations in France


Through this partnership, ChargePoint becomes the exclusive electric vehicle charging software partner for all charging equipment installed in the Sonepar network in France.

Sonepar and ChargePoint, a leading electric vehicle charging network operating in Europe and North America, have signed a strategic partnership in France. This partnership includes the installation of more than 1,400 charging stations across France at over 500 locations including branches, offices, and the headquarters by mid-2022.

As of December 31, 2021, 53,667 charging stations were available in France. With the addition of 1,400 additional terminals, Sonepar and ChargePoint will significantly increase the available offer. Through this partnership, ChargePoint becomes the exclusive electric vehicle charging software partner for all charging equipment installed in the Sonepar network in France.

Sonepar in France will now be able to offer all its customers a complete electric vehicle charging solution and will strengthen its position in a growing market, which is estimated to be worth one billion in sales in 2025 with 50% installations.

Jérôme Malassigne, President France and International Services stated, "By providing access to more than 1,400 electric vehicle charging stations, Sonepar offers an innovative service to its 100,000 customers and 5,000 employees. Sonepar's French network represents a major opportunity to make a significant contribution to achieving France's ambition for electric charging stations. This sustainable service available 24/7 will significantly reduce carbon emissions. We thank the Group for putting this partnership  with ChargePoint at the forefront of innovation, available to the Sonepar network in France."

Pasquale Romano, CEO of ChargePoint added, “We have an established partnership agreement with the Sonepar Group globally, and we are thrilled to extend EV charging in France with our partner Sonepar. This partnership indicates the commitment between ChargePoint and Sonepar to drive the future of transportation and progress the electrification efforts of thousands of businesses throughout France.”

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2022.02.15 Sonepar Wins North India Best Employer 2021

Sonepar Wins North India Best Employer 2021


Sonepar has won the North India Best Employer by the Employer Branding Institute India.

The Stars of the Industry Awards ceremony took place at the Taj Mahal Hotel in New Delhi and was hosted by World HRD Congress.

Nominations were given to organizations that had shown exemplary Marketing Communications and Human Resources development over the year.

This award also comes after India was given ‘Great Place to Work’ certification for the second year running. Winning the Best Employer award is the encouragement and motivational anchor for welcoming 2022.

Congratulations to the teams who made this happen!

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2022.02.14 Sonepar Welcomes Students to Participate in the 8th Edition of their Scholarship Program in Spain

Sonepar Welcomes Students to Participate in the 8th Edition of their Scholarship Program in Spain


Eight years ago, Sonepar implemented its Associate Program (Programa Emplea) in Spain, which aims to improve the employability prospects of young people.

Each year, roughly 100 students are welcomed into the program and given internships throughout various departments within the company, including Electricity, Administration, Telecommunications, Warehouse Assistant Activities, and Electrical & Automatic Installations.

In December 2021, 97 students received their certifications and many of them have since been hired at Sonepar as commercial technicians, administrators, or warehouse operatives.

Educational opportunities are also provided to associates already within Sonepar, as eligible candidates can apply to the Company Training Scheme (Plan Formativo de la empresa), which offers multiple training courses across a myriad of specialities.

This ethos extends beyond the company's warehouses and offices, as dozens of webinars and technical seminars are also available to their customers!

About Sonepar in Spain

Founded in 1986, Sonepar Ibérica is the leading company in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment and related solutions in Spain. With more than 115 branches spread throughout the Spanish geography and we are present in the market through our seven commercial OPCOS: AME, Dielectro Balear, Dielectro Canarias, Dielectro Industrial, Dimel, Guerin and Hispanofil. We offer our clients integral solutions and services in our business areas: Industry, Lighting, Telecom & Data, Cable, Medium Voltage, Security & EPIS, Building Automotion & Domotics, Air Conditioning, Electric Vehicle, Renewable and Sanitary Energies and Plumbing.

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2022.02.14 Sonepar Introduces A New Digital Returns Process in Switzerland

Sonepar Introduces A New Digital Returns Process in Switzerland


In Switzerland, Sonepar has introduced a digital returns process to accompany its paperless ordering process.

Customers can now easily and autonomously register their returns via the company's webshop, keep an overview and track the current status of the return at all times. They can thus see at any time when specific items from a particular order were returned and the status of processing.

Philipp Guidetti, Head of Digital Business Development at Sonepar in Switzerland stated, “The digital returns process is the perfect complement to Sonepar in Switzerland's established digital packing slip. Our new tool offers customers new ways of tracking and ensures faster, more efficient processing for both sides."

This impressive new feature developed by the Sonepar Junior Committee, also contributes to our sustainability goals, as Philipp added, "We are also closing a gap in our paperless ordering process and thus contributing to a more sustainable future, as the online registration of returns does away with the need for paper packing slips or other paper. It is particularly impressive that this project was originally proposed by the Sonepar Junior Committee (SJC), and has now been successfully brought to the customer.”

About Sonepar in Switzerland

Sonepar Suisse is an independent French family-owned company and is one of the leading firms in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Following the motto "think global, act Sonepar", we have an extensive presence across Switzerland. More than 450 of our employees at 14 locations in German, French and Italian-speaking Switzerland provide outstanding service. Together with Dysbox SA, ElectroLAN SA, Electroplast SA, Fabbri SA and Winterhalter + Fenner AG, we form Sonepar Switzerland and are part of the French Sonepar group, which is present in more than 48 countries and employs some 48,000 associates.

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2022.02.14 Sonepar in Brazil and Technische Unie Receive the Top Employer Certification

Sonepar in Brazil and Technische Unie Receive the Top Employer Certification


Sonepar in Brazil and Technische Unie have been awarded the Top Employers certification from the Top Employers Institute, the global authority on recognizing excellence in people practices. 
The Top Employers award recognizes companies that provide optimum working conditions, promote and develop the talent of their associates, and strive to optimize their Human Resources practices. 

In Brazil, through an audit of Best Practices in Human Resources, about 450 people management initiatives were analyzed, evaluating crucial issues within the strategy of departments including Governance and Compliance, Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion, and the evolution of results in topics such as Work Environment and Employer Brand. This is the third consecutive year that Brazil has been awarded this certification. 

Yannick Laporte, President of Sonepar in Brazil stated, "We are proud to have earned the Top Employer certification in 2022 for the third time. Diversity and Inclusion, learning, and talent development were at the core of our HR strategy last year, in addition to always caring for our people and their families during the pandemic. Sonepar's greatest assets are its associates." 

At Technische Unie, this is the fifth time that the company has been awarded this certification. 

Additionally, this year's assessment considered HR practices implemented throughout 2021, still heavily impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring companies to be increasingly connected to the needs of their associates, customers, and the community, in addition to meeting their goals in an uncertain and challenging scenario. 

About Sonepar in Brazil 

Sonepar Brazil is part of the Sonepar Group, a global leader in the distribution of electrical materials. With operations in Brazil since 2001, it is also a leader in the national market and is constantly expanding its local presence through rapid growth and strategic acquisitions of companies in the segment. Currently, Sonepar Brazil is made up of the following companies: Dimensional, DW, Eletronor, Etil and Nortel. 

About Technische Unie 

Technische Unie is the largest technical wholesaler in the Netherlands. It is made up of over 2000 associates and is the supplier of 2 million products. It is proud to deliver such services as the delivery of installation materials in the field of electrical engineering, lighting, tools, plumbing, heating and climate technology. Its customers are ever-present in the installation, construction, government and retail industry. 

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2022.02.09 Elektroskandia Sverige Modernizes Stockholm's Telecom Infrastructure

Elektroskandia Sverige Modernizes Stockholm's Telecom Infrastructure


Elektroskandia Sverige is at the heart of modernizing Stockholm's telecom infrastructure.

The company is working with its customer, Netel, by upgrading the city's telecom sites with new solutions equipped for 5G technology.

Elektroskandia and Netel have collaborated together for over 15 years and have even developed a cross-docking system whereby Netel sends supplier equipment to Elektroskandia's warehouses which is then packaged and ready to be delivered on-site.

Watch the full video to find out more, and you may also spot Elektroskandia's associates using their trusty TRADEFORCE tools!

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2022.02.07 Sonepar in Breaks New Ground on the Development of its Newest CDC in Italy

Sonepar in Breaks New Ground on the Development of its Newest CDC in Italy


Watch the video on our YouTube channel to find out more about the project!

Following Sonepar’s acquisition of ElettroVeneta and Demo in 2019, an analysis was made for the redesign of logistics assets for Italy. This analysis led to the construction launch of the company’s soon-to-be opened Central Distribution Center (CDC) in Padova, Italy.

The supply chain project identified Padova as the prime location for the site as it served as a strategic point of access for developing or consolidating logistics assets between Milan, Rome, and of course Padova itself.

Over the next few months, Sonepar’s logistics team and technical supplier teams will be involved in refining the details of the opening that will start full operations the final part of 2022.

This project allows for our customers to be served from a single supply chain site in the North-East Italian region. The introduction of automation will allow for a significant increase in the capacity in daily lines processed and will consequently improve global product availability and will reduce the number of boxes per shipment.

Watch the video on our YouTube channel to find out more about the project!

About Sonepar in Italy

Sonepar Italia S.p.A. is made up of over 100 branches, six distribution centers and 1,500 associates. In 2020, Sonepar in Italy generated a turnover of more than 1 billion euros. Sonepar in Italy was born in 1988 with Elettroingross acquisition and has developed over the years through internal growth and different acquisitions.

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2022.01.24 International Day of Education Technische Unie to open its third Inspiration Center

International Day of Education: Technische Unie to open its third Inspiration Center


Technische Unie has two other Inspiration Centers dedicated to Sustainability (Zwolle), and Smart Industry (Eindhoven).

Today is International Day of Education, and to mark the occasion we’re looking at Technische Unie’s third, soon to be opened Inspiration Centre in Utrecht which is scheduled to open in Q1 of 2022.

Technische Unie has two other Inspiration Centers dedicated to Sustainability (Zwolle), and Smart Industry (Eindhoven).

In this new facility, customers can make an appointment to come and learn what is possible with smart technology in the fields of sustainability, lighting, security, energy, and processes. Thanks to developments in areas such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) for example, buildings can adapt to their environment and user, and customers can learn about connected solutions for retail, healthcare, hotel, office, and schools.

How can buildings become smart? And by doing so, how can homes, business premises and factories be made more sustainable? These questions and more will be answered by Technische Unie’s specialists who are ready to help, whether customers want to start learning about a new skill or delve deeper into a familiar subject. Customers can even take part in demos so see how these new skills can be applied in practice.

These centers act as Technische Unie’s educational hubs in the Netherlands, to enable customers to use the most up-to-date practices in sustainability, smart industry, and smart building, helping to create a bright, efficient, and more ecological future for us all.

About Technische Unie

Technische Unie is the largest technical wholesaler in the Netherlands. It is made up of over 2000 associates and is the supplier of 2 million products. It is proud to deliver such services as the delivery of installation materials in the field of electrical engineering, lighting, tools, plumbing, heating and climate technology. Its customers are ever-present in the installation, construction, government and retail industry.

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2022.01.18 Sonepar Acquires Electro Meers in Belgium

Sonepar Acquires Electro Meers in Belgium


With this new branch in Heusden-Zolder, Cebeo will expand its presence in the province of Limburg to six branches. 

Tuesday, January 18, Cebeo, the leading Belgian distributor of electrical equipment, is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement to take over the activities of Electro Meers, based in Heusden-Zolder, as of April 1, 2022. 

The activities of Electro Meers account for an annual turnover of approximately €5 million. The four associates of Electro Meers will be joining Cebeo. With this new branch in Heusden-Zolder, Cebeo will expand its presence in the province of Limburg to six branches – in addition to Genk, Ham, Hasselt, Sint-Truiden and Tongeren. 

About Electro Meers 

Electro Meers is a distributor of electro-technical material based in Heusden-Zolder. Founded 33 years ago by Marc Meers, it is specialised in electrotechnical material, lighting and services for residential, industrial and private applications. With their team of four professionals, the company has a strong local anchoring and in recent years has achieved impressive organic growth. 

About Cebeo 

Cebeo, founded in 1922 and a member of the Sonepar Group, is the Belgian leader in the distribution of electrical equipment, solutions and related services for professionals. With a turnover of 608 million euros, and with its 1100 employees and 55 branches, Cebeo continuously invests in order to offer its customers the best services in the fields of logistics, technical support and digitalisation. 

About Sonepar 

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. 

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2022.01.05 Sonepar enters into an agreement to acquire Weniger in Germany

Sonepar enters into an agreement to acquire Weniger in Germany


Sonepar is proud to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Weniger GmbH Elektrogroßghandel in Germany. 

Weniger is a medium-sized electrical wholesaler based in the East of Germany, with 70 associates serving customers in five branches in Cunewalde, Zittau, Kamenz, Spremberg and Meissen. With an expected 2021 turnover of approximately EUR 20 million, Weniger has experienced more than 30 years of successful business in this area. 

This acquisition will strengthen Sonepar’s local presence in the Brandenburg area as well as Eastern and middle Saxony. With Sonepar’s state-of-the-art logistics, advanced product assortments and additional services combined with Weniger’s dedicated sales team, Sonepar believes this acquisition will deliver great value to its customers. 

This transaction became effective on December 31st, 2021. 

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2021.12.17 Sonepar Launches TRADEFORCE in Spain

Sonepar Launches TRADEFORCE in Spain


In September, Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech officially launched Sonepar’s two exclusive brands, LIT by Cardi and TRADEFORCE on a global scale. Following the launch, TRADEFORCE has now arrived in Spain.

This week, Sonepar has officially introduced TRADEFORCE products at all its 117 points of sale and online sales channels in Spain. With three core lines, Tools, Safety Equipment, and Installation Materials & Accessories, TRADEFORCE’s mission is to give customers the confidence they need to take on any job, anywhere. 

"We have introduced Sonepar's exclusive brand that has the ambition to become the reference in tools and safety equipment. The initial range consists of simple products, that are used daily by our customers. Through TRADEFORCE, we will be able to better satisfy our customers' need for this type of product." Jean Cyrille Verspieren, President of Sonepar in Spain 

The initial range of hand tools, VDE tools, and batteries will later be included with more personal protection products and installation materials, always in accordance with the philosophy of this new brand that is exclusively present at Sonepar to equip professionals with the tools to take on 'Any Job, Anywhere.' "We have seen how TRADEFORCE performs in other countries where Sonepar operates, and its reception has been a huge success,” Jean-Cyrille asserted. 

“In addition, TRADEFORCE also cares about the environment and ergonomics in its designs. For this reason, the packaging is 100% biodegradable and reusable, and it designs its products always with the user's comfort in mind," commented Diego Barriuso, Director of Energy & Tradeforce at Sonepar in Spain. 

At the official launch last Thursday, a special event was held at the Leganés branch in Madrid, where members of Sonepar in Spain's executive committee were in attendance, as well as Patrick Salvadori, President Sonepar Western Europe & South America; Pierre Petit, SVP Finance Sonepar Western Europe & South America. 

Founded in Australia in 2005, TRADEFORCE started its life serving professional contractors working in some of the most challenging and varied conditions on the planet. The brand currently sells more than 300 products and by the end of 2021, the brand is expected to be present in 15 countries.

2021.12.17 Sonepar Launches Spark in Italy and France

Sonepar Launches Spark in Italy and France


Last month, the Sonepar Digital Factory successfully rolled out Spark, our omnichannel platform in Italy and France.

With Spark, Sonepar strives to become the first electrical equipment distributor in the world to offer a fully digital and synchronized experience to all its customers.

As Sonepar transforms into a Digital Enterprise, many changes are happening throughout the organization, and at the core of every decision is our customer; how we can provide an exceptional experience and service that meets their individual needs. 

“The launch of Spark marked the beginning of a boundless adventure. This is a project in constant evolution and improvement, and we are already working to implement and enrich the platform with new features that will give our customers an unmatched experience.” Sergio Novello, President, Sonepar in Italy

"For France, to have Spark is a great opportunity for us all to rethink our processes, remove complexities within our organization, and to always have the customer’s journey at the forefront of our minds.” Jérôme Malassingé, President France & International Services

Through the implementation of this user-friendly, global platform designed with the intention of making our customers’ and our associates’ lives easier, Sonepar will break new ground in the B2B electrical industry, providing the best experience to help our customers succeed.

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2021.12.17 Elettric Center Becomes Part of the Sacchi Group

Elettric Center Becomes Part of the Sacchi Group


Sacchi Group, one of the leading electrical equipment distributors in Northern Italy, is proud to announce that it will acquire Elettric Center S.p.A.

Elettric Center, founded in 1992, is headquartered in Saint Christophe (Ao) and recorded a turnover of €10 million in 2020. It  sells electrical components, lighting solutions, anti-intrusion, automation, fire protection, video intercom and home automation to professionals and non-professionals in the Aosta Valley territory.

Alberto Pignatelli, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Elettric Center commented, "A partnership that has been strengthened over the years and today allows us to guarantee customers an even more sophisticated and advanced range of services, thanks to the new synergy with a structured, dynamic and constantly evolving reality, such as the Sacchi Group".

Marco Brunetti, President of the Sacchi Group said, "Having a partner like Elettric Center in the Aosta Valley, with a strong brand identity and a success story, will contribute to further strategic and commercial development in an area that we consider rich of opportunitiesThe principles that inspire our companies are the same: excellent service, daily commitment, constant willingness to improve. These essential values are the real drivers that will enable us to play together an important role in the electricity distribution market."

The Zorzi family, who own Elettric Center, will remain e part of the company.  Andrea and Davide Zorzi will remain respectively at the head of the Light Center and Elettric Center stores. The acquisition of Elettric Center will increase Sacchi’s territorial presence in Northern Italy.

Sacchi Group, leader in the distribution of electrical equipment in Northern Italy, for over 60 years is the reference point for companies operating in the fields of electrical installation, building automation, automation, lighting and security. With over 90 retail outlets of 4 different brands, Sacchi, Demo, Comel and D.M.E., 2 megastores of consumer electronics and 2 logistics centers, the Sacchi Group offers more than 40,000 customers the widest availability of products and solutions for the electrical professional, fast and reliable deliveries, excellent service and the expertise and professionalism of 1300 employees, with a 2019 turnover of 635 million euros. Since 2017, Sacchi Group has been part of Sonepar Group.

2021.12.13 Richards Electric Supply Company Officially Joins the Sonepar Network

Richards Electric Supply Company Officially Joins the Sonepar Network


Sonepar is proud to announce that the Richards Electric Supply Company acquisition closed on December 31, 2021.

Sonepar has announced that the Richards Electric Supply Company acquisition closed on December 31, 2021. Richards Electric is now officially a member of the Sonepar family.

A family-owned business headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, since 1937, Richards Electric will add four branch locations and 150 associates to the Sonepar network. Richards Electric expects to record sales in excess of $125M for 2021.

In the United States, Sonepar operates through a network of electrical, industrial, and utility distributors with over 700 locations and coverage in all 50 states. The Richards Electric acquisition follows Sonepar’s August purchase of Springfield Electric Supply Company in Springfield, Illinois and further builds Sonepar’s presence in the Midwest.

“It’s an exciting time for Sonepar and the Richards Electric team. We are committed to continued growth with the strongest and best regarded electrical distribution companies. Richards Electric is a great fit for our network.” said Rob Taylor, President, Sonepar North America.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders. For more information, visit

2021.12.09 Sonepar’s Goal to Create the Best Supply Chain Ecosystem

Sonepar’s Goal to Create the Best Supply Chain Ecosystem


Sonepar has a mission: To build the best supply chain in B2B distribution.

By offering our customers the broadest assortment of products with the highest levels of agility and customization, we aim to deliver the perfect order; what our customers want – when, where, and how they want it – with ease.

“Delivering the perfect order involves many factors: A reliable network of partners, more productive facilities with the right available inventory, optimized packaging, and flawless flexible logistics with dedicated transport powered by our highly engaged associates.” Jo Verbeek, Chief Supply Chain Officer & Apac Operations.

Sonepar’s digital transformation and investment in technology and data not only help us to plan, prepare, and deliver these perfect orders, they provide us with insights on how to create a safer and better work environment, eliminate waste, and reduce our CO2 and environmental impact -- from suppliers to customer delivery.

Sonepar is investing more than €1bn in construction, distribution and transportation networks, state of the art technologies, automation and robotics, a global digital platform, and our people in order to deliver perfect orders to our customers all whilst helping Sonepar to reach our goal of limiting CO2 emissions under 2% by 2023.

Watch this video to discover how we intend to reach this goal and head to the Offer page on MySonepar to find out more about our strategy, our teams, and more.

2022.11.17 Sonepar Enters Into an Agreement to Acquire a Majority Share in Factory Systemes Groupe

Sonepar Enters Into an Agreement to Acquire a Majority Share in Factory Systemes Groupe


Sonepar is pleased to announce that it will acquire a majority shareholding in Factory Systemes Groupe, a major player in the distribution of software solutions, edge computing and industrial IoT.

Located in the east of Paris, Factory Systemes Groupe recorded sales of EUR 55 million in 2020 and employs 150 associates. It serves almost 10,000 customers with operations in France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

This acquisition will enable Sonepar to accelerate its digital transformation consistent with its ambition to become the leading Industry Electrical Distributor offering a full range of services, including software solutions.

“We are delighted that Factory Systemes Groupe, a leading player in its business field, will join Sonepar. This transaction will enable Sonepar to develop its added value digital offer in a fast-growing market and to serve the whole industry with focus on Industry 4.0. The leverage of Sonepar’s global footprint and customer base will offer many new commercial opportunities for Factory Systemes Groupe to accelerate its development and diversify its portfolio of services.” stated Jérôme Malassigné, President of Sonepar International Services & France.

“Our recognized expertise combined with Sonepar’s strength and incredible market coverage will offer unmatched opportunities to our respective customers, partners and employees. Together, we ambition to provide our ecosystem with complete, comprehensive and sustainable solutions to enable their digital transformation initiatives.”, stated Thierry Bonte, President of Factory Systemes Groupe.

This acquisition is subject to clearance by the Austrian antitrust authority and is expected to close before year-end.

About Factory Systemes Groupe

Factory Systemes Groupe is a leading distributor in Industrial Software Solutions, Edge Computing and IIoT. With 150 associates, operating in France, Germany and Switzerland, the company offers to almost 10 000 manufacturing plants and large infrastructures a fast-track to digitization, so they can optimize their operations, plan better and accelerate their agenda to lower carbon footprint. The group deals with major suppliers including AVEVA and Advantech. It provides to customers and partners a best of breed long term digital solution that delivers short term value with a low Total Cost of Ownership. To deliver end-to-end solutions, Factory Systemes Groupe leverages the vertical expertise of over 470 System Integrators and OEM partners. For more details, visit:

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders.

2021.11.16 Sonepar Launches its New Brand Identity

Sonepar Launches its New Brand Identity


Paris, November 16th, 2021 – Sonepar is proud to launch a new brand identity to support the Group’s ambition to remain the world leader in B-to-B electrical products, systems, and services distribution, serving customers with an omnichannel digital experience, promoting best-in-class sustainability, and ensuring associates a diverse and inclusive working environment.

Two decades after the launch of the existing logo, the rebrand occurs when Sonepar is engaged in an ambitious transformation to serve customers with the most advanced automated and digitalized omnichannel processes in the industry. The new brand has been designed to be easily deployed across all digital channels.

The Sonepar group had sales of €23 billion in 2020, serving customers in 40 countries with a unique balance of global scale and local empowerment, making their day-to-day operations more efficient. This is made possible by investing in cutting-edge supply chain and digital, omni-channel technologies to deliver the highest level of customer service.

Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO commented, “To support our transformation, it is the right time to renew our brand identity. This is in response to our customers’ needs and market developments. We serve our audience in every possible channel, from on-screen to in-person. On-time, in-full delivery and exemplary service is embedded in our DNA. We aim to be a leading pioneer of the energy transition. Operating with complete integrity, our business behaviour and levels of responsibility set the highest standards. People are essential to our business. We champion difference and diversity. Our people are ambitious, driven by entrepreneurial spirit, and they are essential to our business. They make the difference, every day.”

The rebrand also recognises the true Sonepar’s evolution into a global group, drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates around the world. Sonepar is launching this new brand on the back of steady, profitable growth which has built an undisputed leadership position for the Group thanks to a unique combination of being family-owned, with a long-term horizon, a best-in-class leadership, an engaged workforce and demanding corporate governance.

The new logo is an evolution of the previous brand, which was rolled out in 2001, and builds on the past. The brand mark – the two, interlocking orbits that represent Sonepar’s unique balance of global scale and local empowerment – have been simplified to work powerfully wherever they appear.

The new brand identity also reaffirms Sonepar’s values, fully shared through the entire Group, driving Sonepar’ mission as a business: making our customers’ lives easier every day by providing products, logistics and solutions to construction companies, industries and utility organizations across the world.

Matt Pothecary, Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability, stated: “By modernizing the brand mark and improving its legibility, the new logo enables the brand to project an updated and modern image to all of Sonepar’s stakeholders. Far more than just a badge, our brand signifies who we are, how we behave and what makes our business so distinct and unique. We build long-term relationships based on mutual respect and champion sustainable practices. We lead by example doing what is right, giving our best performance in everything we do.”

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of local brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed.

2021.10.21 Sonepar Held its Strategic Supplier Event in Zurich, First Physical Event Since the Pandemic

Sonepar Held its Strategic Supplier Event in Zurich, First Physical Event Since the Pandemic


On October 13-14, the Sonepar Strategic Supplier Event took place in Zurich, Switzerland.

This major event is held every five years to unite our valued partners and forward-thinking experts, host live panel discussions, and present Sonepar’s latest projects and developments.   

The event opened with a keynote speech by Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech, before diving into discussions and demonstrations covering all aspects of Sonepar’s Transformation.   

“Sonepar aims to remain the world leader in B2B electrical products, systems and services distribution, serving customers with an omnichannel digital experience, promoting best-in-class sustainability, and ensuring our associates a diverse and inclusive working environment. We are Sonepar, Powered by Difference” CEO Philippe Delpech

2021.10.08 Colam Sustainability Awards 2021 - Meet the Winners!

Colam Sustainability Awards 2021 - Meet the Winners!


The Colam Sustainability Awards were created in 2016 to highlight initiatives taken by Sonepar's associates and operating companies, that have had an impact on environmental, social, and people issues.

These three categories present a unique opportunity to showcase projects and visions for a better future. The winners of each category are selected by a jury comprised of four Colam Entreprendre representatives, a Sonepar representative, and two external figures. The fourth prize, the Coisne-Lambert award, is chosen by all Colam shareholders. The objective of both parties is to recognize initiatives taken by Sonepar’s associates and opcos that have a positive impact on sustainable development as a whole.

31 initiatives were entered from 13 Sonepar countries and opcos, and we are thrilled to announce the four winners.

The Environment Award - France

In recognition for an initiative that has a direct or indirect impact on the environment (include resource management, waste management, energy efficiency, renewable energy use, and biodiversity, etc).

Sonepar in France was named the winner of the Environmental Award, for their StockPro application, which introduces the subject of circularity to the heart of the Sonepar France ecosystem. The application allows our customers to sell and or buy products left in their stocks and allows Sonepar to put its unsold stocks onto a digital marketplace. StockPro has a clear objective: to avoid throwing away reusable products, and thus comply with the new requirements linked to the energy transition law in terms of recycling and treatment of building waste. The French legislative framework has become more and more demanding in terms of recyclability and waste treatment, and the building sector is particularly concerned in this regard. StockPro responds to Sonepar’s strategy to expand its service offering, and is also completely in line with Sonepar's digital transformation. Sonepar's associates provide regular feedback from their experience on the field, resulting in regular updates that adhere to their customers' needs and allow them to provide the best-in-class service.

The Social Award - Sacchi

In recognition for an initiative that has a direct or indirect impact on society as a whole (including health, well-being in the workplace, education, creating job opportunities and reducing poverty, circular economy, etc).

Sacchi was named the winner of the Social Award, for its collaboration with an NGO named the AVSI Foundation for almost 15 years, which was established to help 160 children find foster care. Three years ago, that partnership was strengthened even further as more associates became involved in helping another 90 children from the school of Kampala, Uganda. As of today, Sacchi has helped over 250 foster children, each of whom is assigned child is assigned to an associate who is responsible for keeping regular contact to ensure that they’re doing well and being looked after. At the end of 2019, nine associates had the chance to go to Uganda, meet the children and AVSI local contacts and live with them for a week. Sacchi’s partnership with AVSI is growing with each passing year, more and more children are being assigned to its associates, and the team hopes that this project will inspire other opcos within the Sonepar network to look into establishing similar initiatives.

The Diversity & Inclusion Award – South-East Asia

In recognition for an initiative that has a direct or indirect impact on people (including promoting diversity, celebrate difference, work against discrimination, etc). For Sonepar, diversity and inclusion are not only about policies, programs, or headcounts, it’s also an opportunity. At Sonepar, we strive for unity, not uniformity!

Sonepar South-East Asia was named the winner of the Diversity & Inclusion Award, for their admirable efforts in establishing a sense of belonging for every associate in the organization. In 2020, they saw 40% women in mid-management positions, a 50% gender split, established a new recruitment policy that promotes gender equality, diversity, and considers candidates from all races, gender, and physical conditions. Pay grades are also not defined by gender.

Mainly HR motivated, these new policies take everyone’s needs into account. For example, returning mothers are provided necessary support in the workplace by means of lactation rooms and dedicated refrigerators for milk storage, and prayer rooms are also being established for associates. Promoting mutual respect within the workplace has been key and is continuously developed throughout the company.  It may not be an innovative initiative, but more a necessary approach in moving forward to develop a comprehensive workforce, attracting the best talents and providing necessary support in place for a conducive workplace.

The Coisne-Lambert Award - Brazil

In recognition of an initiative that stands out as an exemplary project that has helped communities on a grand scale. This award is voted by all Colam shareholders.

Sonepar in Brazil was awarded the Coisne-Lambert Award, for their NGO ‘Expedicionários da Saúde’ Assistance Plan. 2020 was a challenging year for all communities. Particularly in Brazil, there was a clear need to support vulnerable hard-to-reach populations that have little to no access to healthcare. At first, Nortel assisted the setup of a field hospital in Campinas, a city in the state of São Paulo which was most affected by the pandemic. All opcos in Brazil (Nortel, Dimensional, and Eletronor), then joined forces to contribute and donate electrical materials and tools to the northern region of Brazil to support the construction of emergency wards/nurseries to vulnerable hard to reach indigenous populations in the Amazon Forest.

The NGO ‘Expedicionários da Saúde’ has a long history of promoting healthcare in remote regions of Brazil. Associates have been actively supporting activities for years, and so when they called upon all other opcos in the country to join the initiative and make a difference in these communities, many associates answered.

Approximately 30 employees were directly involved in the different stages of the process, including the diagnostic and assembly activities of the field hospital, the identifying the electrical materials and tools necessary to be delivered, and all the logistics processes so that everything could reach their destination in a timely manner.

At the field hospital in Campinas, 600 people were directly assisted in 84 assembled beds. The mission in the Amazon Forest installed 262 Health Units in a region that is home to 750 indigenous communities, with approximately 23,000 people. In these locations, 10,000 electrical materials and tools provided by Sonepar in Brazil were donated and installed.

Currently, Sonepar Brazil fully intends to continue organizing voluntary initiatives with their partner, and expand the availability of equipment (electrical materials and tools) in these communities.

We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the six finalists of the Colam Sustainability Awards:

'JINC Young People INCorporated' - Technische Unie – Netherlands

'Waste recycling assets' - Elektroskandia Sverige – Sweden

'One Earth One Ocean' - Sonepar in Germany

'Conflict Mineral Reporting Tool' - Elektroskandia Sverige – Sweden

'Enable Quality Education Infrastructure for Underprivileged Sections of Society' - Sonepar in India

'WATT Women Advocating Today for Tomorrow' – Sonepar in the USA

An event was held on Friday 24th September to announce the winners and award their prizes consisting of €5,000 (approx. $6,000) from Colam Entreprendre, to help extend and prolong the initiatives both at the level of origin (i.e. branch, opco) and elsewhere in the Sonepar Group.

To watch videos from all four winners showcasing their projects, head to our YouTube channel.

2021.10.07 Discover Sonepar's Interactive Sustainability Map Today!

Discover Sonepar's Interactive Sustainability Map Today!


Sonepar is currently engaged in over 230 sustainability initiatives around the world.

Thanks to a collaborative effort from our teams across the Sonepar network, we have created an interactive sustainability map displaying over 50 selected actions, key figures, and photos!

All initiatives are divided into the following themes:

  • Low Carbon Fleet
  • Energy Saving 
  • Green Offer
  • Solar Energy
  • Waste Management
  • Plastic Free

Want to know about the USA's Plastic Free initiative launched this year? Or the recently completed Solar project in Singapore? What about how Technische Unie is developing their Green Offer? All this and more can be found by heading to the Sustainability page on our website.

Related content

2021.09.22 Sonepar CEO Announces Global Launch of LIT by Cardi and TRADEFORCE

Sonepar CEO Announces Global Launch of LIT by Cardi and TRADEFORCE


On Tuesday 14th September, Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech officially launched Sonepar’s two exclusive brands, LIT by Cardi and TRADEFORCE on a global scale. A special event was held at the Sonepar branch in Malakoff, just outside Paris, where Phillipe Delpech took part in the internal launch and was given a guided tour of the branch.

“I am pleased to announce that today Sonepar is officially launching TRADEFORCE and LIT by Cardi globally. This key move will allow us to remain customer centric and provide our customers with a complimentary range of products to those of our strategic suppliers. Sonepar will be able to be serve them with best-in-class service and a best-in-class supply chain. This will ensure that our customers will have access to a full range of TRADEFORCE and LIT by Cardi products for all of their project requirements,” commented Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.

LIT by Cardi and TRADEFORCE are currently sold in more than ten countries. However, France is the first country to introduce both brands simultaneously with very ambitious sales targets.  Both brands are sourced via Sonepar’s Global Sourcing Office based in Shanghai, China, which aims to provide Sourcing Services for the entire Sonepar Group. The Sonepar’s Global Sourcing Office supports Sonepar by developing exclusive brands which adhere to customers’ needs at the right price, and sourcing high-quality products globally thanks to a robust supply chain and through leveraging the Group’s global purchasing power.

Founded in Sweden in 2018, LIT by Cardi was created to fill a gap in the market for effective but simple luminaires at an affordable price point. Designed for simplicity, the concise range of tried-and-tested, high-quality luminaires are inspired by the company’s Scandinavian heritage, providing professional designers and installers with a more straightforward approach to their lighting needs. Currently sold in four countries, LIT by Cardi began its global expansion in France, and will then be introduced into the Finnish and Norwegian markets before the end of 2021. All products in the brand’s portfolio are 100% LED, and vary from a wide range of lamp, panel, downlight, high bay, track, and flood lights, as well as easy-to-install luminaires.

Founded in Australia in 2005, TRADEFORCE, started its life serving professional contractors working in some of the most challenging and varied conditions on the planet. Already present in ten countries, TRADEFORCE gives customers the confidence they need to take on any job, anywhere. The brand offers a dedicated range of professional equipment designed to withstand the demands of daily use, and is made up of three core lines: tools, safety equipment, and installation materials accessories. TRADEFORCE currently sells more than 300 products and by the end of 2021, the brand is expected to be present in 15 countries.

"The launch of these first TRADEFORCE and LIT by Cardi products illustrates our desire to develop ever more added value for our customers in our historical and above all future business of distributor," said, Hervé Vancompernolle, Director of Exclusive Brands, Sonepar France.

 “The development of the LIT by Cardi and TRADEFORCE ranges has been a great pleasure. Discussions with branches and customers have enabled us to create a summary of essential products: a professional range, very well positioned in price and without compromising on quality. Of course, the range will expand over time: this is just the start of a great story!” stated Head of Private Label Development, Aurélien Jouglas, Sonepar France

2021.09.17 TRADEFORCE in Scandinavia A Growing Success

TRADEFORCE in Scandinavia A Growing Success


We spoke with our teams in Finland, Norway, and Sweden about how TRADEFORCE is performing across their markets.

2021 marked the official global launch of the Sonepar Group's exclusive brand, TRADEFORCE. 

With three core lines, Tools, Safety Equipment, and Installation Materials & Accessories, TRADEFORCE’s mission is to give customers the confidence they need to take on any job, anywhere. 

The brand is currently present in ten countries around the world, and we spoke with our teams in Finland, Norway, and Sweden about how TRADEFORCE is performing across their markets. 

Finland launched TRADEFORCE in March 2021 with 17 products, a number which has since grown to 49. In the five months since its launch, the majority of SKU’s have been already re-ordered.

Speaking of the brand’s performance, Sonepar President in Finland, Mika Höijer stated, “We are thrilled to be able to sell Sonepar’s own exclusive brand!​” 

Norway, was one of the first countries in Europe to begin selling TRADEFORCE in January 2021. Since then, Sonepar’s customers have welcomed the brand and Managing Director Lars Hamborg, noted the long-term benefits of selling TRADEFORCE. 

“Introducing our own brand, was a big shift in strategy for Sonepar in Norway. The initial selection of products has proven to be a success in our region therefore, we ordered a number of new items and have high expectations for the future of this brand.” 

Elektroskandia Sverige also began selling TRADEFORCE in January of this year which has since been a huge success in Sweden as President Anders Nordlow commented, “TRADEFORCE is strengthening our product portfolio!" 

If you want to find out more, please visit the official TRADEFORCE website at 


Founded in Australia in 2005, TRADEFORCE grew from a need for equipment that could stand up to the harsh environments and challenging conditions faced by professional contractors. Today, TRADEFORCE supplies a full range of essential protective gear and tools through its global distribution network, giving professionals around the world the confidence they need to take on any job, anywhere. TRADEFORCE is an exclusive brand for Sonepar. TRADEFORCE is currently present in ten countries around the world, including Belgium, Brazil, Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. 

2021.09.15 Sonepar Operating Companies in Peru Unite Under the Sonepar Brand

Sonepar Operating Companies in Peru Unite Under the Sonepar Brand


In July of this year, our three Peruvian operating companies; AMP, Dirome, and V&F, officially united to under the Sonepar name. Since this momentous day, all branches are undergoing refurbishment, and the Sonepar brand is becoming more and more present in Peru.

On August 19th, the renovation of the Trujillo branch was completed and opened as an ‘Experience Store’ to the public.

This is the biggest Sonepar branch in Peru. At 800m², it houses a highly focused team who are ready to provide the best service to our customers, as well as a project consultation office, dedicated suppliers corners highlighting the latest products and solutions, and a Click & Collect area with a comfortable waiting room.

The branch’s inauguration event took place at the end of the month, where strategic partners and customers were able to visit and see all that the store has to offer.

2021.09.14 Sonepar in Brazil receives the 'Incredible Places to Work' Award

Sonepar in Brazil receives the 'Incredible Places to Work' Award


For the second year running, Sonepar in Brazil has received the ‘Incredible Places to WorkAward! Conducted by UOL and the Administration Institute Foundation (FIA), this award highlights companies with the highest employee satisfaction rates.

The evaluation process began with a satisfaction survey organized by FIA, and the companies who performed well were given the 'Quality of the Working Environment' certification, thereby becoming eligible to compete for the 'FIA UOL Award - Incredible Places to Work'.

This award highlights the commitment of Sonepar in Brazil to building a healthy, pleasant and productive environment for all its associates, and it is dedicated to each person who places Sonepar as 'la reference' in the local market!


2021.08.10 Sonepar Supports Emergency Projects in China

Sonepar Supports Emergency Projects in China


Sonepar supported a number of emergency hospital construction and expansion projects in China.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Sonepar supported a number of new hospital construction and expansion projects, and treatment related projects for both the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan Hospitals in Wuhan.

Throughout the sanitary crisis, Sonepar’s Building and Electrical Distribution (B&ED) Division in China has continued to support similar urgent projects for four other hospitals in Wuhan, Shanghai and Sanya. The B&ED Division has also provided emergency supplies for two manufacturers who produce PPEs, and for one who provides high-end medical equipment using Schneider Electric LV, Schneider Wingoal, ABB, Siemens, and Phoenix Contact products.

Thank you to these teams for their efforts throughout this challenging time.

About Sonepar in China

Sonepar is a key national player in the B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services After entering China in 2000, they have continued to grow over the years. Thanks to strategic acquisitions and organic growth, they achieved revenue of more than CNY 4.8 billion in 2018. They cover 18 provinces and the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau. With 1,200 associates, Sonepar China has extremely ambitious growth plans for the next five years, which will see them develop their critical competencies and enlarge our product range to meet our customer' needs in the best possible way, whether they operate in the building, industrial processes or energy sectors.

2021.08.10 Sonepar Takes to New Heights in China

Sonepar Takes to New Heights in China


Construction of the airport began in May 2016, and opened on the 27 June 2021

Located approximately 50km from downtown Chengdu, the Tianfu International Airport is the largest civil transport airport in Chengdu, the capital of China's Sichuan province, and is roughly the size of 100 football pitches. It is intended for Chengdu to become the third largest airport hub in China, after Beijing and Shanghai. 

Construction of the airport began in May 2016, and opened on the 27th June 2021. It will operate as a second airport for Chengdu with the existing Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport continuing to operate. During its construction, Sonepar’s Building & Electrical Distribution Division (B&ED) team in China provided technical support and power management solutions and established future development phases, with the number of daily flights expected to rise from exponentially over the next two years. 

About Sonepar in China 

Sonepar is a key national player in the B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services After entering China in 2000, they have continued to grow over the years. Thanks to strategic acquisitions and organic growth, they achieved revenue of more than CNY 4.8 billion in 2018. They cover 18 provinces and the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau. With 1,200 associates, Sonepar China has extremely ambitious growth plans for the next five years, which will see them develop their critical competencies and enlarge our product range to meet our customer' needs in the best possible way, whether they operate in the building, industrial processes or energy sectors.

2021.08.10 Mayflex’s Excel and Aura Brands Lead the way for Plastic-Free Packaging

Mayflex’s Excel and Aura Brands Lead the way for Plastic-Free Packaging


Mayflex’s exclusive brands, Excel and Aura are leading the way when it comes to the environment. They are the first in the industry for data cabling and AV components to be supplied in plastic-free packaging, saving millions of plastic bags from entering the supply chain each year. 

Aura, the company’s brand of Audio and Visual Cables and Connectivity Products was launched in March 2021. Excel Networking, the copper and optical fibre infrastructure provider, was established in 1997 and last year it became the number one cabling brand in the UK market, with 21% market share. 

Upon the launch of Aura this year, AV Market Manager Simon Jacobs stated, “I’m excited to see the results of many months of work to design and develop the Aura brand.  As the strapline highlights, you ‘Experience Different’ with Aura with exceptional quality and best-in-class performance, all protected in stylish packaging which is free from single-use plastic and is made from materials that are 100% recyclable, definitely a first for any AV vendor in the market today.” 

On the success of Excel, Mayflex Managing Director Andrew Percival stated, “The Excel brand has been built on a foundation of being a quality, premium performance end-to-end infrastructure solution backed by a comprehensive 25-year warranty. Our unrivaled product range that is supported by independent third-party verification, free next-day delivery service, and our drive for a more sustainable supply chain with our plastic-free initiative are just a few of the reasons why more and more customers are choosing Excel.” 

Excel also sponsors the Marine Conservation Society, whose Corporate Partnerships Manager, Katharine Sharp, stated, “We are thrilled to see how far Excel Networking Solutions have come in regards to ditching their single-use plastic packaging. They really have shown dedication to helping reduce their impact on the environment, and their successes will mean our marine environment will be cleaner and our wildlife less affected by plastic as a result. Thank you for your continued passion for our seas and for pushing your business to become greener and cleaner!” 

For more information please visit,, or

About Mayflex 

Mayflex lead the way in the distribution of Converged IP Solutions. We use our specialist knowledge and experience to bring together best in class infrastructure, networking and IP security solutions to create a compatible, feature rich, value for money offering to meet the demanding needs of business types and sizes across all sectors. Working together with VARs, Installers, integrators, and specifiers we provide support through pre-sales, product selection, commercial flexibility and technical know-how to enable the delivery of truly converged solutions which provide businesses with advanced, scalable, cost effective and reliable IP based communications networks and building management systems. 

2021.08.10 Corys Electrical Celebrates 100 Years of Trading

Corys Electrical Celebrates 100 Years of Trading


July marks the start of Corys celebrating over 100 years in business.
Corys have been proudly powering New Zealand since the 1920s through its continuous commitment to providing its customers with innovative and effective solutions that will stand the test of time.

To commemorate this momentous occasion, Corys has launched a 100-day campaign across all of its branches in New Zealand, so that customers can learn more about the history of the company, participate in festivities, take advantage of selected product promotions, and on the final day of the event three very lucky customers will each win a brand new Nissan Navara Utes.

Originally trading as Cory, Wright and Salmon, the company’s founders had their eyes fixed on the future, understanding the endless potential that electrical products were unlocking back in the early 1920s. Since then, the company’s passion for providing the best quality products and services to its customers has only grown, and looks forward to what the next 100 years will bring.

About Corys Electrical

Corys Electrical is a nationwide distributor of electrical products and services to electrical contractors, industrial users and government, employing over 300 associates nationwide, delivering outstanding service in 48 branches across both the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Corys Electrical is a well-known company with a history in the electrical industry dating back to the 1920’s, with a vision is to be the best electrical supplier that gives electrical contractors the edge!

2021.08.10 Sonepar Lights Up Beauval Zoo

Sonepar Lights Up Beauval Zoo


This project also marks Sonepar’s branch in Blois and Beauval Zoo’s 10th year of collaboration.

The Sonepar Connect branch in Blois was approached by the Beauval Zoo which is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful zoological parks in the world, to install the lighting of their equatorial dome.

The dome was completed at the end of last year, is more than 10,000m², 38m high, and houses nearly 200 species and 25,000 animals.

In addition to areas for animals and pools, it includes the zoo’s restaurant and gift shop.

Sonepar Connect’s lighting experts have since therefore carried out lighting studies and recommended product solutions adapted to the specificities of this space, taking into account the lighting temperatures and glare, so to not disturb any of the animals who live in the space.

This project also marks Sonepar’s branch in Blois and Beauval Zoo’s 10th year of collaboration.

About Sonepar France

Sonepar France, a subsidiary of the Sonepar Group, is one of the French leaders in the distribution of electrical solutions for electricians, installers and end users. General Public, which draws on the skills of 5,600 associates and the density of more than 500 branches in metropolitan France and overseas territories, Sonepar has a turnover of 2.2 billion euros in 2020. Its ambition is to become "La Référence" of the market, based on the expertise, commitment and commercial performance of its teams.

2021.08.10 Promoting Energy Saving Throughout the Sonepar Group

Promoting Energy Saving Throughout the Sonepar Group


Today, we're looking at how Colombia, Germany, and New Zealand are promoting energy serving solutions in their region.

We're speaking with teams around the world to find out which actions they're engaged in, and how they're implementing them in their company. Today, we're looking at how Colombia, Germany, and New Zealand are promoting energy serving solutions in their region.



What’s the initiative?

Melexa has refitted its warehouse and offices with LED lighting. This initiative is combined with the installation of movement detectors, leading to a significant reduction in energy consumption across the company, thereby furthering Sonepar’s goal of lowering its global carbon footprint.



What’s the initiative?

Across the country, 59 branches are currently making the switch. If the plan goes according to schedule, we will save 1,200 tons of CO2 by the end of next year. The company aims to equip all locations with LED lighting by 2023.

Four major CDCs are also converting to using only LED lighting in Lanken, Holzwickede, Garbsen, and Langweid should also be completed in 2021. These warehouses will be equipped with an LED lighting system with which, in addition to the reduced CO2 footprint, we can save approx. 300,000 kWh of electricity and approx. 60,000 € of current annual energy costs after two years.


New Zealand

What’s the initiative?

Corys Electrical, have partnered with Ecotricity across all its branches including its Support Office, to ensure it only uses 100% carbonNZero Certified renewable electricity.

Ecotricity are the only provider in New Zealand of 100% Renewable and carboNZero Certified electricity that is sourced from wind, hydro and solar generation sites. Any remaining emissions that cannot be avoided are offset by purchasing New Zealand Native Bush Carbon Credits to support New Zealand’s biodiversity.

Since Corys began their partnership with Ecotricity in mid-2017, they have avoided emitting over 700,000kgs of CO2, averaging roughly 180,000kg each year (the equivalent of 33 homes’ electricity per year)!

Visit our Sustainability here to discover more of our initiatives:

2021.08.10 Promoting Electric Transport Throughout the Sonepar Group

Promoting Electric Transport Throughout the Sonepar Group


We're speaking with teams around the world to find out which actions they're engaged in, and how they're implementing them in their company. Today, we're looking at how Austria, Spain, and Mayflex in the UK are promoting electric vehicles in their company.

Sonepar is currently engaged in over 230 sustainability initiatives.

Around the world, we're speaking with our teams to find out which actions they're engaged in, and how they're being implemented in their company. Today, we're looking at how Austria, Spain, and Mayflex in the UK are promoting electric vehicles in their company.



What's the initiative?

Sonepar in Austria has launched a project to convert its internal fleet from using diesel, petrol, and vehicles, to electric vehicles. The company's current trajectory is to have electric vehicles making up 50% of its fleet by December 2023, and 95% by 2025.


Changing from its conventional car fleet to being almost entirely electric, the company will reduce its CO2 emissions by 452 tons.

How is this project being implemented?

Sonepar in Austria is giving all drivers with company cars an 'eco driver training'. From 1st July 2021 until 30th June 2022, each driver's fuel consumption will be monitored and they will receive a bonus if they can get their average fuel consumption down to at least 90% of the consumption the previous year.



What's the initiative?

Across Sonepar in Spain, the company has installed charging stations for associates and customers at many corporate offices and branches, to make the path towards reducing the company's carbon footprint as easy as possible.


In today’s world, the demand for developing e-mobility charging infrastructures is constantly growing, and advanced and accessible infrastructure is essential.

The company is making great strides to reduce its carbon footprint in Spain, as almost 60% of the company’s fleet is already made up of hybrid, electric, and low emission vehicles.



What's the initiative?

In February 2019, Mayflex introduced six dedicated parking bays with electric vehicle charging stations for associates and visitors to charge their vehicles at their main headquarters.

Charging points are accessed via a simple app that can be downloaded upon arrival at the main reception at Excel House, the Mayflex headquarters in Birmingham. There are a total of three twin-pod points allowing six cars to be charged at any given time.

A further six dedicated parking bays with EV pod point charging stations were added to Mayflex’s additional warehouse, Environ House, which opened in June 2019.


Many of the company fleet car owners have or are making the switch to hybrid vehicles to become more environmentally conscious. Mayflex's car policy has now also changed to encourage company car users to move to fully electric cars.

Stay tuned for more information about our sustainable initiatives around the world!

2021.08.10 Sonepar Partners with Gerando Falcões to Raise Funds for Local Communities

Sonepar Partners with Gerando Falcões to Raise Funds for Local Communities


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a highly challenging time for Brazil and has greatly impacted several communities in need. Sonepar has therefore partnered with Gerando Falcões, a nonprofit organization based in Favela, that aims to transform the lives of children and young adults through a combination of socio-emotional and professional education.

Sonepar’s main goal is to generate donations through various channels within their Brazil network, enabling associates and customers to contribute Gerando Falcões’s initiatives, reinforcing the company’s belief that we are able to overcome times of crisis when we work together.

Our brands in Brazil, Nortel, Dimensional and Eletronor have also joined the cause, to collect and distribute digital food baskets to needy families in vulnerable communities which were profoundly impacted by the COVID crisis. This initiative which began last month has already raised the equivalent of over $2,000.

About Sonepar in Brazil

Sonepar is part of the Sonepar Group, a global leader in the distribution of electrical materials. With operations in Brazil since 2001, it is also a leader in the national market and is constantly expanding its local presence through rapid growth and strategic acquisitions of companies in the segment. Currently, Sonepar Brazil is made up of the following companies: Dimensional, DW, Eletronor, Etil and Nortel.

2021.07.28 Sonepar Announces Tammy Livers as President of World Electric, USA

Sonepar Announces Tammy Livers as President of World Electric, USA


Sonepar has announced that Tammy Livers will lead World Electric Supply in the role of President. World Electric services customers in the states of Florida and Georgia.

With over 20 years of experience in both the electrical products manufacturing and electrical wholesale distribution sectors, Sonepar selected Livers to help optimize growth opportunities in one of the country’s fastest-growing markets.  ​​​​​​“I am pleased to have someone of Tammy‘s talents lead the World Electric team. She will bring a very customer-centric and growth-oriented focus to the role.” Rob Taylor, President of Sonepar North America.

Livers joined Sonepar in 2017, as Vice President of Business Development. She soon moved to the position of Vice President of Sonepar Key Accounts, and was promoted to Senior Vice President in 2018, responsible for Marketing, Communications, Customer Analytics, Sales Enablement and Key Accounts. Livers credentials include a BA from Walsh University, and an MA from Cleveland State University.

“Seeing the growth trends across every market sector in Florida, this is indeed a very exciting time to lead the World Electric team,” said Tammy Livers, newly appointed President of World Electric. “I look forward to maximizing our opportunities and helping the team chart a course for sustainable growth.”

“Tammy assumes responsibility for World Electric during a time of dynamic growth in the Florida construction market,” added Taylor. “I am excited about the prospects for World Electric under Tammy’s leadership.”

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders. For more information, visit

2021.07.22 Sonepar Acquires Springfield Electric Supply Company, Expanding its North American Footprint

Sonepar Acquires Springfield Electric Supply Company, Expanding its North American Footprint


"On behalf of Sonepar’s 45,000 associates around the world, I am very excited to welcome Springfield Electric into the Sonepar family." 

Sonepar has officially closed the acquisition of Springfield Electric Supply Company, Illinois expanding its presence in the USA. 

This acquisition offers Sonepar a very solid platform for growth and expansion in a part of the USA where the Group is not currently present. A family-owned business headquartered in Springfield, Illinois since 1912, Springfield Electric offers a full line of products and services to electrical contractor and commercial accounts. Operating in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Iowa, Springfield Electric joins Sonepar with 19 branch locations, 350 associates, and a century track record in the electrical wholesale distribution business. In 2020, Springfield Electric recorded sales of around €200m. 

Chris Scarbrough, CEO of Springfield Electric, said “Joining Sonepar presents great opportunities for both our customers and employees. We look forward to working with Sonepar to leverage their resources and enhance our business capabilities, especially around digital solutions, and customizable services. This union is the next chapter in our growth story.” 

“On behalf of Sonepar’s 45,000 associates around the world, I am very excited to welcome Springfield Electric into the Sonepar family. Their geographic footprint, strong performance and highly talented leadership team makes this a highly strategic fit for us. It is a win-win for both companies and our combined expertise will reinforce Sonepar’s position as a leading North American electrical distribution platform,” commented Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO. 

In the United States, Sonepar serves the market with a network of electrical and industrial distributors with 700 locations and coverage in all 50 states. The Springfield Electric acquisition signals Sonepar’s intent to grow its business in the 7th largest electrical market in the country. The acquisition is expected to close in August, subject to customary regulatory approvals. 

About Sonepar 

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become ‘La Référence’ - the standard setter for all its stakeholders. For more information, visit 

2021.07.21 Sonepar Joins the AFEP Ambition 4 Climate Initiative

Sonepar Joins the AFEP Ambition 4 Climate Initiative


Sonepar is proud to join the Ambition 4 Climate initiative supported by AFEP (Association of Large French Companies), illustrating the concrete commitment of large companies in the fight against climate change. 

This initiative is bringing together a significant number of recent and diverse projects implemented by companies from different sectors to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and those of their customers. 

Sonepar has put forward its ongoing project to convert its vehicle fleet to low carbon in France, which consists of more than 2,000 ‘commercial’ vehicles, which together account for 10% of its carbon footprint. The project, therefore, aims to reduce the fleet’s carbon footprint by 30%. This reduction will result from the conversion of 100% of the fleet vehicles. An additional goal of the initiative is to set the example as a leader in the distribution of electrical products, helping to speed up the roll-out of this energy transition solution. 

​​​​​​This project is in the process of being replicated in the 40 countries where Sonepar operates including Austria, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, UK, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, and the USA. 

Sustainable development is at the very core of Impact, our strategic business plan. We will nurture and champion innovation from our suppliers, encouraging them to develop more sustainable offers, services, and solutions, and act as a bridge with our customers to enhance adoption and create a better ecosystem. 

About AFEP: 

AFEP (French Association of Large Companies) represents 111 of the largest companies in all sectors operating in France. It participates in the public debate with the ambition of bringing pragmatic answers in favour of an economic activity based on a sustainable development. It brings the vision of its member companies to French public authorities, European institutions, and international organizations. In terms of sustainable development, the Association is involved in voluntary initiatives on climate change, energy transition, circular economy, biodiversity, and corporate social responsibility. 

2021.06.24 Building Information Modeling Furthers Collaborations between ABB and Sonepar

Building Information Modeling Furthers Collaborations between ABB and Sonepar


Building Information Modelling (BIM) defines a collaborative way of working underpinned by digital technologies, which unlock more efficient methods of designing and maintaining construction projects. 

We are currently witnessing a rapid adoption of BIM by key players in our industry. There are two key motives behind this transformation: The first, is that the benefits which BIM creates are shared by not only the client, but the entire supply chain. The second, is BIM’s ability to promote greater transparency and collaboration between suppliers, thereby reducing material waste throughout all levels of the process.  

Alongside these two major advantages, BIM also enables consistency, optimizes time management and strategic decision-making, increases productivity, eliminates risks, and improves the health and safety of all staff involved in the construction process, while predicting the reduction of lifecycle costs. 

ABB supports its partners through their BIM experience, and has created an e-learning tool that is available to anyone who wishes to become more familiar with its processes before integrating it into their own projects. Technische Unie has recently developed a landing page on their website all about BIM, created a downloadable plugin for customers, and provided them with access to an external ABB BIM catalog to help facilitate their activities.  

On Sonepar’s partnership with ABB, International Smart Building Product Director, Paolo Spotti spoke of how this e-learning tool can benefit our customers.“ABB's training is a great approach to BIM for electrical experts. The course is structured in levels that provide a basic overview leading to more detailed demonstrations, and links to other sources for further study.” 

ABB Global Channel Manager - Smart Buildings, Emanuele Tosatti, who globally manages Building Information Modelling for ABB Electrification, commented on how ABB’s strategic collaboration with Sonepar on future projects can be strengthened  with  BIM. “Like all cloud-based platforms, BIM foundations are centered around facilitating the management of large amounts of information. Thanks to their global footprint and unrivaled heritage in supplying the construction industry, ABB and Sonepar can jointly drive the best value for all stakeholders, enabling safe, smart, and sustainable buildings to be built and monitored across their lifetime. Thanks to our collaboration, cost, installation, logistics, and connectivity information are added to building models at every moment.”  

BIM intersects with sustainability throughout the design, construction, and operation stages of a project. By providing transparency during the design phase, contractors, engineers, and suppliers can advise on the structure’s overall operation during the earlier stages. This means that only environmentally responsible materials and methods will be used, as well as saving time and money on reworking and rescheduling.  

The use of 3D models during the BIM design process allows workflows to be reviewed and improved at every stage, meaning that the building’s lifelong environmental impact can be measured. 

After a project has been completed, all data concerning replacements, refurbishments, and renewals is readily available, so that stakeholders are able to share and adapt the design to other developments, adding value for building owners, and strengthening relationships with clients. 


Find out more about BIM via the ABB Electrification e-learning module

2021.06.21 Sonepar in Spain Signs New Partnership with the Spanish Red Cross

Sonepar in Spain Signs New Partnership with the Spanish Red Cross


This month, Sonepar in Spain signed a partnership agreement with the Spanish Red Cross.

This agreement is focused on supporting the employability of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly women from difficult socio-economic backgrounds, young people at risk of exclusion, and other groups affected by the current crisis.

Thanks to this partnership, the two companies will be able to provide technical training to individuals who participate in the Red Cross´s labor integration projects relating to the logistics sector, and offer training internships at Sonepar's offices and warehouses.

In the current context, warehouse assistants are in high demand due to changes in consumer e-commerce trends.

Sonepar in Spain is committed to supporting equal opportunities and evolving its strategies to align with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, by promoting gender equality, decent work and economic growth, and reducing inequalities.

2021.06.21 Sonepar in China Wins the 'Fastest Growing Partner Award' by Schneider Electric

Sonepar in China Wins the 'Fastest Growing Partner Award' by Schneider Electric


Sonepar in China's Southern Region has won the 'Fastest Growing Partner Award' by Schneider Electric.

To receive this award after such a challenging year is particularly meaningful to the Building and Electrical Distribution Division (B&ED) based in Guangzhou and was only established in 2019.

The team has rapidly excelled in its core business, while simultaneously ramping up its Industrial Automation and Control offer to achieve its goal of becoming a key Industrial Automation Distributor (IAD) in the region.

Moving forward, the division will continue to offer best-in-class service and support to its customers and partners, reinforcing its support to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and industrial customers within its IAD scope.

The whole Sonepar in China team would like to congratulate the B&ED Division for their resilience and outstanding work shown throughout this year.

2021.06.18 Sonepar Unveils its First Sustainability Report

Sonepar Unveils its First Sustainability Report


Electricity is the clean energy of the future.

Sonepar has unveiled its first Sustainability Report which offers an in-depth look into the Group Planet strategy, an overview of key initiatives, sustainability goals, and what we have collectively achieved so far to reduce our carbon footprint.

Take a look to read key messages from Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability Matt Pothecary, Group Sustainability & Energy Transition Director Tanguy Griffon, discover how our 10 Commitments help promote sustainability actions in our everyday life at work and find out more about our Sonepar Energy Transition Academy which is open to all associates.

Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability Matt Pothecary stated, “Humanity is at a turning point. The way we treat our planet must change. Global warming and waste are some of the most critical challenges that our world is facing. We need to make radical changes as to how we create and use the energy and resources that power our industries, our cities, our homes, and our world. Addressing population inequality, health and education will be central to help solve these challenges.”

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2021.06.16 Sonepar Associates Make Up 30% of tED Magazine’s 30 Under 35 List of Rising Stars in the Electrical Industry

Sonepar Associates Make Up 30% of tED Magazine’s 30 Under 35 List of Rising Stars in the Electrical Industry


Congratulations to all the winners! 

We are thrilled to see that nine Sonepar associates have been announced in tED Magazine’s annual 30 Under 35 list of Rising Stars in the Electrical Industry, USA.

This is a list that recognizes those who are making a particularly positive impact on their company and their business in the USA.

Winners included associates from Sonepar, Viking Electric, OneSource Distributors, Irby Electric, Capital Electric, and Crawford Electric Supply. All winners will be fomerly announced in tED Magazine's July issue, and over the next 12 months, each winner will have their own individual profile featured on the magazine's website. They will also be honored at the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) LEAD conference later this year.

The winners are:

  • Brandon Boger, Industrial Inside Sales, Capital Electric
  • Adam Breunig, Project Manager, Viking Electric
  • Chas Lehman, Account Representative, Viking Electric
  • Jeffrey Nadeau, Workforce Analytics Manager, Sonepar USA
  • Amanda Bush, Strategic Marketing Manager, Sonepar USA
  • Corbin Davis, Energy Manager, OneSource Distributors
  • Kyle Noakes, Director of Projects, OneSource Distributors
  • Kenneth Davis, Account Manager, Irby Electric
  • Nate Greig, Branch Manager, Crawford Electric Supply

Congratulations to all the winners!

2021.06.16 Elektroskandia Sverige Partners with ABB to Install Charging Stations in Jönköping

Elektroskandia Sverige Partners with ABB to Install Charging Stations in Jönköping


Now, Jönköpings Länstrafik is making a proper investment in all four inner-city lines. In total, there will be about 45 electric buses that will be charged at the bus stops by ten 450 kW pantograph chargers.

To contribute to meeting the country's environmental goals, Jönköpings Länstrafik in the south of Sweden chose to invest in fossil-free transport and called upon the expertise of Jönköping Energi to develop the bus station’s charging service, ABB to deliver the charging infrastructure, and Elektroskandia to deliver the electricity distribution cabinets for each station.

More and more municipalities around the country are switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy in public transport. One of Jönköping’s goals is to switch from fossil to renewable energy, and the key to fulfilling that goal is maximizing the use of a sustainable public transport system. ABB has for many years invested in solutions for electric charging infrastructures and has helped to set up bus charging stations in Skellefteå, Östersund, Värnamo, Gothenburg, and now Jönköping.

Jönköping Energi is Project Manager Peter Lerge, said about the project, “Today we have biogas buses on our inner-city lines, and diesel buses on the suburban lines. As we now switch to electric buses on the inner-city lines, we can completely abolish the diesel buses and thereby get an emission reduction of approximately 3,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year. In addition, we get a quieter and calmer urban environment.” He continued, "This is a bit of unbroken ground and we have learned during this journey. Everything has worked well so far and there is now an option for another line of electric power in Jönköping. It is likely that we will probably completely switch to electric buses in the future. It must be the right way to go.

Now, Jönköpings Länstrafik is making a proper investment in all four inner-city lines. In total, there will be about 45 electric buses that will be charged at the bus stops by ten 450 kW pantograph chargers.

Field Sales Manager at Elektroskandia Jan Franzén stated, “Jönköping Energi has a material agreement with Elektroskandia, and they therefore contacted me with a request to develop electricity distribution cabinets for the bus chargers. I received their drawings and requirements for the equipment and then contacted our supplier ABB Switches & Fusegear Unit. These are large custom-made cabinets, an ordinary cable cabinet may be 80 cm wide, while these are three meters wide.” He continued, “It is gratifying for Elektroskandia to be involved in such a groundbreaking environmental project. We hope that more municipalities will now go the same way and invest in fossil-free transport in the future.”

Elektroskandia delivered the electricity distribution cabinets to ABB's subcontractor Laddalliansen, who installed filters in the cabinets before installation. Charging the buses only takes between seven to ten minutes and can be done while passengers are getting on or off the bus. In addition, the buses will be charged in the depot during the night.

ABB Electrification in Sweden Project Manager Björn Johansson explained, “We have delivered the bus chargers, each of which consists of three power cabinets of 150 kW each and the pole with the pantograph, which goes down on the bus fence and charges. We also take care of installation and commissioning and service of the facilities.” He continued, “We have had a good collaboration with everyone involved, the project has gone as planned and now during the month of May we expect that all charging stations will be in operation.”

About Elektroskandia Sverige

Elektroskandia Sverige has been operating as an electrical wholesaler in Sweden since 1904. They market and sell electrical equipment and systems in the fields of power/automation, tele/data/security, lighting, domestic appliances and industrial necessities. They employ approximately 830 people at 48 locations all over Sweden.

2021.06.16 Sonepar awarded the ‘Golden Prize for Insurance and Risk Management’ by the Corporate Law Summit

Sonepar awarded the ‘Golden Prize for Insurance and Risk Management’ by the Corporate Law Summit


“This is a testament to the exceptional work carried out by [VP Risks and Insurance] François Beaume and his Risks and Insurance team during a challenging and unprecedented year 2020.”

Earlier this year, Leaders League and Décideurs Magazine held the 6th edition of the Sommet du Droit en Entreprise (Corporate Law Summit) in digital form.

The Corporate Law Summit is an annual event in France that traditionally brings together more than 700 experts such as general counsels, risk managers, compliance officers, data protection officers, contract managers, and legaltech specialists. It is an occasion to share best practices, achievements, and attend lectures on current topics and major future issues within the legal sector.

Throughout the event, awards are given to companies that have outperformed in certain fields. From a group of nominees including Capgemini, CNIM, Thales, Gras Savoye, and Total, Sonepar won the 'Golden Prize for Insurance and Risk Management'.

Upon collecting the award, Sonepar General Counsel Olivier Catherine stated,

“This is a testament to the exceptional work carried out by [VP Risks and Insurance] François Beaume and his Risks and Insurance team during a challenging and unprecedented year 2020.”

Watch the video of the announcement here.

In January, Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech and François were interviewed by the French Association AMRAE (Association pour le Management des Risques et des Assurances de l'Entreprise) about how the COVID-19 crisis has affected the company’s approach to Risk Management, and which actions have been taken to improve our current processes on a global scale read their interview here.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders.

2021.06.16 Sonepar in Spain President Jean-Cyrille Verspieren on the Value of a Multicultural Workplace

Sonepar in Spain President Jean-Cyrille Verspieren on the Value of a Multicultural Workplace


Sonepar is committed in its efforts to meet the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Throughout this month, we are particularly focusing on the goal 'Reduced Inequalities'.

Sonepar in Spain has created several programs, including its Equality Plan and Diversity Policy, to guarantee equal opportunities for associates and prospective candidates, creating a diverse and open professional environment.

President Jean-Cyrille Verspieren spoke on the value of a multicultural workplace by saying,

“For us, 'Powered by Difference' values ​​diversity in all its forms. At Sonepar, we have a strong commitment to inclusion and multiculturalism, and strongly believe that our associates are the driving force of our business. We are committed, every day, to creating a diverse work environment built on respect and collaboration."

About Sonepar in Spain

Founded in 1986, Sonepar Ibérica is the leading company in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment and related solutions in Spain. With more than 115 branches spread throughout the Spanish geography and we are present in the market through our seven commercial OPCOS: AME, Dielectro Balear, Dielectro Canarias, Dielectro Industrial, Dimel, Guerin and Hispanofil. We offer our clients integral solutions and services in our business areas: Industry, Lighting, Telecom & Data, Cable, Medium Voltage, Security & EPIS, Building Automotion & Domotics, Air Conditioning, Electric Vehicle, Renewable and Sanitary Energies and Plumbing.

2021.06.16 Sonepar General Counsel Olivier Catherine Participates in the ‘Internal Enquiry’ Podcast with Lefebvre Dalloz

Sonepar General Counsel Olivier Catherine Participates in the ‘Internal Enquiry’ Podcast with Lefebvre Dalloz


Interviewed by journalists Sophier Bridier and Leslie Brassac of actuEL Direction Juridique, Oliver went into depth about the revision and redesign of Sonepar’s Code of Conduct which was released last year.

This week, Sonepar General Counsel Olivier Catherine participated in the second episode of the podcast ‘Internal Enquiry’, organized by Lefebvre Dalloz, a monthly podcast that offers an immersion into the daily life of compliance professionals.

Interviewed by journalists Sophier Bridier and Leslie Brassac of actuEL Direction Juridique, Oliver went into depth about the revision and redesign of Sonepar’s Code of Conduct which was released last year.

Sonepar has a global Compliance program, which is periodically reviewed and improved in order to guarantee effective compliance actions, based on strong values, such as respect and integrity. In January 2020, the Group launched a new Code of Conduct, available to all associates, suppliers, and customers.

This Code of Conduct is the basis and reference for compliance within the Sonepar Group, which establishes the principles and rules of good conduct and which guides all of Sonepar's actions and businesses every day and everywhere. Speaking of the importance of accessibility, Oliver stated,

"No one should be able to come to me saying ‘Olivier, I was not aware. I did not know that it was necessary to obtain the agreement for such and such an intermediary, for such a gift. I did not know that it was necessary declare such a potential conflict of interest situation’".

Read our Code of Conduct which is available in 20 languages here:

Listen to the podcast (in French) here.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders.

2021.06.11 Interview with Sonepar VP Risks and Insurance François Beaume on the Importance of Risk Management

Interview with Sonepar VP Risks and Insurance François Beaume on the Importance of Risk Management


Leaders League is a media group specializing in press, industry market research, and the organization of international summits for business leaders.
The group publishes the reference magazine for general management, 'Decideurs Magazine' which deciphers and follows the evolutions and strategies of key players in the business world.

Sonepar Vice President, Risks and Insurance François Beaume was recently interviewed by the magazine on the subject of why now more than ever, risk management has proved its importance. To read the interview in French, click here.

Decideurs: How did you manage the health crisis at Sonepar? Were you well prepared?

FBE: Although we were surprised, like many, by the scale of the consequences stemming from the health crisis, we very quickly took the appropriate measures to deal with it.

In view of the situation and the decentralized nature of our organization where we are present in many countries, a monitoring and follow-up department complementary to local departments was set up at a Group level. Still effective to this day, we interact with local entities who are facing difficult decisions, in particular regarding the health and regulatory requirements of their countries. 

Has the crisis strengthened the role of the Risk Manager within a company?

FBE: Beyond the Risk Manager, risk management throughout this crisis has helped companies to better understand the risks they were facing and to manage them more efficiently and safely. Risk management has proven its added value as a result of this crisis: to organize monitoring strategies that will provide the necessary information for effective decision-making, to develop a risk map in order to anticipate and reduce risks, to prepare and organize crisis management and feedback and adapt risk financing etc. It is clear that the companies that have suffered the least are those that have been able to put in place the appropriate tools, especially including effective risk management.

Has the function of Risk Manager today thus become a real pillar in the business ecosystem?

FBE: Certainly, but the role is still reserved for companies of a certain size as well as certain smaller companies carrying out a 'risky' activity by definition. If the function does not exist within the company, the risk management will be taken over by the leaders, which allows them to structure and secure their resilience. This crisis has highlighted the value of investing in risk management.

What are the new challenges that the Risk Manager must face?

FBE: Our main challenge is to support companies in an increasingly complex world on multiple levels, such as digital, societal, geopolitical, the list goes on. Many of them have had to rethink the way they interact with their customers and their ecosystems, for example through a digital transformation, started or accelerated as a result of the pandemic. More and more of them want to integrate sustainable development into their strategy. The Risk Manager must therefore be able to take all these aspects into account in the company's risk management and financing policies, to secure effective decision-making and the resilience of the organization.

You are also AMRAE's vice president for digital transformation. Can you tell us more?

FBE: AMRAE has 1,600 members spread across the country and also a few abroad. The pandemic is an exceptional situation where we have adapted the way in which we work together, notably through strengthening the efficiency of our digital tools. Commissions and working groups have come together to conduct brainstorming workshops or webinars.

We have also reinvented our annual conference, 'Rencontres du risk management' which could not be held in person this year, by offering two days of online conferences, accessible to all, free of charge, which allowed us to expand our audience and to disseminate the principles of risk management more widely. The website has also been redesigned for greater clarity with richer content that is easily accessible to our members.

We are also developing new operating methods to interact with our members in the regions. The objective is to simplify and energize animation at national and regional levels thanks to digital technology.

The year was not only marked by the health crisis, but also by the significant number of cyberattacks. How do you interpret this risk?

FBE: The cyber risk has grown even further, particularly due to the massive use of teleworking, the acceleration of digitization, leading to the increase in the number of attacks. At an AMRAE level, we've been working on these issues for a long time, long before the crisis. At the end of 2019, we published a guide - Controlling Digital Risks, the Trust Asset - co-written with Anssi.

We are also launching the Lucy project (Light on cyber insurance) to establish an objective and recognized benchmark for the state of the French cyber insurance market. The goal is to eventually obtain an offer more suited to the needs of companies of all sizes, whether in terms of guarantees, limits, or operating procedures.

The cyber insurance market is booming. Do you think that what insurers offer is adapted to the needs of businesses?

FBE: The market is actually different depending on the size of the business. Large companies will move towards tailor-made insurance solutions, while smaller ones will turn to standard guarantees that suit them. Although products on the market are interesting, particularly in that they generally offer an incident response component and an indemnity component, some companies may encounter difficulties in structuring certain insurance limits, in particular when some insurers tend to reduce their level of commitment. Other companies will encounter difficulties in putting guarantees in place which are adapted to their risk profile. Finally, insurers have shown apprehension about renewing the most up-to-date insurance cover, leading to a sometimes complicated dialogue between insured and insurer.

What are the other main risks that businesses may face today?

FBE: They are numerous and evolving. For example, a 'cyber pandemic' is a risk that could emerge over the next few years, as companies become more and more digital. It could materialize in the form of a systemic cyber risk affecting the communications infrastructure, service providers, and the cloud, so that many companies around the world would be directly affected by a failure of one of their providers. In addition, there are risks linked to geopolitical developments, social and societal tensions in a number of countries, as well as risks linked to climate change and the rise of natural disasters. Other risks are more dependent on the sector.

How can companies protect themselves against these risks?

FBE: Investing in risk management allows you to anticipate risks. This makes it possible to put in place many actions to structure a company's resilience, which guarantees its performance over time. AMARAE has put in place tools, some of which are free and accessible to everyone, in particular giving SME and mid-market managers the opportunity to map risks and thereby better prepare for future crises. Now more than ever, risk management has proven its added value and relevance: when risks are managed, the company is sustainable.

Sonepar Chief Human Resources Director Sara Biraschi Rolland Celebrates Cultural Diversity within the Sonepar Junior Committee


We are Sonepar. Powered by Difference.

Each year, around fifty managers from across Sonepar countries and professions come together to form the Sonepar Junior Committee (SJC), a unique program that welcomes associates from their early to mid-career. 

Together, they work on assignments entrusted to them by the Executive Committee focused on Sonepar's strategic vision. They do this by discussing and exchanging ideas, comparing experiences, sharing cultural and local business specificities, strengthening cohesion and openness while enabling each other to benefit from best practices, and supporting the implementation of Sonepar's long-term business goals. 

Throughout their 18 month-long membership, committee members are grouped together to work on their specific projects, the results of which are shared with the Executive Committee to then be implemented globally, benefiting each associate around the world. 

Chief Human Resources Officer Sara Biraschi Rolland commented on the importance that cultural diversity plays within the SJC by stating, “Cultural diversity is a driving force of talent development. Thanks to the members’ willingness to share their perspectives, experiences and managing their projects in a dynamic way – meaning adapting when necessary and stepping out of their comfort zone – they have developed key business models and initiatives to help Sonepar reach the next stages of our journey by being a proactive, international group representing local voices.” 

Established and backed by Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette since 1991 and supported through all its duration by the Sonepar Executive Committee, the Sonepar Junior Committee will celebrate its 30th anniversary in June. We wish all members to enjoy the program and make the absolute most of their experience. 

We are Sonepar. Powered by Difference. 

2021.05.20 Sonepar Launches its Exclusive Brand, TRADEFORCE, in Italy

Sonepar Launches its Exclusive Brand, TRADEFORCE, in Italy


On the 12th April 2021, Sonepar launched its exclusive brand, TRADEFORCE, in Italy.

Currently available in 45 selected branches across the country, TRADEFORCE’s mission is to give customers the confidence they need to take on any job, anywhere. 

With three core lines, tools, safety equipment, and installation materials accessories, TRADEFORCE products are built to stand up to a range of professional situations. This includes insulated electrical tools for low voltage installation work, and essential safety gear to provide protection from unnecessary injury, whether that be from falling objects, welding sparks, or any of the other day-to-day hazards associated with installation work. 

Upon the launch of the brand in Italy, President Sergio Novello stated, "We welcomed the TRADEFORCE exclusive brand with enthusiasm and passion. Following the launch in April, feedback has been extremely positive from the very beginning. Our customers are showing interest and appreciation for both the quality and the price positioning of the products." 

Find out more about TRADEFORCE here


Founded in Australia in 2005, TRADEFORCE grew from a need for equipment that could stand up to the harsh environments and challenging conditions faced by professional contractors. Today, TRADEFORCE supplies a full range of essential protective gear and tools through its global distribution network, giving professionals around the world the confidence they need to take on any job, anywhere. TRADEFORCE is an exclusive brand for Sonepar. TRADEFORCE is currently present in ten countries around the world, including Belgium, Brazil, Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. 

Elektroskandia Sverige Human Resources Director, Åsa Pantzar, on the Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace


Diversity and Inclusion are at the core of Sonepar’s Human Resources strategy, alongside two other key pillars, High Performing Teams and Capabilities.

An inclusive workplace is essential in engaging our current and future associates, and to allow Sonepar and its Commercial Brands to navigate their transformation and keep their market leader position. 

During a recent internal interview on the subject, Elektroskandia Sverige Human Resources Director Åsa Pantzar spoke about how her team is working to make sure that every associate feels included in every aspect of their working life. She stated, “Having employees of different genders, ethnicities, ages, experiences, and backgrounds gives us knowledge and perspectives that will help us continue to grow and deliver. Our differences are our strength and what makes us drive the company forward.” She continued, “We are also working on our internal culture and how we should act. It is important for us that everyone thrives and feels good at Elektroskandia!”  

On how this ethos will help Eletroskandia to grow, Åsa explained, “To continue to be at the forefront of the market, remain competitive and attract new talents, we must constantly learn and build upon our capabilities and behaviors. By doing this, we will develop a smorgasbord of opportunities to encourage associates to take initiatives, learn and seize new opportunities. The goal with all of this is to ultimately deliver value, make our associates happy and to be our customers' first choice!”  

About Elektroskandia Sverige 

Elektroskandia Sverige has been operating as an electrical wholesaler in Sweden since 1904. They market and sell electrical equipment and systems in the fields of power/automation, tele/data/security, lighting, domestic appliances and industrial necessities. They employ approximately 830 people at 48 locations all over Sweden. 

2021.05.06 Sonepar Partners with TRILUX in Singapore

Sonepar Partners with TRILUX in Singapore


Committed to sustainability, Sonepar in Singapore and TRILUX will work together on Intelligent lighting solutions that is key to illuminating the pathway to a sustainable future. 

Sonepar is very pleased to announce that it has entered into a partnership TRILUX Group to provide sustainable lighting solutions and services for a wide range of professional customers in Singapore. 

Both companies will also invest to test and learn in the space of connectivity through ‘Open Innovation’ pilots with leading clients and institutions in the region. 

On the importance of establishing this partnership, Sonepar in Singapore Country Managing Director, Andrew Bennett stated, “Intelligent lighting solutions is key to illuminating the pathway to a sustainable future and TRILUX is an ideal partner” He continued, “TRILUX’s quality and innovative roadmap is the perfect complement to Sonepar’s strategic direction in supporting Singapore’s Smart Nation initiative.” 

TRILUX CSO and CMO Joachim Geiger explained what the company can bring to Sonepar's customers by explaining, “Our brand promise is to deliver tailored value through end-user driven lighting solutions with leadership in sustainability and digital connectivity” He continued, “We put end-user customer needs first in all we do through open innovation. Next to that, we are a knowledge partner for all stakeholders across the entire value chain. A partnership with Sonepar will enable us to execute and further develop these key points.” 

Committed to sustainability, Sonepar in Singapore and TRILUX will work together on Intelligent lighting solutions that is key to illuminating the pathway to a sustainable future. 

About Sonepar in Singapore 

Sonepar in Singapore is a multi-specialist, focused on four key market segments: Industrial Automation, Commercial Electrical, Project Lighting, and Energy Infrastructure. In January 2021, Cable Solutions and Oakwell Distribution rebranded to become Sonepar, and form the foundation of the new Sonepar in Singapore.

2021.04.28 KVC Wins Three Awards at the APC Channel Awards by Schneider Electric

KVC Wins Three Awards at the APC Channel Awards by Schneider Electric


Winning these awards marks yet another achievement for KVC, representing the company’s achievements in Malaysia by Schneider Electric.

We are thrilled to announce that KVC has been awarded the ‘Million Dollar Partner Award’ at the APC Channel Awards by Schneider Electric for the third consecutive year. It also won in two other major categories, including the ‘2020 Top Service Partner/Authorized Service Reseller Partner Award’, and the ‘2020 Top Premier Partner Award’. The APC Channel Awards event was held virtually earlier this year.

Winning these awards marks yet another achievement for KVC, representing the company’s achievements in Malaysia by Schneider Electric. KVC will continue to consistently challenge itself, believing that no target is unattainable, endeavoring to deliver outstanding solutions for the customers and better in pursuing higher milestones and accomplishments.

About KVC

KVC Industrial Supplies Sdn Bhd is a leading and growing Industrial supplier in Malaysia, founded in 1989. With their headquartered in Bangi, Selangor, they have more than 20 branches across Malaysia today, with approximately 600 associates helping to serve over 6,000 active customers.

2021.04.27 Sonepar Partners with the National Forest Foundation to Plant Up to 10,000 Trees in the USA

Sonepar Partners with the National Forest Foundation to Plant Up to 10,000 Trees in the USA


Initiatives such as this are a key part of Sonepar's transition towards a more circular economy. 

Last week, Sonepar in the USA launched an initiative encouraging customers to make online purchases to rebuild forests. 

In a weeklong campaign, all company promotional channels were used to reach the goal of planting 10,000 trees. SVP Vendor Relations Management, Bob Kalkowski stated, "For every mobile or online order, a tree is born." He continued,  "We have three goals; to advocate for sustainability, populate forests, and drive digital adoption. This was a fun way to activate our goal of creating ‘clean first’ sustainability advocates among our associates and customers and drive awareness for our world-class digital solutions." 

Senior VP of IT and Operations Mike Smith explained, "When COVID-19 began, we invested more heavily in digital, adding a new mobile app and digital toolsets designed alongside our industrial and contractor customers." He continued, "We aimed directly at streamlining the customer processes and eliminating unnecessary steps." 

In addition to the Earth Day event, Sonepar in the USA has spent the last two years working with Rubicon to increase their rate of diversion from landfills and disposing of waste materials in the most ecological way. 

About Sonepar USA 

Sonepar USA is an independent, family-owned company with global market leadership in the B-to-B distribution of electrical, industrial, and safety products, services and solutions. We are a proud member of the Sonepar Group, the world’s largest privately-held electrical distributor. Sonepar entered the US in 1998 and has continued to grow due to strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Today, Sonepar USA is represented by 13 locally managed operating companies with over 700 locations nationwide. For more information, visit

2021.04.22 Technische Unie Creates New Value with ABB Energy Management Solutions

Technische Unie Creates New Value with ABB Energy Management Solutions


ABB’s preconfigured digital solutions allow remote monitoring of energy consumption and equipment condition, using real-time sensor data, reducing overall energy consumption by up to 30%. 

As part of the ABB Value Provider program, Technische Unie, a Sonepar company, is creating new value with ABB Ability™ energy management solutions. ABB’s preconfigured digital solutions allow remote monitoring of energy consumption and equipment condition, using real-time sensor data, reducing overall energy consumption by up to 30%. 

The ABB Value Provider Programs allow qualified partners to access and sell digital solutions for ABB’s broad range of electrification solutions, including energy management, building management, asset management and e-mobility, in a simple way. 

Peter Exmann, Business Manager Industry at Technische Unie stated, “At Technische Unie, we know the future is digital. With this ABB Value Provider Program, we were able to confidently begin selling preconfigured digital solutions that are completely integrated with hardware, which differentiates our offering from commodity-driven competitors. Not only does this help us provide more value to our customers, but helps us adapt our company to meet the needs of a shifting business landscape that is more focused on purchasing solutions instead of products.”

Find out more about ABB's Value Provider Program here: ABB Value Provider Program 

About Technische Unie 

Every day we do everything we can to realize your challenges. With professionals that are committed to promising ideas, solutions and innovations. With the best material. We are ready with rolled up sleeves and a smile. For you, for everyone who works hard to make the Netherlands smarter and more sustainable. We are proud of what has already been achieved and of what we will be doing together. That is what Technische Unie is committed to… get started! 

Together we create the future based on our core values: reliable, connecting, leading. That is what defines Technische Unie. We are Mogelijkmakers. For everyone who wants to celebrate successes and make the Netherlands more beautiful, smarter and more sustainable. 

About Sonepar 

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders. 

About ABB 

ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a leading global technology company that energizes the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. By connecting software to its electrification, robotics, automation and motion portfolio, ABB pushes the boundaries of technology to drive performance to new levels. With a history of excellence stretching back more than 130 years, ABB’s success is driven by about 110,000 talented employees in over 100 countries.

2021.04.22 Sonepar Celebrates Earth Day

Sonepar Celebrates Earth Day


Established in 1970 by EARTHDAY.ORG whose mission it is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide.

Today is Earth Day, an annual event celebrated globally to support environmental protection.

Established in 1970 by EARTHDAY.ORG whose mission it is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide, this event is celebrated internationally in more than 193 countries across the globe and this year, the theme is ‘Restore Our Earth’.

Around the world, Sonepar is engaged in over 230 sustainable initiatives and counting, the importance of which Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability Matt Pothecary explained, “We all know the environmental crisis before us is the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. We need to make a radical shift – in how we use the earth's natural resources. And in particular, in how we create and use the energy that powers our economy, our cities, our homes, our world.”

Speaking on the active role Sonepar is playing by embracing a circular economy, CEO Philippe Delpech stated, “At Sonepar, we see the shift towards a more circular economy as imperative – for the sake of the planet, and the generations to come. As a business founded on innovation, we also see this transformation as a potential opportunity – one that points the way towards new business models and new services that we can offer our clients.” 

Together we can #RestoreOurEarth

2021.04.15 Sonepar in India Certified 'Great Place to Work' for the Second Time

Sonepar in India Certified 'Great Place to Work' for the Second Time


For the company to be given this certification after the most challenging year in recent history, is especially rewarding.

Sonepar in India is proud to announce that it has been awarded the 'Great Place to Work' certification by the Great Place to Work Institute in India for the second time. For the company to be given this certification after the most challenging year in recent history, is especially rewarding.

The Executive team at Sonepar in India has commended the company's associates for their perseverance during such a difficult period, and the Human Resources team lead by Seema Ahluwalia for the pivotal role they played in setting up best practices for employee engagement, talent management, and overall organizational development.

About Sonepar India

Sonepar India is a leading B2B distributor of electrical and automation material in India made up of nearly 500 associates. In 2009 Sonepar established its first operation in Gurgaon in Northern India, marking its debut into the Indian Market

2021.04.13 Shunmoon Shanghai Lighting (SSL) Lights Up the Sanxingdui Archaeological site in Sichuan

Shunmoon Shanghai Lighting (SSL) Lights Up the Sanxingdui Archaeological site in Sichuan


Over the past few months, archeologists based at the site have begun working at night to move the excavation project at full speed.

Shunmoon Shanghai Lighting (SSL), a Sonepar company, is lighting the way at the Sanxingdui Archaeological site in Sichuan. 

The Sanxingdui Site is located in the west suburb of Guanghan city in Sichuan Province, China, and over the past few months, archeologists based at the site have begun working at night to move the excavation project at full speed. 

SSL was called upon to supply the best lighting for the site, but to ensure the protection of the project, they were not allowed into the location. For the first stage of the process, SSL selected the best product which uses a remote-control system and offers complete flexibility. 

For the second stage, SSL remotely helped the archeological team set up the lighting through video calls and careful planning. Work on the site has since resumed and the teams are able to work under the best lighting conditions.  

About SSL

Shunmoon Shanghai Lighting (SSL) is a specialist distributor of lighting products and solutions. Combining in-depth local knowledge with worldwide expertise, Shunmoon Shanghai Lighting provides high-quality lighting solutions that enable electricity professionals to design sophisticated lighting systems for the building and construction infrastructure sectors. 

2021.04.06 We Welcome Sonepar in Switzerland!

We Welcome Sonepar in Switzerland!


Since April 1st, 2021, the Swiss wholesale electrical equipment companies all belonging to the Sonepar Group, have now merged under one brand: Sonepar.

Since April 1st, 2021, the Swiss wholesale electrical equipment companies Winterhalter + Fenner Dysbox , ElectroLAN, Electroplast and Fabbri , all belonging to the Sonepar Group, now go to market under one brand: Sonepar.

The names and brands of the five electronic equipment wholesale companies Winterhalter + Fenner AG, Dysbox SA, ElectroLAN SA, Electroplast SA and Fabbri SA disappear in favor of a uniform presentation of the company under the name of Sonepar on April 1st, 2021. This name change is the realization of an already existing operating strategy. The 14 Swiss sites have advocated common values ​​and have applied the same quality standards for more than 12 years.

In Switzerland, Sonepar is one of the leading companies in the wholesale of electrical equipment. Sonepar Suisse SA employs more than 450 associates at 14 sites throughout Switzerland and distributes electrotechnical products and solutions. In addition, customers benefit from comprehensive services, advice and logistics. In the fields of lighting and renewable energies, Sonepar offers comprehensive advice and project monitoring.

Sonepar provides local service at its 14 sites in Switzerland in order to meet customer needs with an optimal level of quality. President David von Ow, who joined the Sonepar group 25 years ago assures us, “Our approach is customer-oriented to offer them an agile, fluid, synchronized and sustainable experience! Our customers benefit from a comprehensive service throughout Switzerland. Whether online or in a branch, we are available regardless of the channel chosen by the client, and we speak their language, technically and literally.”

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers' lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we're needed. Sonepar's ambition is to become "La Référence" - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders.

In Switzerland, Sonepar is one of the leading companies in the wholesale of electrical equipment. Sonepar Suisse SA employs more than 450 associates at 14 sites throughout Switzerland and distributes electrotechnical products and solutions. In addition, customers benefit from comprehensive services, advice and logistics. In the fields of lighting and renewable energies, Sonepar offers comprehensive advice and project monitoring.​​​

2021.04.06 Sonepar’s Logistics Teams in Germany Integrate Sustainable Solutions

Sonepar’s Logistics Teams in Germany Integrate Sustainable Solutions


Since April 2019 a working group in the field of logistics has been continuously working on further developments. They analysed customer requests and looked for ways to procure and use our consumables as economically as possible and at the same time as sustainably as possible.


After customers increasingly complained that the picking labels on the sales packaging could not always be removed without leaving any residue, the logistics center in Holzwickede switched to wrapping the goods with stretch film and sticking the label on the film. In order to avoid or reduce the use of film in the future, labels are currently being tested that are already in use in other logistics centers in Germany. These have a glue-free zone of 1 cm on the left edge and are provided with a more easily removable adhesive.

Delivery boxes made from 100% recycled paper:

Since the beginning of February there has been a new Germany-wide standard for delivery boxes: Trapeze boxes made from 100% of recycled paper. Equipped with the Sonepar logo and our eco label, the new boxes can be left with the customer as before and exchanged for another box the next time they are delivered.

Use of plastic:

In various places there is currently no other solution than the use of plastic bags or film. But even here we are constantly working on improvements. By introducing a reduced-thickness stretch-film across Germany, we were able to reduce our consumption by approx. 50%. The stretch film is used particular for pallet goods, such as washing machines, in order to adequately secure them for transportation. There are also very recent changes in the area of plastic bags. Bags made from 100% recycled plastic have been introduced across Germany since the beginning of March 2020. The only drawback: the rather cloudy material caused displeasure here and there. Therefore, at the beginning of March this year new bags will be introduced, also made of 100% regenerated material but more transparent.

Whether cloudy or clear, thanks to the changeover we have succeeded in reducing CO2 emissions by around 94% compared to new plastic bags.

About Sonepar in Germany

Sonepar Deutschland is Germany’s leading electrical wholesaler, is has a local presence across Germany in more than 200 locations. Central warehouses are spread across the whole country and, together with a special distribution center for industrial products, ensure that products are available with minimum delay.

2021.03.31 Sonic Automation Appointed as Authorized Distributor of Phoenix Contact

Sonic Automation Appointed as Authorized Distributor of Phoenix Contact


Sonic Automation has been appointed as the authorized distributor of Phoenix Contact in Thailand.

On March 18, 2021, a signing ceremony was held at Sonepar Thailand office. Mr. Surote Panasahatham, Country Managing Director of Sonepar Thailand on behalf of Sonic Automation Co., Ltd. and Mr Kriangsak Srithongthai, General Manager of Phoenix Contact (Thailand) Co., Ltd. signed the partnership agreement.

Phoenix contact (Thailand) has appointed Sonic Automation to be an official distributor in the electrical, electronic components and related products business. The signing ceremony marks the beginning of the cooperation between the two parties in sales and marketing for business expansion and creating sustainability and long-term business success.

In line with Sonic Automation’s mission – to provide customers with superior one-stop industrial automation product solutions, the partnership with Phoenix Contact marks a new milestone for Sonic Automation in strengthening the portfolio for electrical products and solutions.

At the same time, leveraging Sonic Automation’s customer network will help us expend our business opportunities. It will not only increase the sales of products, but also enhance competitiveness in the factory automation business. 

About Sonic Automation

About Sonic Automation Sonic Automation, founded in 2010, is a leading and experienced distributor providing a ‘one-stop shop’ for Industrial Automation products, solutions and related services in Thailand. With expertise in a variety of products and industries, Sonic Automation provides value-added solutions to fit our customers’ goals.

2021.03.31 Sonepar in Spain Collaborate with the Spanish Red Cross on Their ‘Moving to Save Homes’ Project

Sonepar in Spain Collaborate with the Spanish Red Cross on Their ‘Moving to Save Homes’ Project


Specifically, through its commercial brand AME, Sonepar in Spain has delivered dozens of light bulbs, downlights, ceiling lights with built-in LEDs, and lamp holders to the Valencia Red Cross to help people in the region.

Sonepar in Spain has recently collaborated with the Spanish Red Cross’s ‘Moving to Save Homes’ project, whereby they have made significant donations of electrical equipment and LED technology for elderly or extremely vulnerable people.

Specifically, through its commercial brand AME, Sonepar in Spain has delivered dozens of light bulbs, downlights, ceiling lights with built-in LEDs, and lamp holders to the Valencia Red Cross to help people in the region.

This project aims to fight against energy poverty and promote environmentally friendly technology. The initiative’s primary focuses are to:

  • Provide tools for energy saving.
  • Raise awareness regarding the consumption of electricity, water, and gas the home.
  • Identify possible risk elements in vulnerable housing and improve living conditions.

Sonepar in Spain is also collaborating with other Red Cross programs, such as the ‘Bridges to Employment: The Road to Equality’ project that promotes training and employability of women in its Social Business program.

The company’s commitment to sustainability focuses its efforts on promoting energy efficient products and offering specialized technical advice in all areas, both internally and externally.

About Sonepar in Spain

Founded in 1986, Sonepar Ibérica is the leading company in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment and related solutions in Spain. We have more than 115 branches spread throughout the Spanish region and have seven OpCos: AME, Dielectro Balear, Dielectro Canarias, Dielectro Industrial, Dimel, Guerin and Hispanofil. We offer our clients integral solutions and services in our business areas: Industry, Lighting, Telecom & Data, Cable, Medium Voltage, Security & EPIS, Building Automotion & Domotics, Air Conditioning, Electric Vehicle, Renewable and Sanitary Energies and Plumbing.​

2021.03.31 Cardi Merged with Elektroskandia Sverige

Cardi Merged with Elektroskandia Sverige


With its own brand Cebe, Elektroskandia is one of Sweden's leading companies in professional lighting with a broad range of interior, exterior and industrial lighting.

Elektroskandia Sverige is advancing its market position in lighting by integrating the previous acquisition of Cardi into the company. This will result in the ability to offer a wider and more complete range of lighting fixtures for new types of objects.

With its own brand Cebe, Elektroskandia is one of Sweden's leading companies in professional lighting with a broad range of interior, exterior and industrial lighting. Elektroskandia acquired Cardi in 2006, which until now has functioned as an independent company.

Marketing Director Elektroskandia Michael Almqvist Masior stated, “Together we will be able to achieve higher growth as we get a unique product range for many types of objects and a high competence team in lighting and lighting design. Cardi's product range complements ours, with lighting for stores and profile products with higher design requirements like restaurants and hotels etc.”.

Cardi will be an own department within Elektroskandia with a joint sales and marketing department.

President of Cardi Fredrik Lindeberg added, “Cardi and Elektroskandia are a perfect match as they really complement each other. With Elektroskandia's large sales organization we will increase our presence in the market and reach out to the electrical industry at the same time as we can offer customers a complete product portfolio for most types of projects. We will continue to have a high focus on working with lighting designers and prescribers, and with the merger we will of course also benefit from Elektroskandia's strength in logistics and delivery performance.”

Elektroskandia President Anders Nordlöw concluded by saying, “This is a strategic investment to increase our market position in Sweden. With Cardi in our organization, we will be able to further develop our lighting business and strengthen our leading position.”

About Elektroskandia Sverige

Elektroskandia Sverige has been operating as an electrical wholesaler in Sweden since 1904. They market and sell electrical equipment and systems in the fields of power/automation, tele/data/security, lighting, domestic appliances and industrial necessities. They employ approximately 830 people at 48 locations all over Sweden.

2021.03.30 Sonepar Executives in the USA Participate in ABB’s International Women’s Day Panel

Sonepar Executives in the USA Participate in ABB’s International Women’s Day Panel


During the hour-long discussion, ABB Strategic Accounts Manager and host of the panel, Annie Pereira, asked guests to comment on topics ranging from mentoring to leading to advocating for their own career growth. 

On the 12th March, in celebration of International Women's Day, ABB hosted a panel discussion featuring Tammy Livers, SVP of Sales Enablement and Customer Experience for Sonepar USA, and Stacy Stanslaski, President of Viking Electric, to discuss how they promote diversity, inclusion, and allyship in the culture of their organizations. The panel discussion was promoted through WATT, Sonepar USA's women's associate resource group. ​ 

During the hour-long discussion, ABB Strategic Accounts Manager and host of the panel, Annie Pereira, asked guests to comment on topics ranging from mentoring to leading to advocating for their own career growth. On the subject of self-confidence and the importance of seeking advice, Tammy said "My YAGE post-it in my notebook stands for You Are Good Enough. Self-confidence boosting is important and part of your responsibility." She continued, "Feedback is a gift. Seeking feedback is a way to find mentors. If you are intentional about the things you want to work on and find someone strong in that area, never hesitate to ask that person for help. When other members on your team have a skill set you need to understand, let them educate you. Building a roadmap together is a great experience.​" 

When asked about the importance of a diverse working environment, Viking President Stacy Stanslaski replied, "While it is important that Diversity and Inclusion are supported by leadership, they must also be grassroots-led to be sustainable. Having conversations and being vulnerable can lead to better conversations and more inclusion in our industry." 

About Sonepar in the USA 

Sonepar USA is an independent, family-owned company with global market leadership in the B-to-B distribution of electrical, industrial, and safety products, services and solutions. We are a proud member of the Sonepar Group, the world’s largest privately-held electrical distributor. Sonepar entered the US in 1998 and has continued to grow due to strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Today, Sonepar USA is represented by 14 locally managed operating companies with over 700 locations nationwide. For more information, visit 

About Viking Electric 

Viking Electric was founded in 1964 in St. Paul, Minnesota as a family-owned electrical distributor with 7,000-square-feet warehouse space and a mission to be a leader in the electrical distribution industry. Today, Viking Electric has grown to 21 locations across Minnesota and Wisconsin. Our focus has moved beyond our core identity as an electrical distributor, to delivering exceptional services and logistical solutions for our customers. Viking Electric’s customers include residential and commercial electrical contractors, as well as the industrial market. 

2021.03.25 Mayflex Launches New AV Brand - Aura

Mayflex Launches New AV Brand - Aura


Aura brings a different approach to an established market and offers an extensive range of quality and high-performing AV passive products all supplied in 100% single-use plastic-free packaging.

March 2021, Mayflex, the distributor of Converged IP Solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of a new brand of Audio and Visual Cables and Connectivity Products, called Aura. 

Aura brings a different approach to an established market and offers an extensive range of quality and high-performing AV passive products all supplied in 100% single-use plastic-free packaging.  The product range initially includes; Coax Cables, AV Cables, HDMI Cables, HDMI Extenders, TV Brackets, Modules and Wall Plates, AV Adaptors, and Connectors.  

Andrew Percival, Managing Director commented, “We are delighted to create the Aura brand, following on from the massive success of Excel, Mayflex is well placed to develop quality solutions which are backed by our exceptional service and support.”

Andrew continued “In September 2020 we welcomed Simon Jacobs to the team who brought with him over 20 years’ experience of the AV market.  Simon has worked closely with the leadership, sales, and marketing teams to develop the Aura brand and ensure that we offer a premium set of products that meet the market requirements.” 

Simon Jacobs commented “I’m excited to see the results of many months of work to design and develop the Aura brand.   As the strapline highlights, you ‘Experience Different’ with Aura with exceptional quality and best-in-class performance, all protected in stylish packaging which is free from single-use plastic and is made from materials that are 100% recyclable, definitely a first for any AV vendor in the market today.”

Simon concluded “We have a brand-new website that details the range of products on offer, all of which are available to order via Mayflex. Customers can see their prices and available stock via the Mayflex online shop.  There is also a comprehensive PDF catalog which includes educational content to help customers choose the right products for their requirements.”

For more information on Aura please visit or visit where you can view the Aura products.

​About Mayflex

​Mayflex is a leading distributor of converged IP solutions including infrastructure, networking, and electronic security solutions. They use their specialist knowledge and experience to bring together ‘best-in-class’ solutions to create a compatible, feature rich, value for money offering to meet the needs of business types and sizes across all sectors. Their products are sold through a network of system integrators, resellers and installers.  They work hard with these partners to ensure their product and technical knowledge is second to none.

2021.03.18 Sonepar Honors Global Recycling Day

Sonepar Honors Global Recycling Day


Founded by the Global Recycling Foundation in 2018, this event aims to raise awareness of the importance of recycling for preserving and securing a healthy future for our planet.

Today is Global Recycling Day. Founded by the Global Recycling Foundation in 2018, this event aims to raise awareness of the importance of recycling for preserving and securing a healthy future for our planet. Recycling is a key part of the circular economy in helping to protect our natural resources and around the world, Sonepar is engaged in over 230 sustainable initiatives.

When examining the key role Sonepar has in the recycling and reuse of material, CEO Philippe Delpech stated, “Product distribution generates vast quantities of packaging, for which Sonepar is responsible. This has led to the introduction of best practices regarding the management of this material: reuse of cardboard and packaging, recycling of cardboard with the help of local partners, and optimization of containers.” 

Around the world, we see these best practices coming into play. For example, over the past year, Sonepar in Germany, Brazil, Spain, and Elektroskandia Sverige in Sweden are widely using bags made from 100% recycled plastic, and reusable delivery boxes made from recycled paper. In 2019, Excel Networking Solutions​ in the UK replaced single-use plastic with paper packaging for over 90% of its products. In France, Sonepar strengthened its partnership with ecosystem to recycle customers’ used equipment, and Cebeo in Belgium has partnered with RENEWI to manage the separation and recycling of all their waste. Sustainability and Circularity teams have been created in countries such as Switzerland, China, and Technische Unie in the Netherlands to be the driving force behind pivotal, ecological initiatives.

Head to the Sustainability page on our website, to find out more.

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2021.03.15 Sonepar. 2021 at a glance

Sonepar: 2021 at a glance


The Sonepar 2021 Panorama is out now. Here we present our annual, global overview of our activities, key figures, as well as editorials from Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette and Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech, outlining our ‘Impact’ plan to drive the Digital Transformation through four pillars: People, Customer, Performance and Planet.   

The Sonepar Group has embarked on an ambitious transformation plan to maintain its position as a world leader in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions and related services, and aims to offer its customers the most advanced automated and digitized omnichannel processes on the market.  

About Sonepar  

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders. 

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2021.03.11 Sonepar’s Logistics Platforms Receives ISO 50001 Certification in France

Sonepar’s Logistics Platforms Receives ISO 50001 Certification in France


The monitoring of Sonepar in France's energy consumption is possible thanks to the installation of submeters on each platform.

This month, AFNOR (French Standardization Association) has awarded Sonepar in France the ISO 50001 certification across its entire Sonelog network, namely at the Saint Quentin, Plaine de l'Ain, Le Pontet, Cestas, Châteaubourg, and Fleury logistics platforms.

ISO 50001 is an international standard created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving an energy management system. The purpose of which is to enable an organization to follow a systematic approach in assuring the continuous improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy security, energy use, and consumption.

Sonelog Network Quality & Relation Manager, Katia Doisne, explained, "The Energy Management System has designed and implemented an energy policy, to set realistic objectives in terms of energy reduction, and to design and monitor action plans, in order to achieve said objectives."

Sonepar in France started working on this project in July 2019. To achieve this certification, ISO 50001 Committees were set up with the company's Energy team, made up of Continuous Improvement Managers and Maintenance and Safety Managers of each platform.

Katia continued, "This certification is the result of teamwork with, in particular, Technical & Safety Director David Lecroart, Lead Buyer Sonepar France Franklin Mathias, Sonepar France Communication Development Manager Léo MAZEL, and all the associates, who have implemented the necessary actions needed to reduce our energy consumption."

The monitoring of Sonepar in France's energy consumption is possible thanks to the installation of submeters on each platform. The last remaining submeters are also being installed. Ultimately, they will be able to monitor our consumption by zone, for targeting actions that need to be implemented more effectively.

Sonepar has set itself the objective of contributing to reducing its carbon footprint in accordance with the Paris agreement of limiting global warming to below 2°C. To contribute to this objective, Sonepar in France has set up several strategic priorities including the deployment of electric and hybrid vehicles, the use of renewable energies, and in particular energy efficiency.

2021.03.09 Leaders of Vallen’s Women Advocacy Group, VICKIE, Celebrate Its One Year Anniversary

Leaders of Vallen’s Women Advocacy Group, VICKIE, Celebrate Its One Year Anniversary


In their first year, VICKIE set up a number of talks where members could share their stories and inspire others, as well as organized more large-scale events.

Last year Vallen, a Sonepar Company, launched VICKIE, their women's resource group designed to help develop and support associates' performance and careers while upholding Vallen's mission and values.

VICKIE, which is an acronym for 'Voices Inspiring Change, Knowledge, Innovation and Empowerment', centers its activities around six core pillars, each of which is headed by Co-Captains in various Vallen locations throughout the USA:

  • Nourish: Maintaining good health for our minds, bodies, and spirits
  • Care: Engaging with our communities through volunteer efforts
  • Celebrate: Sharing our successes to encourage and motivate others
  • Learn: Continuing education to broaden our knowledge and expertise
  • Innovate: Leveraging technology and talent to elevate Vallen as an industry leader
  • Giving Back: Adding value by building networks and resources

In its first year, VICKIE set up a number of talks where members could share their stories and inspire others, as well as organized more large-scale events. In June, the group organized the Step Challenge, helping members to stay active by consistently walking 10,000 steps each day. In July, they shared a virtual invitation to join a diversity conversation alongside 'Girls with Impact', an association that supports young girls of all ethnicities to launch their own businesses, non-profit organizations, and community projects. Last October for Breast Cancer Awareness month, they hosted the 'Survivor Stories' event, where Vallen breast cancer survivors shared their experiences and learnings with their fellow associates. This February, they held the 'Love Your Body' series which focused on self-acceptance and empowerment, as part of their 'Nourish' pillar, and celebrated Black History Month with a video of associates sharing personal stories from their family history.

VICKIE also gave a presentation at the Industrial Supply Association last year on 'How to Start a Women's Resource Group', which was viewed by over 400 participants.

We spoke with Joyce Lansdale, one of VICKIE's founding members, and VICKIE Chairwoman Amanda Cella, about the group's primary objectives and how they've evolved over the year since its launch. Joyce explained, "At the core of all our activities, we are helping women improve their 'stock value.' We​ strive to not only attract women to begin working for Vallen but also to help women reach more mid-level, senior positions. We want to see more women on our leadership teams."

VICKIE is a group that is open to all associates. As Joyce stated, "From the beginning, VICKIE has been open to associates from all backgrounds; we want everyone to have their voice heard and take part in our internal and community service activities. Anyone can be a VICKIE!" She concluded by saying, "At the end of the day we are creating a safe, progressive, educational space where everyone can be involved."

2021.03.05 Sonepar Celebrates International Women’s Day

Sonepar Celebrates International Women’s Day


From challenge comes change, and we at Sonepar #ChoosetoChallenge.

Today, Sonepar celebrates International Women's Day, a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

Sonepar is proud to promote inclusion, advocate for gender equality, and support the achievements of women. This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #ChooseToChallenge. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality, we can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world, from challenge comes change, and we at Sonepar #ChoosetoChallenge.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders.

2021.03.04 Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette to Take Part in the AFEP Top & Live BFM Business Panel Discussion

Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette to Take Part in the AFEP Top & Live BFM Business Panel Discussion


Created by the Afep in 2017, the TOP event aims to strengthen the links between large and small businesses.

On Saturday 6th March, Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette will participate in the Top, a unique, digital event organized by AFEP (French Association of Private Enterprises), where over 250 SME leaders will have the chance meet and discuss with France’s leading business figures.

Created by the Afep in 2017, the TOP event aims to strengthen the links between large and small businesses. By welcoming SME and ETI leaders from all over France, major groups that belong to the AFEP demonstrate their commitment to supporting the ecosystem throughout France. The Chairmen and CEOs of the AFEP member companies are personally involved in the event. They are present all morning to meet with SME-ETI leaders one-on-one via a digital platform.

Sonepar is a member of the AFEP, which is an association representing 111 of the largest private groups operating in France. Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette is a Board Member. The AFEP participates in the public debate with the aim of providing pragmatic answers for the development of a competitive French and European economy, conducive to the growth of all companies.

Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette will be companied by Jérôme Malassigne, President France & International Services and Oliver Cianelli, Marketing & Sales Director, Sonepar France. 

During the Top, Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette will take part in a live panel discussion with Valeo Chairman and CEO Jacques Aschenbroich, and Fnac Darty CEO Enrique Martinez that will be broadcast live on BFM Business at around 10H45 on Saturday morning.

2021.03.03 Sonepar 2020 Key Figures

Sonepar 2020 Key Figures


Sonepar recorded sales of 23 billion euros in 2020, a decrease of 3.6% in Electrical sales compared to 2019, which was the best year ever in Sonepar’s history.

This solid sales performance, considering the global sanitary and economic crisis, reflects Sonepar’s global footprint, unique resilience of our associates, continuous investment in protecting customer service, including inventory levels and productivity benefits from process digitalization efforts started back in 2017.

The Sonepar Group has embarked on an ambitious transformation plan to maintain its position as a world leader in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions and related services. The Group aims to offer its customers the most advanced automated and digitized omnichannel processes on the market.

Here are Sonepar's updated key figures:

  • 23 billion euros in sales
  • 30% online sales
  • 45,000 associates
  • Present in 40 countries
  • Over 100 brands
  • 2,800 branches
  • 150 distribution centers
  • 1 million order lines per day
  • Commitment to reduce Sonepar’s internal emissions by over 20% in 4 years and comply with the 2°C target.
  • 230 Sustainability initiatives

In 2020, Sonepar also set up a strategic Digital Factory based on 3 continents leveraging the Group’s size to accelerate our omnichannel digitalization, which already represents 30% of Group sales.

“At Sonepar, our job is to make our customers’ lives easier. Our associates are our core strength and thanks to them, we are successfully leading the digital and energy transition head on.  Looking back at 2020, I applaud the way in which our associates around the world united to overcome the crisis that we went through and continued in our mission to deliver first class customer service,” said Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette, Sonepar Chairman.

Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO commented, “Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Sonepar’s 2,800 branches remained open even in the worst moments of the pandemic to serve our customers working in vital sectors: hospitals, data centers, and critical infrastructures. Our associates were extraordinary in 2020 and I wish to thank all 45 000 of them for their amazing commitment.  They demonstrated their resilience and have continually strived to provide our customers with the great service they deserve. This unique crisis has proven, if needed, that Sonepar is really Powered by Difference.”

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Through a dense network of 100 brands spanning 40 countries, the Group has an ambitious transformation agenda to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers. Drawing on the skill and passion of its 45,000 associates, Sonepar had sales of €23 billion in 2020. Sonepar makes its customers’ lives easier, over the counter, visiting customers, by phone or online, – however we’re needed. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders.

2021.02.25 Sonepar & LEDVANCE Donate 1 Million Ft to the Hungarian Ambulance Motorcycle Foundation

Sonepar & LEDVANCE Donate 1 Million Ft to the Hungarian Ambulance Motorcycle Foundation


The donation ceremony was held in the Dunaharaszti branch of Sonepar in Hungary

On February 9th, Sonepar in Hungary and LEDVANCE donated 1 Million Ft to the Hungarian Ambulance Motorcycle Foundation, as a result of the LEDVANCE International Sales Race 2020.

On the reason why they chose this particular charity, Sonepar in Hungary Managing Director, János Ágner said, "We chose the Hungarian Ambulance Motorcycle Foundation because besides that they support the work of the Ambulance Motorcycles at the national level, the COVID-19 situation also imposes additional burdens on them. All aiding foundations serve noble purposes, but this almost one-year-long period is a particularly big challenge for healthcare professionals."

Speaking about the continued success of this initiative, LEDVANCE Company Director in Hungary, Zoltán Szegszárdi explained, "Sales statistics between September and November in 2020 fully demonstrated the success of the campaign: Sonepar has reached 14% increase compared to last year turnover of OSRAM LED lamps and LEDVANCE LED luminaires for the same period. For the second time, our company is donating to a foundation as part of an international campaign. I am glad that we managed to achieve the set goal again, which was achieved as a result of real teamwork. Both companies are committed to the support, with a good feeling that the donation will be in a good place this year as well."

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, Zoltán Varsányi stated, "We are incredibly grateful to receive this significant donation; the goal of the Foundation is to help save lives in Hungary, especially as providing ambulance motorcycles and special ambulance equipment is especially high at this time, we need to give high-quality professional equipment and driving training for ambulance motorcycle workers. Since 2020, the fight against COVID-19 has also given ambulance paramedics additional tasks, such as getting involved in mass testing. Therefore, it is a huge help for us to receive extra support and positive feedback in addition to our extra responsibilities." ​​

The donation ceremony was held in the Dunaharaszti branch of Sonepar in Hungary.

About Sonepar in Hungary

Sonepar Magyarország Kft. is a member of a family-owned company group with global coverage. Our main task is to make our customers' lives easier.  We offer an entire market covering, comprehensive solution in the B2B (business-to-business) distribution of the latest electrical products and solutions.

2021.02.24 Lawrence & Hanson Partners with TRILUX

Lawrence & Hanson Partners with TRILUX


This leading partnership in Australia is an extension of the historically strong ties between the TRILUX and Sonepar Groups.

Lawrence & Hanson is delighted to announce their partnership with TRILUX Group. This leading partnership in Australia is an extension of the historically strong ties between the TRILUX and Sonepar Groups. It will further strengthen the combined reach to serve customers with innovative and digital lighting solutions in selected key markets in Asia-Pacific.

About Lawrence & Hanson

Lawrence & Hanson is Australia’s most recognized electrical wholesaler with a strong heritage and over 150 branches. Since 1886, they’ve been supplying high-quality products to customers across multiple market sectors, including residential, commercial and industrial. They strive to be the wholesaler of choice for knowledge, customer service, digital business solutions, consistent pricing and stock availability.

csm_HR_award_377d1caec92021.02.22 KVC Wins Malaysia HR Asia’s Best Companies to Work For in Asia

KVC Wins Malaysia HR Asia’s Best Companies to Work For in Asia


Earlier this year, KVC is proud and delighted to receive a prestigious award as Malaysia’s Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2020.

This award recognizes organizations across Asia for workplace excellence and employee engagement, covering eleven markets, including Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, and South Korea.

The winners of this award were selected by a rigorous employee engagement survey administered by HR Asia, Asia’s most authoritative publications for senior HR professionals. Winning this award in this challenging year is a marvelous and remarkable achievement for us.

Eddie Wong, Sonepar Malaysia Country Managing Director said of winning the award, "It is a great honor to have been named as an award recipient of HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2020 Awards. At KVC, we believe that our talents are our best assets and I would like to dedicate this award to every KVCian.".

This prestigious award marks another milestone for KVC in developing our people which is in line with our mission, to provide a dynamic and entrepreneurial platform for employee career advancement.

Self-leadership - an important part of a sustainable working life

About KVC

KVC Industrial Supplies Sdn Bhd is a leading and growing Industrial supplier in Malaysia, founded in 1989. With their headquartered in Bangi, Selangor, they have more than 20 branches across Malaysia today, with approximately 600 associates helping to serve over 6,000 active customers..

2021.02.18 Dimel Partners with Jojacar Telecomunicaciones in Supplying Equipment to the Galileo Security Monitoring Center

Dimel Partners with Jojacar Telecomunicaciones in Supplying Equipment to the Galileo Security Monitoring Center


Galileo is the European satellite positioning and radio navigation system developed by the European Union in conjunction with the European Space Agency.

Dimel, a Sonepar company, recently completed a project with their client Jojamar Telecomunicaciones, where they distributed Nexans material for the Galileo Security Monitoring Center, (European GSA), at the Marañosa Institute of Technology.

The project was for the launch of the Institute’s new information and communications system, which involved the installation of 64,000 meters of structured cabling with 6,000 RJ45 connectors, 120,000 meters of optical fibre cable, as well as mechanical interfaces, racks, panels, user stations, videowall and videoconference technology, and telephone systems.

Galileo is the European satellite positioning and radio navigation system developed by the European Union in conjunction with the European Space Agency.

About Dimel

Dimel joined Sonepar Ibérica in 2007. Dimel Castilla is a prominent figure in the Madrid region and has a growing presence in Extremadura, Spain. Dimel has six branches, with a team of 100 people and more than 15,000 products.

2021.02.17 What Does A Sustainable Future Look Like Watch Our Sonepar Story Today!

What Does A Sustainable Future Look Like? Watch Our Sonepar Story Today!


What does a sustainable future look like, and how is Sonepar going to be a part of it? CEO Philippe Delpech recently spoke about the role Sonepar is playing in helping to develop a more Circular Economy within our industry, stating, "Circular economy is based on three interconnected pillars: supply from economic players, consumer demand or behavior, and waste management. These pillars are built around 10 strategic actions (also called the "10Rs"), that make it possible to take concrete action on the economy: Refuse, Reduce, Rethink, Re-use, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Re-purpose, Recycle, Recover."

When examining how Sonepar can act as key players in the circular economy, Philippe explained, "The Group's companies must partner with local waste recovery, reuse, and treatment services. For this reason, some countries have set up partnerships with suppliers in order to offer customers products that are more easily recyclable (products that can be dismantled, or made from materials beneficial to the waste-treatment chain), and even sometimes a waste management partner who can take charge of end-of-life products, in order to optimize collection and  direct products to the appropriate treatment chain."

To see how Sonepar is implementing sustainable solutions into our current and future activities, watch our video here!

Stay up to date with our latest news about our Sustainable efforts by following this link

2021.02.17 Sonepar Contributes to the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Sonepar Contributes to the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals


This objective is not only related to environmental partnerships but collaborations that contribute to the progress of all goals, including industry and infrastructure, equal opportunities, and decent work and economic growth.​

Sonepar is committed to the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and each month throughout 2021, we will be focusing on a different UN SDG goal. In February, we're looking at Partnerships. This objective is not only related to environmental partnerships but collaborations that contribute to the progress of all goals, including industry and infrastructure, equal opportunities, and decent work and economic growth.​

To mention a few key highlights, last year Cebeo was named Schneider Electric’s ‘Industrial Automation Distributor’, Sonepar China played a key role in the construction of Tianjin First Central Hospital, Sonepar France strengthened its partnership with Ecosystem to recycle used equipment, and Sonepar Italia collaborates with Green Solution to renovate the Bologna Transport System.

As a group, we work with over 120 suppliers worldwide and are proud to promote their brands and innovations in all our markets. Product quality, compliance with standards and efficient engineering, and after-sales service are the main criteria when choosing our partners, and we believe that strong partnerships are the key to having a positive impact on our environment and our industry.​

Stay tuned and find out which United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal we'll be focusing on next.

About Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Assisting customers in a wide range of markets and drawing on the skill and passion of its 48,000 associates, Sonepar has sales of €24 billion. Through a dense network of 145 operating companies spanning 48 countries and 5 continents, and the digital solutions developed, the Sonepar Group delivers greater service and enhanced customer relations every day. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders.

2021.02.16 ElectraFK contributes to a Sustainable Future (1)

ElectraFK contributes to a Sustainable Future


ElectraFK is currently playing a key role in the renovation of one of the world’s largest and most modern bus terminals.

The project aims to promote the mobility of mass transport in the new era of electric vehicles, promoting technological development and mitigating climate change, through the supply and use of clean energy from solar and hydraulic sources and a photovoltaic self-generation system.

The Electroterminal STP Santiago uses an intelligent monitoring and load management system for a fleet of 215 state-of-the-art electric buses, with autonomy of 300 km, operated by the People Transportation Service of the city of Santiago, which marks a milestone for electromobility and public transport in Latin America and the world.

With a team of experienced engineers, ElectraFK built and supplied 9 Power Distribution Centre panels for the project, intended to power the 400 KW battery chargers on the buses and include Ethernet communication for remote management. Its construction was carried out in the ElectraFK’s Santa Rosa Plant.

Though this initiative, ElectraFK contributes to the country's goal of accelerating the decarbonization of the energy matrix, strengthening the sustainability of the metropolitan transportation system for a higher quality of life and a better future for all.

About Electra FK

ElectraFK is one of the largest and most consolidated distributors of electrical materials in Chile. The company develops its commercial activities through two main business areas; the distribution of electrical equipment, and value-added services to serve the industrial, residential, commercial and mining sectors. ElectraFK is the result of the merge of the previous FloresYKersting and Electra companies, both acquired by Sonepar in 2015.

2021.02.12 Dielectro Balear and Signify Light Up the Cuevas del Drach in Mallorca

Dielectro Balear and Signify Light Up the Cuevas del Drach in Mallorca


The Cuevas del Drach are one of Mallorca’s biggest attractions, and Dieletro Balear is certain that this project will help to draw in even bigger crowds.

Dielectro Balear, a Sonepar company recently embarked on a project to renovate the lighting of the famous Cuevas del Drach (Caves of Drach) in Mallorca, alongside Signify. This was an extremely delicate and exciting project, as the first cave was first discovered in the Middle Ages and in the 19th Century, the French explorer and scientist Édouard-Alfred Martel discovered an underground lake which is connected to three more caves. The Cuevas del Drach are one of Mallorca’s biggest attractions, and Dieletro Balear is certain that this project will help to draw in even bigger crowds.

About Dielectro Balear

Dielectro Balear joined Sonepar Iberica in 2016 after establishing themselves as leaders in the market for the distribution of electrical equipment in the Baleric Islands. The company was founded in 1951 as part of the national Dielectro Group, until 1991, when it became Dielectro Balear. Currently, Dielectro Balear has five branches, over 110 associates, and more than 13,000 items in their warehouses.

2021.02.09 Sonepar Chief Digital Enterprise Officer Jérémie Profeta Applauds Partnership with Publicis Sapient

Sonepar Chief Digital Enterprise Officer Jérémie Profeta Applauds Partnership with Publicis Sapient


Stay tuned for more information regarding Sonepar’s Digital Factory.

Sonic Automation has been appointed as the authorized distributor of Phoenix Contact in Thailand.

On March 18, 2021, a signing ceremony was held at Sonepar Thailand office. Mr. Surote Panasahatham, Country Managing Director of Sonepar Thailand on behalf of Sonic Automation Co., Ltd. and Mr Kriangsak Srithongthai, General Manager of Phoenix Contact (Thailand) Co., Ltd. signed the partnership agreement.

Phoenix contact (Thailand) has appointed Sonic Automation to be an official distributor in the electrical, electronic components and related products business. The signing ceremony marks the beginning of the cooperation between the two parties in sales and marketing for business expansion and creating sustainability and long-term business success.

In line with Sonic Automation’s mission – to provide customers with superior one-stop industrial automation product solutions, the partnership with Phoenix Contact marks a new milestone for Sonic Automation in strengthening the portfolio for electrical products and solutions.

At the same time, leveraging Sonic Automation’s customer network will help us expend our business opportunities. It will not only increase the sales of products, but also enhance competitiveness in the factory automation business.

About Sonic Automation

About Sonic Automation Sonic Automation, founded in 2010, is a leading and experienced distributor providing a ‘one-stop shop’ for Industrial Automation products, solutions and related services in Thailand. With expertise in a variety of products and industries, Sonic Automation provides value-added solutions to fit our customers’ goals.

2021.01.28 President of Sonepar in Brazil, Yannick Laporte, Shares Visions for 2021

President of Sonepar in Brazil, Yannick Laporte, Shares Visions for 2021


Even with the adverse conditions of 2020, President of Sonepar in Brazil, Yannick Laporte sent a message of well-wishes all associates at the start of the new year, and reminded them that the company closed 2020 with many reasons to celebrate.

Looking towards what lies ahead for the company, Yannick shared, “We have successfully concluded the merger of Dimensional and DW in the end of the year, resulting in a well structured new company, ready to develop and expand its national sales of solutions in electrical materials, PPEs and services. Alongside Nortel, a generalist company and national leader on the MRO market, and Eletronor, a Rockwell Automation leader company in the south region, we have now three important enterprises in Brazil, all of them very prepared to supply differentiated and added value solutions and experiences for our customers. This will be another year full of great challenges and achievements for Sonepar.”

Yannick also reinforced the key projects that underpin this vision by concluding, "Following our Impact strategic plan, we will continue our digital acceleration, drive sustainability actions, and promote ambitious capacity building and diversity programs in the company."

About Sonepar in Brazil

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with national market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services, with operations in Brazil since 2001, Assisting customers in a wide range of markets and drawing on the skill and passion of its 1.800 employees, Sonepar in Brazil reported R$ 1,33 billion sales in 2019. Through a network of four operating companies (Dimensional DW, Eletronor, Etil and Nortel), 72 branches, eight distribution centers, and the digital solutions developed, Sonepar delivers greater service and enhanced customer relations every day. Sonepar’s ambition is to be 'La Référence' - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders.

2021.01.28 Elektroskandia Sverige Launch Their New Shopping App and Self-Scanning Services

Elektroskandia Sverige Launch Their New Shopping App and Self-Scanning Services


This new app is part of a list of features that Elektroskandia Sverige is currently rolling out across the company. ​

Sonepar's is always looking for new and innovative ways in which we can make our customers' lives easier, and Elektroskandia Sverige is doing exactly that by introducing their new, in-store Shopping app. This app will allow customers ​to scan the items they wish to purchase, the total is calculated as they shop, and​ they can just scan their phone when they reach the self-service checkouts, making their whole shopping experience quick and easy. When scanning products, customers can also tap on the item to see its full specifications, in case they need to double-check that it fits in with their specifications.

This new app is part of a list of features that Elektroskandia Sverige is currently rolling out across the company. ​

About Elektroskandia Sverige​:

Elektroskandia Sverige has been operating as an electrical wholesaler in Sweden since 1904. They market and sell electrical equipment and systems in the fields of power/automation, tele/data/security, lighting, domestic appliances and industrial necessities. They employ approximately 830 people at 48 locations all over Sweden.

2021.01.28 Gescan Begins 2021 with a Virtual Kick-off Meeting

Gescan Begins 2021 with a Virtual Kick-off Meeting


This year’s theme was, 'Lead the Difference', and Gescan took the opportunity to showcase their performance from 2020 and their plans for 2021.

This week Gescan held their first virtual kick-off meeting from Jan 13th-15th. This year’s theme was, 'Lead the Difference', and Gescan took the opportunity to showcase their performance from 2020 and their plans for 2021.

The meeting was held virtually, and featured presentations from Gescan and Sonepar Canada executives, the introduction of the company's new President Javi Richmond and also included workshops and live musical performances during their breaks.

About Gescan:

Gescan joined the Sonepar family in 1989 and has since grown into a company that goes beyond product delivery to become a world-class business partner. Gescan BC an electrical products and services distributor, proudly serving British Columbia with 14 branches. Gescan Prairies is a distributor of electrical products and services with 12 branches serving customers across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. With 60 years of industry experience, Gescan continues to provide quality electrical services and products across Western Canada. Gescan has always had a passion for industrial automation and controls but products and services, such as energy management & electrical products, are also made available for residential and commercial contractors and end-users.

2021.01.28 Sonepar in Spain Human Resources Manager, David Morales on the Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

Sonepar in Spain Human Resources Manager, David Morales on the Importance of Diversity in the Workplace


For Sonepar in Spain, the subject of diversity and inclusion has always been a key area of development. Over the years, the company has created policies and guidelines to guarantee equal opportunities for associates and prospective candidates, creating a diverse and open professional environment.

Speaking on this subject, David Morales, Human Resources Manager for Sonepar in Spain stated, "We maintain a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion through our specific policies. For Sonepar, diversity in the workplace implies a workforce with multiple characteristics; people with different ages, religions, genders, ethnicities, or abilities."

Sonepar North America Leaders also recently spoke on the importance of diversity and inclusion, click here to read their interview.

About Sonepar in Spain:

Founded in 1986, Sonepar Ibérica is the leading company in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment and related solutions in Spain. We have more than 115 branches spread throughout the Spanish region and have seven OpCos: AME, Dielectro Balear, Dielectro Canarias, Dielectro Industrial, Dimel, Guerin and Hispanofil. We offer our clients integral solutions and services in our business areas: Industry, Lighting, Telecom & Data, Cable, Medium Voltage, Security & EPIS, Building Automotion & Domotics, Air Conditioning, Electric Vehicle, Renewable and Sanitary Energies and Plumbing.​

2021.01.20 How COVID-19 Influenced Sonepar’s Approach to Risk Management

How COVID-19 Influenced Sonepar’s Approach to Risk Management


Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech and VP Risks and Insurance François Beaume were recently interviewed by the French Association AMRAE* about how the COVID-19 crisis has affected the company’s approach to Risk Management and which actions have been taken to improve our current processes on a global scale.

Read the full interview below:   

How has your approach to risk management changed considering the pandemic?   

Philippe Delpech: Sonepar is present in 44 countries: this pandemic has affected our associates, customers, and activities in virtually all our regions and continues to be a daily concern. This event teaches us that anything can happen, including the unthinkable. We were struck by the complexity of understanding and managing the multitude of government decisions, regardless of the country, and their impact on our activities. This has had a lasting effect on our risk management approach, and we are working to integrate this feedback into our processes. This health crisis reminds us, in a very concrete way, that risk management is everyone's business and often begins with simple actions, within everyone's reach, with first and foremost respect of barrier gestures. Combined with more global measures taken by the public authorities and the upcoming vaccination campaign, these actions will - we all hope - make it possible to reduce the risk to an acceptable level allowing us to return to a certain normality. The example of Covid-19 is a good illustration of the necessary risk understanding prerequisite to protect oneself effectively against it.  

How have your Risk Management expectations changed?   

Philippe Delpech: The specific context of the Sonepar Group, mixing strong growth, digital and organizational transformation, sustainable development challenges, combined with exogenous factors such as the gradual rise of certain threats (geopolitical and social tensions, global warming, cyber and health risks, etc.), or the tense context of the insurance market, argue for greater collective risk management efficiency to strengthen our resilience. Well before the pandemic, we had already taken steps to strengthen our risk management efforts and will continue to do so in the coming years, with the aim of more systematically integrating a risk management reflex into our day-to-day actions and strategic thinking.   

What have been the benefits of risk mapping? Did you adapt it after March?   

Philippe Delpech: Our continuous risk analysis helped us to get through this crisis. Our risk management teams are currently rethinking our risk mapping methodology and cycles to make this tool more useful and operational in the face of current and future challenges. The development of future strategies will not only be based on past analyses. This requires us to reinvent the risk mapping exercise.  

Have you defined and communicated internally on your risk appetite?  Has it changed since the crisis?  

Philippe Delpech: For a family group like ours, risk appetite is rooted in the long term. Embedded in the Group's DNA and shared by all, it is gradually evolving, not so much in reaction to this crisis, but to support major societal movements, environmental challenges,​ and their translation into our business model. It proves that the fundamentals of our business model and risk appetite are relevant. They both help to secure the resilience and performance expected by our shareholders and drive the spirit of Sonepar: "Powered by Difference".  

How has the pandemic changed your approach to risk management?    

François Beaume: This crisis, unprecedented in modern history, both in terms of scale and duration, shows the need, but also the complexity, to have reliable information to enable rapid decision-making. We set up specific weekly monitoring for this purpose at the start of the pandemic, which is still in place. This has been supplemented by practical guides for countries to enable them to quickly identify and structure the measures to be implemented. This operational support was particularly welcomed by countries and operational entities. The pandemic has also confirmed the importance of anticipation, through upstream risk identification and prevention coupled with a robust crisis management process and business continuity measures. As certain risks become systemic, risk management is more than ever an essential asset for Sonepar in order to navigate in this complex and evolving context. Risk Management contributes to preserving the Group's performance and resilience by effectively combining various methods and tools, including insurance.  

How have senior management's expectations of Risk Management changed?   

François Beaume: Prior to the pandemic, the Group's senior management had strengthened the position of the function by integrating risk management, including insurance, within the Corporate General Counsel's Office. This makes it possible to develop a cross-disciplinary approach to risks, combining risk management, insurance, governance, legal and compliance into the same dynamic. It also facilitates co-construction of initiatives with other departments (digital, strategy, HR, etc.) and the promotion of collective work.  

Since this integration, our actions have tended to make the organization more secure, provide tools and methods to the various actors and formalize a minimum of practices in order to achieve a common base, which, in a historically decentralized group like Sonepar represents a fundamental change. The Group's strong growth makes this formalization and systematization stage necessary to enable a broader deployment and understanding of risk management principles and, ultimately, to strengthen our performance. This involves notably the safety of associates and customers, which, more than ever under current health conditions, remains our priority.  

What changes have been made to risk mapping?    

François Beaume: None at this stage, but we are working to make this exercise both more responsive and more firmly anchored in our daily operations. 2020 actions were focused on updating our corruption risk mapping in-depth. In 2021 we will initiate an update of the global risk mapping, which should incorporate both methodological changes and new risks.   

Do you use new indicators? more operational? more frequent?   

François Beaume: Risk management indicators are bound to evolve, as they are closely linked to the risks that bear them. Each risk mapping update, whether global or specific (corruption, CSR, etc.), brings new risks, scenarios, and associated indicators, which must be monitored regularly. In addition to the risk mapping exercises, other risk indicators are measured regularly. For example, we have implemented since the beginning of the pandemic, daily and then weekly monitoring of the crisis, its impacts, and related action plans. We are also monitoring indicators focused on compliance, cyber risks, claims, etc., which remain relevant.  

Have you noticed a change in your company's risk appetite? An injunction to find new opportunities?   

François Beaume​: Being a family-owned group structures our risk appetite over a longer time horizon, with a perspective of sustainability and transmission. However, this is not antinomic to growth and performance, quite the contrary, and encourages calculated and reasoned risk-taking in line with the times.  

* Association pour le Management des Risques et des Assurances de l'Entreprise

2021.01.05 Lawrence & Hanson Receives the Dotties Award for Marketing Team of the Year

Lawrence & Hanson Receives the Dotties Award for Marketing Team of the Year


This month, Lawrence & Hanson Senior Marketer and Campaign Lead Rachel Raschilla accepted The Dotties award for Marketing Team of the Year.​

Throughout the COVID crisis, the team has focused on loyalty programs as a way to continue growing its customer base and simultaneously increase sales which was no small feat, considering the forced closures of some physical branches, not to mention the severe lockdown imposed on the state of Victoria. The team created a new program every month, making sure to review monthly and make ongoing improvements to increase sales. This included building new and complex programs, using multiple personalized emails, which for a small team is a big achievement. During the height of the pandemic, it was more important than ever for the team to use dotdigital Engagement Cloud to build effective trigger campaigns to drive its e-commerce, omnichannel platform. It increased the brand's online sales and prompted customers to purchase more online while rewarding their loyalty with benefits – just for spending with the business.

The team implemented many new processes while working with dotdigital, with a strategic focus on the use of customer contact data fields. What's more, the team used all the different channel elements for its national programs, such as SMS, surveys, and trigger campaigns. Most importantly, the brand developed a loyalty program in the dotdigital platform that has been optimized year after year. In 2018, the team developed the 'Bucket List program' which incentivized customers to spend certain limits with specific suppliers. This year the team went on to create the 'Sparky Plus program' as an extension of the 'Bucket List program'. The program is continuing to be a success.

The 'Bucket List' loyalty program has generated additional sales from new business customers, spurring the development of the second loyalty program, 'Sparky Plus'. The Sparky Plus program has generated more than 300 new customers to our business, and this has contributed to our sales growth that has been developed purely from new sales from a zero base.

About Lawrence & Hanson

Lawrence & Hanson is Australia’s most recognized electrical wholesaler with a strong heritage and over 150 branches. Since 1886, they’ve been supplying high-quality products to customers across multiple market sectors, including residential, commercial and industrial. They strive to be the wholesaler of choice for knowledge, customer service, digital business solutions, consistent pricing and stock availability.

2021.01.05 Sonepar in Brazil Receives the 'Incredible Places to Work' Award

Sonepar in Brazil Receives the 'Incredible Places to Work' Award


It is an important recognition of all the efforts Sonepar in Brazil has made to continually build a healthy, pleasant, and productive environment for its associates.

Sonepar in Brazil is proud to announce that it has won the ​highly esteemed​ 'Incredible Places to Work' Award, which reflects its commitment to its people and highlights the satisfaction rates amongst its associates.

The evaluation started with an organizational climate survey, conducted by the Foundation Institute Administration (FIA), and the companies who performed well were given the 'Quality of the Working Environment' certification, and then became eligible to compete for the 'FIA UOL Award - Incredible Places to Work'. Another evaluation was conducted and the winners were announced during a live broadcast on December 1st.

It is an important recognition of all the efforts Sonepar in Brazil has made to continually build a healthy, pleasant, and productive environment for its associates, so they can affirm their status as La Référence in the local market.

About Sonepar in Brazil

Sonepar in Brazil is part of the Sonepar Group, a global leader in the distribution of electrical materials. With operations in Brazil since 2001, it is also a leader in the national market and is constantly expanding its local presence through rapid growth and strategic acquisitions of companies in the segment. Currently, Sonepar Brazil is made up of the following companies: Dimensional, Eletronor, Etil and Nortel.

2021.01.04 Gescan Appoints Javi Richmond as President

Gescan Appoints Javi Richmond as President


Sonepar in Canada is pleased to announce that Javi Richmond will be appointed as the new President of Gescan as of January 11th, 2021. Javi will officially take over the position on February 15th and will be based in the Gescan Calgary head office.

Javi has a long history within the electrical industry and has previously worked for Weidmüller Ltd. Canada as its Managing Director for two years. Prior to working for Weidmüller Ltd. Canada, Javi worked for EB Horseman for 12 years where he served as their VP of Sales and Operations for the last 7 years.

In addition, it is with great appreciation that Sonepar Canada announces the retirement of Jeff Derkuch in July 2021. Jeff has successfully run Gescan for over 19 years and has contributed to the growth of the company in many aspects making Gescan a great organization within the electrical industry.

As of February 15th, Jeff will hand the role of Gescan President to Javi, and together they will facilitate a transitional period until April 1st. Once the transitional period concludes, Jeff will conduct projects for Sonepar Canada until he retires.​

About Gescan​

Gescan joined the Sonepar family in 1989 and has since grown into a company that goes beyond product delivery to become a world-class business partner. Gescan BC an electrical products and services distributor, proudly serving British Columbia with 13 branches. Gescan Prairies is a distributor of electrical products and services with 12 branches serving customers across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. With 60 years of industry experience, Gescan continues to provide quality electrical services and products across Western Canada. Gescan has always had a passion for industrial automation and controls but products and services, such as energy management & electrical products, are also made available for residential and commercial contractors and end-users.

2020.12.15 Sonepar Acquires Eluttaget, Increasing its Footprint in Sweden

Sonepar Acquires Eluttaget, Increasing its Footprint in Sweden


"We are now looking forward to continuing to offer great and personal service to both new and existing customers."

In recent years, Elektroskandia Sverige has been growing its presence in the region of Skellefteå, Sweden. As of January 2021, its position will be further strengthened upon its acquisition of the local electricity wholesaler, Eluttaget.

As part of this acquisition Eluttaget's founders, Håkan Lundmark and Andreas Björk, will be integrated into Elektoskandia Sverige's organization as technical sales and sales personnel in the Skellefteå branch. Håkan Lundmark said of the development, "We are proud to be part of Elektroskandia's fine organization and to have access to their great resources. We are now looking forward to continuing to offer great and personal service to both new and existing customers."

President of Elektroskandia Sverige, Anders Nordlöw echoed Hans's statement by stating, "We are very happy to welcome Håkan and Andreas to Elektroskandia. With their help, we are reaffirming our presence in Sweden and are moving onto the next level. Our ambition is to be the absolute foremost electrical technology wholesaler in Skellefteå."

Skellefteå is a rapidly evolving region, with its population expected to increase by 80,000 inhabitants by 2030. Therefore with this acquisition, Elektroskandia Sverige has got a foothold in its future development as an already established presence in the market. This move will be effective as of January 5th, 2021.

About Elektroskandia Sverige

Elektroskandia Sverige has been operating as an electrical wholesaler in Sweden since 1904. They market and sell electrical equipment and systems in the fields of power/automation, tele/data/security, lighting, domestic appliances and industrial necessities. They employ approximately 830 people at 48 locations all over Sweden.

15.12.2020 A Look Back on the First Ever Sonepar Digital Enterprise Week

A Look Back on the First Ever Sonepar Digital Enterprise Week


On the 7th-9th December Sonepar hosted the first-ever Digital Enterprise Week, the first of its kind, lead by Chief Digital Enterprise Officer, Jérémie Profeta. 

On the 7th-9th December Sonepar hosted the first-ever Digital Enterprise Week, the first of its kind, lead by Chief Digital Enterprise Officer, Jérémie Profeta. This event covered the entire Digital Enterprise Agenda and gave all associates around the world the opportunity to virtually gather, ask questions, and listen to 80 live or recorded sessions.

These sessions included live talks from Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech, the entire Executive Committee, key digital partners and strategic vendors, and digital ambassadors from within the Sonepar network. 

The event saw over 1400 associates attend the live shows, and the Sonepar Digital Factory was the event’s main source of interest, with up to 450 users tuning in to watch talks related to its upcoming launch next year. 

As the event drew to a close on Wednesday 9th December, Jérémie acknowledged the great work that went into creating this unique event, he said, "I would like to thank everyone who contributed to making the Sonepar Digital Enterprise Week a reality in record time. The original plan was to have a physical event in Berlin with the IT team and digital experts, amounting to only 60 or 70 people covering the Digital Enterprise Agenda. Then we decided to just think big, and invite all 48,000 associates to attend this event, and have 80 experts from 15 countries recording more than 3000 hours' worth of content. So again, thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a success, please check out the website for questions and watch replays. Thank you and stay safe.​"

2020.12.15 Sonepar Ibérica Joins The Great Food Collection 2020

Sonepar Ibérica Joins The Great Food Collection 2020


The Great Food Collection organization is encouraging communities around Spain to offer donations either by visiting their local supermarkets, or by visiting their website, starting from November 16th until December 6th.

This month, Sonepar Ibérica has partnered up with the Great Food Collection, organized by the Spanish Federation of Food Banks.

The Great Food Collection organization is encouraging communities around Spain to offer donations either by visiting their local supermarkets, or by visiting their website, starting from November 16th until December 6th. Where in recent years this event welcomed food contributions, due to sanitary reasons financial donations will only be accepted. This is an extremely worthy cause which help out the many people who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the beginning of the year the Spanish Federation of Food Banks served a million people, and over the course of the year, the demand for food had increased by 30% and they had given donations to over 1,500,000 beneficiaries, the number of which is continuously increasing.

It is for this reason why the Federation's pantries need permanent replenishing, and The Great Food Collection is a quick and necessary supply boost to give to those in need around the country.

With Sonepar Ibérica joining this extremely worthy cause, the they will be able to help the Spanish Federation of Food Banks reach even more people in need.

About Sonepar Ibérica

Founded in 1986, Sonepar Ibérica is the leading company in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment and related solutions in Spain. We have more than 115 branches spread throughout the Spanish region and have seven OpCos: AME, Dielectro Balear, Dielectro Canarias, Dielectro Industrial, Dimel, Guerin and Hispanofil. We offer our clients integral solutions and services in our business areas: Industry, Lighting, Telecom & Data, Cable, Medium Voltage, Security & EPIS, Building Automotion & Domotics, Air Conditioning, Electric Vehicle, Renewable and Sanitary Energies and Plumbing.​

2020.12.15 Technische Unie Opens Their Smart Industry Inspiration Center

Technische Unie Opens Their Smart Industry Inspiration Center


Smart Industry is one of the most important pillars for the future of industrial companies. In Eindhoven, Technische Unie has opened a 450 square meter Inspiration Center centered around this subject.

Living the Experience

With the Inspiration Center, Technische Unie will show their customers that, together with suppliers, they can show what the possibilities are with Smart Industry and how this can be applied in practice.

In order to inform and inspire the industrial Netherlands about the opportunities of Smart Industry and to bring these opportunities to life, for example by enabling smarter and more efficient working or preventing downtime. Experience is therefore an important part of the Inspiration Center Smart Industry, from digital twins and cobots to Augmented Reality.

Theory and Practice Come Together

For Smart Industry, the new Inspiration Center is from now on, the place in the Netherlands to gain knowledge and inspiration. As many as 16 suppliers have their products and solutions on show. In the future, training courses will also be offered at the new location from the TU Campus training center. This is how theory and practice come together on this important topic.

Smart Industry in all its Facets

The Inspiration Center offers a journey through all facets of Smart Industry. Upon entering, visitors are immediately taken along the impressive history of the industry and the four industrial revolutions with a 360-degree projection. A little further on, the main suppliers of Smart Industry show their most progressive solutions. You can get acquainted with an industrial cobot and there are displays from ABB, Draka, Eaton, Geberit, Grundfoss, Lapp, Legrand, OMRON, Phoenix Contact, Splendor, Rittal, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Signify, SMC and Ubel. The displays are always kept up to date and offer visitors the opportunity to experience hands-on which solutions there are.

For more information and to plan your visit, go to from mid-December.

About Technische Unie

​Technische Unie is the largest technical wholesaler in the Netherlands. It is made up of over 2000 associates and is the supplier of 2 million products. It is proud to deliver such services as the delivery of installation materials in the field of electrical engineering, lighting, tools, plumbing, heating,​ and climate technology. Its customers are ever-present in the installation, construction, government, and retail industry.


Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech Going Digital and Staying Over the Counter


Our goal: To become the first global B2B Electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers.

In only a few years’ time, the majority of the global workforce will feature people who have never known a world before the internet. To properly meet the expectations of these lifelong “digital natives”, it will not be enough to simply provide online ordering options or a smartphone app. Businesses will have to rethink most of their current practices.

After steam, electricity, and information technology, we are now living through another industrial revolution. The best way to characterize the transformative power of data is that it is the ‘new electricity’. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, has frequently said, “Moving from having lots of data to creating predictive power and analytical power inside of every organization: That's what the fourth industrial revolution is all about.”

There is no longer any debate about the necessity of the so-called “digital transformation” of B-to-B businesses. No one thinks it’s a niche idea or a passing fad anymore. We all know it’s a mandatory undertaking that must be embraced by B-to-B companies in all sectors.

Ask 'How?', not 'why?'

At Sonepar, too, we have been experiencing exponential data growth, and we are very proactive on issues like compliance, privacy, and security. We knew we needed to fully embrace the potential of digitalization to keep a hold on our place as a market leader. From our shareholders to our associates, everyone was convinced of the interest and utility of launching a digital transformation project across our Group. In fact, when we first announced our plans, the response was immediately “How?” and never “Why?”

Our goal: To become the first global B2B Electrical distributor to provide a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers.

Our digital enterprise strategy includes projects that transform our IT practices, strengthen our cyber-security, and provide a global corporate data lake. We are digitizing our internal processes, our supply chain, our warehouses, and our inventory management.

We are also optimizing all our digital e-commerce platforms to be more user-friendly and more interconnected with our other digital systems; the COVID crisis has accelerated a move to online sales. Already today, 30% of our orders are placed online, a figure which jumps all the way up to 70% in countries like Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Underneath it all is a clear understanding that our data must be accurate, trustworthy, “clean” and presented in the same way and the same format, no matter where in our Group it originated. This is a frequently underestimated necessity of any successful digital transformation—and failing to make data quality an objective can be a big problem. A 2018 IBM study revealed that poor data quality costs the US economy $3.1 trillion a year.

When asked what effect the COVID-19 crisis would have on the pace of technological transformation at their company, 75% of Fortune 500 CEOs surveyed answered that it would accelerate change.

A Digital Factory to think out of the box

The heart of our overall digital transformation is a Digital Factory: a cutting-edge way of upgrading and modernizing our customers’ experience, all while bringing the complete galaxy of Sonepar brands into a full omnichannel operating model. This, augmented by CRM capabilities, will propose a consistent and seamless experience to our customers, whether they come to us through a computer, a smartphone, or in a physical branch.

Each of our countries has a digitalization project roadmap, identifying the sorts of skilled people they will need to train or hire, and the capital investments they need to make. Our ambition is to bring our entire Group up to a homogenous level of digitalized processes and services.

The Sonepar Digital Factory must be the digital know-how reference in our industry.

Still Sonepar, not Sonepar-dot-com

Our customers will continue to be free to interact with us in whatever way is most convenient to them, whether that’s over the counter, a phone call, a face-to-face meeting with a sales associate, an email, online, a smartphone app or some other technology yet to be invented! The important thing is that whatever channel a customer chooses, the interaction will be seamless and synchronized.

We will also—as always—respect and maintain the local culture and differences. Indeed, the work we are doing globally builds on excellent initiatives and successful smaller projects from local sites across our group. Finding the perfect blend of local and global is embedded in Sonepar’s DNA.


The impacts of the first phases of our transformation project are already clear: by allowing us to provide better service and support, digital allows us new and better ways to keep the customer in the center of everything we do.

With our journey now well underway, there is still a positive spirit and full commitment across our Group. We know it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and we are building on each phase to make the next phase better.

Going digital to stay different

Since our creation in 1969, Sonepar has demonstrated over and over again our unique ability to turn trends into business opportunities. Our digital journey is just another example of that. We strive for unity, not uniformity. We thrive on synergy, not sameness.  We listen and learn and leverage our rich diversity. We empower our people as individuals. In short: we are Powered by Difference.

2020.11.20 Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette features in book published by the Comité Grand Lille

Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette features in book published by the Comité Grand Lille


40 inspirational talks to transform our organizations after the COVID crisis.

In June this year, Sonepar Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette was invited to be a guest on the podcast 'Les Cafés de l'Après', where she was interviewed by Jean-Pierre Letartre of Comité Gra​​nd Lille, on the subject of 'Family-Owned Companies in the Face of a Crisis'. During the interview, Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette spoke of how she was adapting to life in lockdown, Sonepar's response to the COVID-19 crisis, and how its unique position of being a family shareholding company with a decentralized management structure, worked to its advantage and reinforced the Group's resilience.

This interview was part of a series of 39 podcasts, in which Jean-Pierre Letartre interviewed many of France's most influential figures in politics, business, or NGOs.

Following the success of the podcast which reached over 50,000 listeners in 25 count​​​​​ries, Comité Grand Lille decided to release the interviews as a book which was published on Wednesday the 4th November!

The book is available to buy from Entreprises & Cités, where you will be also invited to make a donation to the Y Croire project, an organization that promotes the employment of promising individuals from vulnerable backgrounds.

You can listen to Les Cafés de L'Après on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Deezer, and Ausha.

About the Comité Grand Lille

The Comité Grand Lille is a Think Tank that was created in 1993. It gathers over 300 members from the greater Lille area as well as l'Ile de France, who are pioneers in their fields and who are open to sharing their successes with others with the common goal of collaborating together to see Lille emerge as a vibrant metropolis of the future. The Committee meet every two months at an informal assembly and have been behind some major initiatives, such as Lille's bid for the Olympic Games, and campaigning for Lille to become the European Capital of Culture in 2004.

In April the Committee President, Jean-Pierre Letartre, decided to create the podcast 'Les Cafés de l'Après' in the midst of this crisis, and use it to hear from leading experts whether they be scientists, entrepreneurs, sociologists, politicians etc., on how their field is adapting to the crisis, and how they envisage the post COVID-19 world.

2020.11.16 Sonepar Connect Lights Up Le Mans

Sonepar Lights Up Le Mans


The 24 Hours of Le Mans (24 Heures du Mans) is the world's oldest active sports car race in endurance racing. Held annually since 1923 near the town of Le Mans, France, it is considered one of the most prestigious automobile races in the world and has been heralded as the ‘Grand Prix of Endurance and Efficiency’. The track is 13.629 km long and including part of the Bugatti race circuit as well as roads which are open to the public all year round.

Of the eight bends in the circuit, the Mulsanne is the most dangerous. The drivers reach speeds of up to 335 km/h while heading for the famed 90° bend. The braking zone has not been properly illuminated for years, surprising the drivers who either ended up in the gravel pit to the side (if they were lucky). For years, drivers have been appealing that something be done for their safety.

Towards the end of 2019, the technical director of the Automobile Club de l'Ouest (ACO), asked Gwennaël Chevrier, Head of Lighting Sales at Sonepar Connect West, to carry out a lighting study for this bend, while respecting the following constraints:

  • No glare with only indirect lighting
  • Standardize the lighting throughout the racetrack
  • Sufficient level of lighting for video capture
  • Ensure the safety of the race marshals

Technical studies with specific products are normally reserved for the Philips design office in Madrid. In this specific case, the normative constraints were such that to surround the file, Philips gave Sonepar Connect the confidential plugins to be able to manage the project from A to Z. Gwennaël thus carried out the study and a 3D immersion video, so that the race direction could plan and validate the proposed concept. A first for the distributor! In the end, nine Optivision Philips Projectors were supplied for the race.


Sonepar Opens Competence Centers Throughout Italy


Sonepar has opened a series of Competence Centers throughout Italy, in the Padova, Milan, Bergamo, Prato, Roma and Casoria regions.

​​Sonepar Italia has opened a series of Competence Centers throughout Italy, in the Padova, Milan, Bergamo, Prato, Roma and Casoria regions. These locations have been constructed to act as 'experience centers' for their customers, who can test the installation of products, and participate in workshops and trainings in the following areas: Industrial Automation, Industrial Installation, Lighting, HVAC (renewable energies), Building Automation and Construction, Safety and Tools, and Cables.

The Rome and Napoli centers are currently under construction, and all sites should be completed by 2021, offering customers specialized knowledge across all key areas of their business. 

Watch this interview with Director of Strategies and Services, Andrea da Re talk about Sonepar Italia's Competence Centers, where he talks about their services designed to support the business of our customers.

About Sonepar Italia

Sonepar Italia is made up of 100 branches, five distribution centers and 1,500 associates. In 2018, Sonepar Italia generated a turnover of more than €600 million. Sonepar Italia was established in 1988 and prides itself on living by three principles: Closeness, Future and "La Référence".

2020.10.20 Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech_ How Sonepar Supports the Shift to a More Circular Economy

Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech: How Sonepar Supports the Shift to a More Circular Economy


In the last decade, as pollution concerns have come into sharper focus, more businesses and individuals have tried to shift their behavior towards supporting a more circular economy.

We hear more and more about the circular economy – in the news, from businesses, and from anyone concerned about the environment. In its purest form, the term refers to a shift towards recycling, reusing, upcycling and remaking, and away from a linear economy that produces, uses, and then throws away.

The circular economy is based on three interconnected pillars: supply from economic players, consumer demand or behavior, and waste management. These pillars are built around 10 strategic actions (also called the “10Rs”) that make it possible to take concrete action on the economy: Refuse, Reduce, Rethink, Re-use, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Re-purpose, Recycle, Recover.

In the last decade, as pollution concerns have come into sharper focus, more businesses and individuals have tried to shift their behavior towards supporting a more circular economy. Household recycling is perhaps the most visible sign of this shift – however, the business world has a large part to play, too.

Sonepar has more than 100 distribution centers around the world and 3,000 agencies. This network gives us a huge amount of 'touchpoints' where we can offer our customers services related to the circular economy.

As part of our energy transition and sustainability strategy, Sonepar already invites all associates to develop initiatives that reduce our environmental footprint: eco-friendly ideas that benefit everyone, as well as processes and practices that include our suppliers, customers, and local stakeholders. We recently launched an e-learning for all our 48,000 associates, which will also be completed by our Board Members as well as all of our family shareholders.

In order to act as players in the circular economy, the Group's companies must partner with local waste recovery, reuse, and treatment services. For this reason, some countries have set up partnerships with suppliers in order to offer customers products that are more easily recyclable (products that can be dismantled, or made from materials beneficial to the waste-treatment chain), and even sometimes a waste management partner who can take charge of end-of-life products, in order to optimize collection and direct products to the appropriate treatment chain.

2020.10.20 Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech_ How Sonepar Supports the Shift to a More Circular Economy-2

Product distribution generates vast quantities of packaging, for which Sonepar is responsible. This has led to the introduction of best practices regarding the management of this material: reuse of cardboard and packaging, recycling of cardboard with the help of local partners, and optimization of containers.

A clear example is one of our companies, Mayflex, based in the UK, which initiated a review with its suppliers to eliminate plastic packaging in more than 1,800 lines of industrial products, of all different sizes, shapes, and weights. It succeeded in less than a year for more than 90% of products, without increasing costs or impacting the production chain. The biggest challenge was to encourage manufacturers to think as electrical installers and to make sure that new packaging models would suit everyone. By combining the creativity of the manufacturer and teamwork, new cost-effective packaging was designed, offering a user-friendly solution for the installer, space-saving for the distributor, and decreasing preparation times up to 60%. In addition, this innovative approach enabled the reduction of single-use plastic waste and the number of shipping containers in use, plus it created very positive feedback from all partners involved.

Another example can be found in the construction sector in France. The equivalent of 1.5 billion euros of unused product is discarded on construction sites each year, including 390 million euros of electrical products. This figure has driven Sonepar France to sign a partnership with a start-up that promotes the reuse and resale of these unused materials to its electrician customers, through a dedicated app. This new, paid service will be offered to customers in the Paris region. Sonepar is committed to convincing them of the economic savings of the approach, in addition to its ecological benefits. For Sonepar, it is also an efficient way to reduce dormant stock.

At Sonepar we see the shift towards a more circular economy as imperative – for the sake of the planet, and the generations to come. As a business founded on innovation, we also see the circular economy as a potential opportunity – one that points the way towards new business models and new services that we can offer our clients.

That is why Sonepar is committed, every day, to reducing its environmental footprint to limit the global temperature increase below 2°c. The Group seeks to develop best practices on all its sites in order to have a positive influence in every region it operates. Our aim is to become nothing short of the standard-bearer for eco-responsible commitment and the circular economy.


Sonepar in Germany Focuses on the Planet Pillar of Impact


Sonepar Deutschland has made remarkable progress on the Planet pillar of Impact, Sonepar’s strategic plan to drive digital transformation, and recently the company released a list of its key actions taken during this time.

Over the last two years, Sonepar Deutschland has made remarkable progress on the Planet pillar of Impact, Sonepar’s strategic plan to drive digital transformation, and recently the company released a list of its key actions taken during this time:

  • Replacing plastic bags with recyclable packaging reducing the use of over 15 million plastic bags
  • Wrapping fragile products in bubble wrap made of 50% recycled materials
  • Lowering paper use by switching to electronic alternatives
  • Using renewable energy to power its branches and Sonepar locations
  • Installing energy-efficient LED lighting with intelligent light management
  • Reducing face-to-face meetings through increased use of digital alternatives

Their momentum hasn’t stopped there, as Sonepar Deutschland continues to work actively to improve and integrate sustainable business practices and energy-efficient technology. In addition to targeting their use of energy-efficient heating, ventilation and lighting systems, they have installed photovoltaic panels in their offices and branches. In other areas, the logistics team is currently examining the possibility of using wet adhesive tape instead of plastic adhesive tape. For Sonepar Deutschland, there are always improvements that can be made.


Sonepar Constructs Switzerland’s First Wooden High-Bay Warehouse


Sonepar Suisse proves you can interloop modern and efficient processes with sustainability.

Sonepar Suisse proves you can interloop modern and efficient processes with sustainability.

In August 2020, Sonepar Suisse reached a very important milestone: After more than two years of intensive and challenging construction, the doors of their new central distribution centre (CDC) were opened, operating as a major part of the company’s logistics.

Head of Logistics, Sonepar Suisse, Benjamin Ertl explained, “The new CDC is very important for our supply chain organization and replaces the previous 35 year-old CDC and external warehouse. The vision for the project is based on our commitment to two our corporate values people, sustainability and performance. We covered the entire roof with a photovoltaics system which can supply up to 80% of the warehouse’s needs in energy. We also used wood to construct the high-bay-section, to a height never seen before in Switzerland (21 meters high). Additionally, we chose local partners to help bring vision to light and we’re grateful for their collaboration.”

The new CDC is the heart of Sonepar Suisse’s logistics network strategy, and has already taken a very important role in their supply chain and omnichannel platform. It supplies the Zurich region and holds extra stocks for the whole Swiss region. The new CDC will be fully integrated at the beginning of 2021.


Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech: Can we still develop strategies based on past analysis?


Sonepar CEO, Philippe Delpech, reflects on his three years with Sonepar, and how recent events force us to reexamine how we approach the future.

September 4th 2020, marked the third anniversary of my first official day as the CEO of Sonepar. Even after all this time, people still ask me what I think about the company, whether joining Sonepar was a difficult decision for me and of course, what my strategy is for the Group.

Without doubt the move to Sonepar was audacious, having spent 30 years in ABB and UTC, two global, industrial, listed conglomerates producing high engineering and manufacturing content. While working for these companies I lived in Japan, China, Europe, and the United States, so moving to a family-owned B2B electrical distribution Group based in Paris was going to be a big change. However, change can be good.

I can truly say that after three years, I definitively made the right choice, and that it is really something special to be leading a Group like Sonepar. Looking back, the decision was fully in line with the Sonepar Leadership model: Adapt, Dare and Learn.

It is important to mention that if Sonepar was a listed company, they’d be in the top half of the Fortune 500 list. With €24 billion revenues in 2019, Sonepar is comparable in terms of revenue to Adidas, Starbucks, SAP or Tesla.

The right foundation

The truth is that I have a very pragmatic management style, and I place a great importance on planning, organization, performance, and employee engagement. These aspects of my nature are perfectly aligned with the corporate culture of Sonepar and its shareholders.

Sonepar has years and years of financial strength and discipline, some of the business world’s most passionate employees who we call ‘associates’, and a unique business model that mixes local execution with global leverage.

All of this, combined with almost unlimited growth potential and the exciting challenge of leading the Group’s digital transformation, create solid foundations which motivate me every day, and convince me that the “sky is the limit” for the Group’s development.

Did you know?

Family-run companies have noticeably better results, with an average annual performance that is 3.5% higher than the global market.
[Source:  Ernst & Young / University of St. Gallen Global Family Business Index]

Our people are our future

My mission from day one was to devise and implement a long-term strategy, that would enable Sonepar to keep growing with even more speed than before.

Our customers don’t just buy lightbulbs or wiring from us, they buy technical advice, installation support, logistics expertise, digital interfaces, excellent customer service. Customers trust us every day to be proactive and satisfy their end users. It’s not only a long-term relationship, it is a relationship which lasts a lifetime. We support them, they support us. I have seen time and again, how the standard Sonepar mindset is to exceed our customers’ expectations. We make customers’ lives easier.

During COVID-19 crisis our 3,000 branches remained open even in the worst moments of the pandemic to serve our customers working in critical sectors, (hospitals, data centers, energy production, the list goes on). Sonepar associates’ engagement was exceptional.

Sonepar’s strength is its omni-channel distribution model, serving over one million customers. Sonepar’s opportunity is to digitalize its Enterprise processes and serve our customers with the highest standard of service and productivity.

It only took me a few weeks in the Group to see that any future strategy will have to leverage the engagement of our 48,000 associates in the 48 countries we serve. They are the DNA of Sonepar.

Our formula for success

I believe that the way we treat our customers is a direct reflection on the way we treat our associates. We strive to ensure that our associates feel fulfilled, receive regular training, and are confident working in such an inclusive environment. Therefore, thanks to our associates and their passion for their work, customers feel at ease and are loyal to our company.

Our formula for success is to deploy a combination of performance and care. A lot of listed companies say they care about their employees, but under short term pressure, see employees as a variable cost center. As a family-run company, Sonepar has a long-term view of success. We don’t make frantic decisions or hasty course-corrections just because it will soon be the end of a quarter. We build our financial performance on long-term strategy and associate engagement.

“Our formula for success is to deploy a combination of performance and care.”

A smart strategy is one that is shared widely

One of my management philosophies is that there is no point in having a strategy if only a few people in the company know about it. That’s why I try to communicate clearly and widely about our priorities, our plans and our goals. I call on every one of our associates to adopt that attitude, too. Let’s practice “performance and care” with each other, with our customers, in every country, at every level.

This philosophy is even more important today, because we are living in a disruptive world. Until recently, companies’ strategy was often built on years of analytical past data. COVID-19 has changed the way we look at the world and has disrupted our strategies. Disruption is everywhere, especially in the way digital is transforming our businesses. Today, it is vital to spend more time communicating on the business strategy, which may take more time due to the current climate.

From my first day here three years ago, I saw that Sonepar was not an ordinary company. We are different, and that’s what makes us great, and I am proud to be powered by the Sonepar difference


Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech Launches the Sonepar Energy Transition Academy


Outlining our pledge to help the planet, Sonepar is also pleased to launch its ten commitments for each associate to take with them in order to live their lives more sustainably.

​Today, Sonepar CEO Philippe Delpech launches the Sonepar Energy Transition Academy, a brand-new online training course designed to raise awareness on sustainability, climate change and their impacts on the Group. Philippe announced, "This academy will be accessible to our 48,000 associates around the world, they will have access to e-learning modules, helping them to improve their knowledge and expertise in sustainability products, systems, subsystems, helping them to sell better installations to our customers, and thereby helping the planet."

Emphasizing the importance of our role in reducing our carbon emissions Philippe stated, "Sonepar has a very important role to play being the largest electrical B2B distributor on the planet, in order to help communities, government and customers reduce their CO2 footprint."

Outlining our pledge to help the planet, Sonepar is also pleased to launch its ten commitments for each associate to take with them in order to live their lives more sustainably. Philippe concluded, "I think it's a great achievement by the team, a great commitment made, and I think it will have great results for the Group moving forward, helping us to attract customers, and helping us to attract associates to the company. Thank you all."

The Sonepar Group is also pleased to release the Sustainability at Sonepar guide, to outline our strategy moving forward, as part of the Planet pillar of Impact, our strategic business plan. Chief Communications Officer and Sustainability Matt Pothecary stated, "Sonepar is fully committed being more sustainable and is preparing for future energy transition challenges by promoting energy efficient products and raising awareness on sustainability internally using e-learning solutions and the creation of the Sonepar Energy Transition Academy."


Sonepar Junior Committee Shares Their Insights with Future Generations


Earlier this year, 70 Sonepar Junior Committee (SJC) members gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, for the 'SJC Week Event'. The SJC is a program that develops people, ideas, proposals and analysis, bringing together associates from across the globe. The Committee's primary purpose is to act as Sonepar's 'think tank', working on creating solid networking via extensive collaboration between companies, countries and job functions in responding to Sonepar Executive Committee assignments.

In the presence of Chairman Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette, CEO Philippe Delpech, and the Sonepar Executive Committee, 2019 SJC members successfully presented their research, and the newly appointed 2020 SJC members discovered the group assignment they are currently working on until June 2021. It was also a great opportunity for networking and exchanging!

In light of the brilliant work created during this event, the Learning and Talent Development Team have released three, inspirational videos with testimonials from the Executive Committee and the participants themselves on how they found the experience and what advice they would give to the next generation. This week, we've released the first in the series 'Living the Experience'...

About the SJC

Established in 1991, the Sonepar Junior Committee (SJC), welcomes talented associates from their early to mid-career from around the world. It is one of the Group's strong points for developing talent.

Each year, around fifty young managers from across the countries and professions come together to work on assignments given by the General Management about the strategic vision developed within Sonepar: discussing and exchanging ideas, comparing experiences, sharing cultural specificities, developing strategic thinking, strengthening cohesion and openness, enabling each associate to benefit from the best practices around the world.

At the end of the 18-month program, SJC members deliver their conclusion in front of the General Management.

2020.06.03 Appointments of Benoît Pédoussaut and Jérôme Malassigné

Appointments of Benoît Pédoussaut and Jérôme Malassigné


Benoît Pédoussaut has been appointed Group Business Development Director. Jérôme Malassigné has been appointed President at Sonepar France.

  • Benoît Pédoussaut, currently President at Sonepar France, has been appointed Group Business Development Director. He will be responsible for Acquisitions and the Group’s strategic plan.
  • Jérôme Malassigné, currently Chief Strategic Marketing and Sourcing Officer & APAC (Asia Pacific) Operations, has been appointed President at Sonepar France. He will succeed Benoît Pédoussaut in this role and will continue to be in charge of Sonepar International Services.

“Sonepar’s growth and financial performance over the last three years have been remarkable. With revenue of €24 billion, the Group is the world leader in the distribution of electrical equipment. Nevertheless, although we generate almost 90% of our revenue abroad, our roots and our shareholding base remain in France. 

The appointment of Jérôme Malassigné is a major step forward in the development of Sonepar France. Following several years of investing in logistics, IT and digital infrastructures, and the distribution network, including the creation of Sonepar Connect, the focus will now shift to rapidly improving customer service and productivity. I would like to thank Benoît for his leadership over the past five years.”

Philippe Delpech, Chief Executive Officer of Sonepar.

Jérôme Malassigné is a graduate of INSEEC, holds a master’s degree in Finance from IAE Tours, France, and completed his management studies at INSEAD, Darden and Wharton in the United States.

Jérôme began his career at Otis, where he held several management positions, firstly as Regional Manager East France, before becoming Managing Director Belgium in 2004, Managing Director Netherlands in 2008 and Area Director Benelux in 2012. In 2004, he became Chief Operating Officer at Otis Service France.

In 2015, he joined Bureau Veritas as Senior Vice President, North East Europe and Russia, with responsibility for 14 countries ranging from Germany to Russia. A year later, in 2016, he was appointed Executive Vice President, North Asia, covering China, South Korea and Taiwan.

In 2019, he joined Sonepar as Chief Strategic Marketing and Sourcing Officer & APAC (Asia Pacific) Operations.

Benoît Pédoussaut, is a graduate of ESC Toulouse, and holds a degree in marketing from IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management. Before joining Sonepar, he was Executive Director at La Poste group, responsible for the postal service in Western France, before being appointed Chief Executive Officer of Docapost, a La Poste group subsidiary specialised in outsourced document management for businesses. Prior to this, he spent five years at Hilti as Director of Distribution Networks, after 13 years at Essilor in management positions in Asia and France. He joined Sonepar in 2014 as President of Sonepar France.


Sonepar Group launches new Code of Conduct


The document is the basis of the Compliance program and highlights its ethical standards.

Sonepar has a global Compliance program, periodically reviewed and improved in order to guarantee effective compliance actions, based on strong values, such as respect and integrity.

As one of the actions of the program, the Group launched a new Code of Conduct, already available for access by all employees, suppliers and customers.

This Code of Conduct is the basis and reference for compliance within the Sonepar Group, which establishes the principles and rules of good conduct and which guides all of Sonepar's actions and businesses every day and everywhere.

Giuliano Antunes, leader of the implementation of the Compliance program at Sonepar Brasil, explains that the new Code of Conduct is more robust than the previous one. “With this update, the Group's suppliers and customers will have even more security when doing business with an honest partner, who acts ethically, in accordance with the legislation and best market practices”, he says.

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2020.01.31 Sonepar in Brazil receives Top Employers 2020 certification

Sonepar in Brazil receives Top Employers 2020 certification


Sonepar Brasil has been awarded Top Employers 2020 certification in recognition of its best practices in terms of people management.

Based in Europe, the Top Employers Institute is a global authority working to identify leading employers around the world.  It singles out companies that offer excellent working conditions, promote and develop the talent of their employees at all corporate levels, and strive to optimise their Human Resources practices.

This year, Sonepar was certified as one of the Top Employers 2020 in Brazil and recognised as a leader in development processes.

After an intense auditing process analysing more than 600 human resources and people development practices, this certification underlines the importance of our strategic pillar “People”, shows how much we value our employees and demonstrates our ongoing effort to guarantee excellence and remain a market reference in all areas.

Edna Rocha, Human Resources manager at Sonepar Brasil, accepted the Top Employers award on behalf of all Sonepar Brasil employees at the ceremony held in São Paulo on 30 January 2020. Brimming with pride, she pointed out that Sonepar’s human resources practices are aligned with the best policies in the global market. “We always work as a team, and the Top Employers process helped us to set up an organised, streamlined project structure. We achieved certification in the very first audit!” she said.

Excel Networking Goes #plasticfree

Excel Networking Goes Plastic Free


Excel Networking Solutions, the infrastructure provider that offers: Copper and Optical Fibre, Pre-Terminated Solutions, Racks, PDUs, Voice and a full range of accessories, is making significant changes to the packaging of their copper and fibre optic components that is forecast to save over 40 tonnes (40,000kg) of single-use plastic each year.

Based upon Excel’s 2018 performance, they estimate that at least a staggering 16 million single-use plastic bags will be removed from the supply chain each year.

Jason Rudge, Commercial Procurement Director at Excel Networking commented ‘As a business we are acutely aware of the damage that plastic has on the environment and we are determined to lead the way in our industry to remove as much ‘single use plastic’ from the supply chain.”

Jason continued, “It hasn’t been an easy change but one that we’ve persevered with to develop alternative ‘plastic free’ packaging for much of our copper and fibre product lines, as well as reducing card board box sizes where we can.  The new plastic free packaging will start shipping out in August 2019 and will become the standard as stocks of the current packaging designs are depleted”.

Jason added “Another significant benefit to the installers is the amount of time that will be saved on site with having to open and then dispose of plastic bags, especially of components and patch leads.” 

The changes mean that keystone jacks will no longer be supplied in individual single-use plastic bags as standard. Instead, they will be sold in packs of 24, presented in a 100% recyclable natural cardboard box that features no plastic at all. Similarly, rather than individual patch leads being supplied in a single-use plastic packet, they will be secured and labelled with a natural and recyclable paper-based wrapping. 

At the 2019 Excel Partner Briefings, Excel Networking asked customers for their thoughts on their product packaging. A substantial proportion of customers (92%) indicated that if products were available in multi-unit packs rather than single units, that would be a preferable purchasing option. In addition to this, almost 40% of respondents said that their customers were requesting reductions in single-use plastic packaging materials as part of the tender selection processes.

Jason concluded, “We are committed to listening to our customers and end users to find solutions with our suppliers that work for them. This latest drive to remove single-use plastic bags from a range of Excel products is the latest example of our efforts to improve our sustainability – but it is by no means the end of the road.”

For more information about Excel Networking Solutions, please visit our website 


Sonepar becomes first French company officially ruled Sapin II compliant


Sonepar is proud to have been officially declared compliant with all the requirements of Article 17, II of France’s Sapin II anti-corruption law. The decision was handed down on July 4, 2019 by the Enforcement Committee of the French anti-corruption agency (Agence française anticorruption – AFA).

Even before the law had taken effect, Sonepar had rolled out all of the eight measures and procedures required: code of conduct, internal whistleblowing scheme, risk map, third party due diligence procedures, accounting control procedures, training program, internal disciplinary procedure, procedure for internal monitoring and assessment of these measures.

Sonepar is delighted to be the first French company ever to have had its compliance program approved by the highest ranking French anti-corruption authority, following a hearing that the Group requested remain open to the public to ensure transparency and share knowledge with other French companies.

“On behalf of the Group’s 46,000 associates, I salute this eagerly awaited decision. Since Sonepar’s creation in 1969, complying with the rules of ethics and good governance, as embodied and passed down by our founder, has always been a priority for the Group,” said Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette, Chairman of the Sonepar Group. 

As the global market leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, the independent French Sonepar Group intends to remain exemplary in ethics as well as performance, competitiveness, development and innovation.


Sonepar Group is compliant with Sapin II law


Sonepar confirms that it will present its anti-corruption and influence peddling programme to the Enforcement Committee of the French Anti-Corruption Agency on June 25, 2019.

Sonepar has implemented the eight measures and procedures set out in article 17 II of the Sapin II law:  risk map, code of conduct, third party due diligence procedure, accounting control system, procedure for internal monitoring and assessment of these measures, internal whistleblowing scheme, training programme and internal disciplinary procedure.

Since its creation in 1969, one of the guiding principles of Sonepar has always been its respect for the rules of ethics and good governance embodied and handed down by the Group’s founder, even though studies from international organisations[1] show that the distribution sector's exposure to the risk of corruption is low.

As the global market leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, the independent French Sonepar Group intends to remain exemplary in ethics as well as performance, competitiveness, development and innovation.

[1] OECD : ; TRACE Global Enforcement Report 2018 :


New Sonepar Regional Organization


The Sonepar Group is engaged in an ambitious and challenging transformation agenda to become the world’s leading B2B Electrical distributor serving customers with the most advanced automated and digitalized omnichannel processes in the industry.

This ambition significantly raises the expectations and level of complexity of our operating model and requires an organization that enables us to simultaneously deploy efficiently and systematically governance and business processes throughout the Group.

Following the retirement of Dave Gabriel, Sonepar Chief Operating Officer, Sonepar is pleased to announce a new Regional Leadership Organization reporting to Philippe Delpech, CEO of Sonepar:

Rob Taylor is appointed President Sonepar North America in charge of all operations in Canada, Mexico, and USA. Rob will remain based in the USA.

Stefan Stegemann is appointed President Sonepar Central and Nordic Europe in charge of all operations in Austria, Baltics, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and Switzerland. Stefan will remain based in Germany.

Patrick Salvadori is appointed President Sonepar Western Europe and South America in charge of all operations in Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, and South America. Patrick will be based in our Paris Global Headquarters. Jan Ferwerda, in addition to his role of Sonepar Netherlands President, will support Sonepar Digital Enterprise to design our future digital architecture leveraging the first large SAP implementation in the Group.

Benoit Pedoussaut remains President, Sonepar France.

Jérôme Malassigne is appointed Chief Strategic Marketing & Sourcing Officer and APAC (Asia Pacific) Operations. As such, Jérôme will be in charge of all of Sonepar’s activities in Geneva and will also overview Sonepar’s Operations in APAC. Jo Verbeek, President Sonepar Asia Pacific, will report to Jérôme who will be based in Geneva and will join Sonepar on May 20th, 2019.

This new organization is effective as of Tuesday April 23rd, 2019.

This new Regional Leadership will have to ensure, with the support of the Global Functional Leaders, that the Strategic Plan, finalized at the end of 2018, will be efficiently deployed across the organization both at governance and business initiative levels.


Elettroveneta joins Sonepar Italia


Sonepar is pleased to announce that Sonepar Italia has entered today into an agreement to acquire Elettroveneta SpA, which is based in Padova, North Italy. The agreement is subject to the approval of Italy’s antitrust authorities. This acquisition will reinforce Sonepar leadership on the Italian B2B Electrical Distribution market to building and industry customers.

Founded in 1979, Elettroveneta recorded sales of more than €200 million sales in 2018 thanks to its 700 associates based in Triveneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo and Molise.  Elettroveneta currently has 46 branches. 

“Our will as shareholders has always been to develop the company, to reward the effort of our associates to affirm our company as market leader. I’m fully convinced that our entry into the Sonepar Group will enable the sustainability of our project to develop in all regions in which we operate” said Umberto Schiavon, President of Elettroveneta.

“The decision to join Sonepar has grown over time; we are all aligned around the vision to develop and ensure the company’s continuity. Shareholders are fully convinced by the industrial plan of Sonepar to strengthen and increase the value of our geographic coverage” commented Diego Mandarà, Elettroveneta’s Sales Director.

“The infrastructure of both companies and their aim to serve customers with excellent quality service remain key priorities in Elettroveneta. I’m pleased to find in Sonepar full alignment towards issues such as customer centricity and I remain certain that our experience will allow us to reach always greater goals” adds Piergermano Peraro, Logistics & IT manager.

“I am excited to welcome Elettroveneta to our Group. This agreement testifies the clear will of Sonepar to continue investing in Italy, a strategic country which has been able in the last few years to offer great results thanks to a reactive market and an excellent local organization”, stated Philippe Delpech, CEO of Sonepar.

“I’m thrilled that we have reached this agreement with the families owning Elettroveneta. This company is not only strong in its traditional markets but has been able to expand beyond its natural markets and to assist its customers with high levels of service. Sonepar Italia is fully committed to preserving the values upon which Elettroveneta was founded and to contribute in the future to achieve new successes” said Sergio Novello, President and Managing Director of Sonepar Italia. 


North Coast Electric Joins Sonepar USA


Sonepar is delighted to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire North Coast Electric, which expands our coverage and strengthens our ability to provide excellent service and solutions to our customers and business partners in the Pacific Northwest region.

Sonepar is delighted to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire North Coast Electric, which expands our coverage and strengthens our ability to provide excellent service and solutions to our customers and business partners in the Pacific Northwest region.  North Coast Electric today employs 700 associates and has annual revenues close to $600M.

Family owned and operated since 1913, North Coast is one of the largest and fastest growing electrical distributors in the USA, offering a full line card of commercial, residential and industrial electrical products. This acquisition adds 34 branches to the Sonepar USA network in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and Arizona. 

“I am thrilled that we have sold North Coast Electric to Sonepar. Sonepar is another family owned company that holds many of the same values that we have embraced since buying the business from the Byrne family in 1974.  It was extremely important to make sure that the associates that made for our success were offered a great opportunity to move forward with a world class organization,” said Pete Lemman, CEO of North Coast Electric.

“This is the right decision for our associates, customers and other business partners. We look forward to working and collaborating with Sonepar USA and its operating companies and to continue building on our proud heritage as a progressive, market-leading organization,” said Mike Miller, President of North Coast.

“On behalf of Sonepar’s 44,500 associates operating in 44 countries, I am very excited to welcome North Coast Electric into the Sonepar Group. This agreement is a clear win-win allowing North Coast Electric to become part of Sonepar, the largest electrical B2B distributor on the planet. It will enable Sonepar to establish a leading position in the fast-growing north west part of the United States of America. The acquisition of North Coast Electric will also reinforce Sonepar’s position as a leading North American electrical distributor,” commented Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.

Sonepar USA is a market leader in the B-to-B distribution of electrical, industrial & safety products and related solutions. Sonepar USA is made up of 15 of the finest locally managed electrical and industrial distributors, with coverage in all 50 states. Entering the US in 1998, Sonepar USA has continued to grow over the years due to strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Sonepar USA is a member of the Sonepar Group, an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products and related solutions. 

About North Coast Electric 
North Coast has been family owned and operated since 1913 and is the largest independent, full-line distributor of electrical products, services and solutions in the West. For more information, visit

About Sonepar
Sonepar is an independent family-owned company with global market leadership in B-to-B distribution of electrical products, solutions and related services. Assisting customers in a wide range of markets and drawing on the skill and passion of its 44,500 associates, Sonepar has sales of €21.6 billion (as of December 31, 2017). Through a dense network of 167 operating companies spanning 44 countries and 5 continents, and the digital solutions developed, the Sonepar Group delivers greater service and enhanced customer relations every day. Sonepar’s ambition is to become “La Référence” - the standard-setter for all its stakeholders. 

Appointment of Matt Pothecary named VP Group Communications and Sustainable Development

Appointment of Matt Pothecary named VP Group Communications and Sustainable Development


Sonepar announces the appointment of Matt Pothecary as Vice President Sonepar Group Communications and Sustainable Development as of January 1st, 2019. He will be reporting to Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.

Matt Pothecary will succeed Vincent Roussin who will become General Manager of Sonepar France Overseas Operations.

A native of England, Matt graduated from Loughborough University (UK) in economics and politics and holds a Bachelor’s degree in British civilization from Nancy University, France. Prior to joining Sonepar, Matt has spent 20 years at Thales where he has held several communication positions before becoming in 2013 VP Communications.

“Thanks to his wide experience in a global, public listed company, Matt will further develop internal and external communications. In the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, he will build and leverage a global network of CSR leaders to secure Sonepar long-term Sustainable Development” said Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.

Appointment of Andros Neocleous named Sonepar Group CFO

Appointment of Andros Neocleous named Sonepar Group CFO


Sonepar announces the appointment of Andros Neocleous, currently Sonepar Deputy CFO, as Sonepar Group CFO as of January 1st, 2019. He will be reporting to Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.

He succeeds François Poncet, who retires after 20 years of great service at Sonepar.

A citizen of both Cyprus and Canada, Andros graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada) with a BBA in Accounting and Economics and is a Chartered Professional Accountant (Canada). He worked ten years at Price Waterhouse and then joined Hagemeyer NV. Following the Hagemeyer acquisition in 2008, he became  CFO for Sonepar Northern Europe in 2009, then Group Vice President M&A and Finance. More recently he was appointed Sonepar Deputy CFO.

“Andros has a wide international background, a solid domain expertise and a deep knowledge of Sonepar business model which will allow him to ensure continuity after François Poncet’s 20 years leadership, and support Sonepar to leverage the Digital age opportunities." said Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.

Appointment of Jérémie Profeta named Chief Digital Enterprise Officer

Appointment of Jérémie Profeta named Chief Digital Enterprise Officer


Sonepar announces the appointment of Jérémie Profeta as Chief Digital Enterprise Officer as of July 1, 2018. He will be reporting to Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO and will be a member of the Sonepar Executive Group (SEG).

Jérémie Profeta will structure and accelerate the Group’s transformation into a Digital Enterprise organization. He will lead Sonepar IT, Logistics, E-Commerce, Data Analytics, and relevant transversal Digital Projects

Jérémie graduated from Toulouse Business school and holds an Executive Business Leadership MBA from Insead. Prior to joining Sonepar, Jérémie held various positions in international companies such as A.T. Kearney and Royal Dutch Shell, in different countries such as France, USA and the UK. In 2010, he joined Cimpress as Corporate Strategy Senior Director including Marketing, Manufacturing, and Supply Chain and lately became VP for China, India, Brazil and Japan.

Sonepar Group is engaged in a challenging transformation agenda to become the world  leading B2B Electrical distributor serving customers with the most advance automated and digitalized processes in the industry. Jérémie Profeta will be key in our transformation into a Digital Enterprise organization, leveraging our unique business model.” said Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.

Appointment of Olivier Catherine named Group General Counsel

Appointment of Olivier Catherine named Group General Counsel


Sonepar announces the appointment of Olivier Catherine taking over Group General Counsel as of May 2nd 2018.  He will be reporting to Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO and will be a member of the Sonepar Executive Group (SEG).

Olivier will ensure, amongst others, the compliance of the Company and its subsidiaries and will secure Sonepar’s global Legal standards are defined, deployed and applied.

Olivier Catherine graduated from Panthéon Sorbonne University in Business & Commercial Laws, Ecole Normale Supérieure in Economics & Management (both in Paris, France), and holds a Master of Laws from the University of Virginia (USA). Prior to joining Sonepar, Olivier worked as a lawyer for Sullivan & Cromwell LLP (New York and Paris) and at Bureau Veritas where he held several positions and became the group’s Legal, Risks and Compliance SVP.

“Sonepar Group, operating in over 40 countries located on all continents, faces a very challenging business environment where laws and regulations are continuously becoming more complex. Olivier Catherine will be key in making sure Sonepar becomes “La Référence” regarding Compliance and Legal aspects.” said Philippe Delpech, Sonepar CEO.


Article from Mediapart & Sonepar Answer


Sonepar wishes to state that the allegations contained in the article are untrue and distorted, and that the Company‘s market practices are in compliance with competition law.

Following the publication on the news website Mediapart of an article titled “Secret Deal Among French Electrical Equipment Makers and Distributors,” Sonepar wishes to state that the allegations contained in the article are untrue and distorted, and that the Company‘s market practices are in compliance with competition law.

The Company also wishes to stress that integrity and ethics are central to what it demands of its employees, collectively and individually, and that for several years now the Company has had rules and structures in place that are designed to prevent the risk of fraud in particular and to take action against any demonstrated violations.

Furthermore, Sonepar has filed suit against unnamed parties, given that the abovementioned article includes excerpts from an internal, confidential document, whose disclosure to third parties can be equated with theft or a breach of trust prejudicial to Sonepar.

Philippe Delpech to become Sonepar's CEO

Philippe Delpech to become Sonepar's CEO


Philippe Delpech has been appointed CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Sonepar, effective September 4, 2017.

Philippe is joining the company after 17 years with UTC, where he was President, Otis Elevator business unit, and a member of UTC Executive Committee.

Philippe told Sonepar, “It’s a real honor for me to be joining Sonepar as Chief Executive Officer. I aim to leverage all my experience as I work with Sonepar’s executive leadership to devise and implement a long-term strategy that lives up to the family shareholders’ ambitions.”

Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette, Sonepar Chairman, added, “Philippe comes to us with an extensive, varied international career. He will be able to draw on our powerful entrepreneurial DNA, the passion of our associates and our unique business model combining local initiative, cross-cutting action and global ambition.”

In carrying out his new role, he will also benefit from the experience of François Poncet, CFO (Chief Financial Officer), and Dave Gabriel, COO (Chief Operating Officer).